Coventry Defers 'Buy Leyland Decision
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ON Tuesday night Coventry ; City Council agreed to defer a proposal by its transport committee' which would have meant breaking tradition and buying bus chassis from outside Coventry for the Corporation fleet. The transport committee had recommended_ acceptance of a Leyland tender for 22 Chassis and this recommendation (endorsed by a narrow majority of the finance committee) had drawn a strong protest from the joint shop stewards committee of Trans-, port Vehicles (Daintier) Ltd.
...On Monday night the Labour group controlling the City council received a deputation of shop stewards from the D.aimler works and. trade union officials Who protested at the proposal.
Daimler has previously supplied most of the chassis for the Corporation's fleet but the Leyland tender was the lowest of those submitted, ,being £69,196. for the 22 chassis (£65,790 after tyre rebate. etc.1, and bodies for these had been successfully tendered for by Willowbrook Ltd.
At the Monday meeting, Om:ern was expressed at the prospect of the Corporation's contract going outside the city, but some Labour group members considered that the difference in capital cost between the tenders, in favour of Leyland outweighed the higher Leyland running costs.
At the full emitted meeting on.Tue.! the transport committee chairman, Mr. H. Richards, said the committee was satisfied that its decision had been correct but in order to reassess certain aspects of the tender and to allay, any possible doubt, he asked to withdraw the recommendation. Another Would be subinitted in due course, he said.
The council agreed to this.
Coventry has-had a Leyland 'Atlantean double-decker On service trials.
Ner Penalties
rE new penalty system for driving liences. laid down in sections 5 to 9 of the Road Traffic Act, 1962, will come into force on May • 29, announced Mr.
• Matples on Wednesday,. Under the new system, six serious ciffences wry automatic disqualification for at least one year. .
There will also be 20 'offences for Which magistrates will have discretionary powers of disqnalification.
Also.. conviction three. times. in three' years years for any of the 26 offences will, other than in exceptional circumstances, result in automatic disqualification for at least sik months.
Exceptional circumstances may also lead to mitigation of the disqualification in respect of the six most serious offences.