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Why are we waiting?
Long lead times and lack of staff at Vosa stations are two of the problems CM readers have been telling us about as part of our 'Lose the Queues' campaign.
OUR LOSE the Queues campaign has hit a nerve:a stream of readers have beentelling us about problems hooking annual tests. Here's a selection of these comments — and keep them coming because we are passing your views (but not your names) to Vosa The more operators take part, the greater the chance of desperately needed improvement.
I lere are the specific issues CM readers are shouting about
1. Unacceptably long lead times for test appointments.
2. Lack of staff at test centres.
3. Lack of flexibility in test dates —not least the absence of weekend appointments.
4. Problems booking tests in advance. Dealers in particular find it hard to predict how many trucks they will need to put through; they say the system must offer operational flexibility.
Many dealers say they are passing test dates around in a bid to cope with the problem.
Readers' views "We used to get all our tests done on a Saturday but now we're having to take trucks off the road when they should be working to get the tests done. We're going to our dealer to get test dates because the dealer block-books them.The [Vasa] staff are still very good but tell me the computer does not allow flexibility and will
designate a specific time for a test which is not correct." Doncaster operator
"With regards to booking test dates here in Bieester, for years we've experienced long lead times for booking a test date for vehicles.The normal time here is approximately eight weeks—which could cripple a smaller business. It's time someone looked closer at this test station as people travel miles to use it, which leaves local business which have not pre-booked tests high and dry.Ronnie Verner, by e-mail
"We are a contract-hire company and over the past year have seen the standard of service offered by Vosa decline, The response from our local station at Weedon in Northamptonshire is poor. When trying to obtain test dates by phone, the call isn't answered. We've tried the national booking service, which is answered but the normal booking time is about six weeks.We recently had a vehicle fail a test on 22 March for a seat-belt, and were told the earliest available re-test is in May. This is not an acceptable time scale for what would be a visual test." Fleet engineer Major operator Northamptonshire "Vosa is going to put our company out of business with its new LGV test booking system.Vv'e run a trailer
repair company and carry out 3-4 MoTs a week, using our local test station in Yeading, West London. Last year we had no problems getting bookings within a week of asking over the phone. However, now if you can get through on the phone you are looking at six weeks most of the time and if you require a re-test you're stuffed.
"Last year re-tests could be arranged for the same day or at the most the following day. Now, with the test station only carrying out re-tests after 3pm, it is at least 10 working days. The problem is not with the test station staff; they are as fed up as we are. It comes from the top. Perhaps this is just another case of 'one of the boys' trying to make a name for himself and a couple of honours at New Year by saving a few quid — but at what cost to the over-burdened transport industry?"
Rob, by e-mail "What's going on at Vosa? Up to three months' wait for an LGV or PSV annual test... unable to book a re-test within 14 days... test stations not answering phones. Many customers are resorting to driving to stations to book tests. Because of the shambles testing is in, we have LGVs travelling up and down our roads all day long trying to get tested. This has got to be unacceptable.
Name withheld A VOSA spokeswoman says in reply i "If a customer is not offered an appointment within 10 working days of their requested date and it is an operational necessity that they has such an appointment, first of all they should make the booking clerk aware of this.
"Many callers are planning tests well in advance of the test expiry date and do not require an early appointment. To ensure thatthosecustomersthatdo plan ahead are not disadvantaged if their current test certificate has not expired by the time of test, the regulations allow the new certificate to be extended by up to one month.
"Customers should plan ahead if possible: if they cannot, they should highlight this when first contacting their local centre. If the station cannot offer a suitable appointment, cur staff will see if surrounding stations can accommodate them.
"Based on last year's figures, of those LGV customers that gave Vosa 8-12 weeks' notice, 95% obtained the date and Location requested, "There may be occasions when we cannot offer a suitable test date. If this occurs, customers should immediately raise this with the local management who may be able to make alternative suggestions."