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Fatal accident survivors need consideration too

3rd May 2012, Page 16
3rd May 2012
Page 16
Page 16, 3rd May 2012 — Fatal accident survivors need consideration too
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

IN REFERENCE to ‘The Cost of Life’ (CM 29 March), I read the article and understand and agree with all that is said until I come to the case history investigation.

I understand that a lorry driver involved in an accident is likely to be considered a suspect during the initial investigation. That goes without saying.

However, you quote detective chief inspector John Oldham saying: “The driver will be put in a white suit, he can’t contact his wife. He is a suspect until proven otherwise. He will be put under pressure and not given time to collect his thoughts. Justice comes first in my opinion.” Let me just say that, having gone through the white suit treatment at the hands of the accident investigator officer type when I was involved in a fatal accident, I think this situation is all a bloody disgrace.

The investigative officers expect you to comply with their requests for information and relive the event over and over again.

In a fatal accident the other party is dead. The pain, however, goes on for years for those left behind. Consideration for the survivors is paramount.

In my accident it was found to have been suicide by the other party.

Gordon Johnson