Motorbus World.
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Notices are to be placed on the Eastbourne motorbuses requesting smokers to occupy the back seats on the top decks.
Eastbourne has been raised to the dignity of a county borough, and the index letters " H.C." have been allocated to it.
By virtue of increased frequency of service and of extended trains, the Metropolitan Railway will shortly provide an increase of 31,000 seats a week on the Inner-circle route.
The Metropolitan Omnibus Co. Adopts Splashguards.
The Shrapnel Splashguard Co., Ltd., is proceeding to fit its specialities to the near-side wheels of each of the 25 motorbuses belonging to the Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Co., Ltd.
A "Traffic Accident."
Last Saturday a water main burst in the Edgware Road, and for a distance of several hundred yards the surface of the roadway was in a state of upheaval which effectually blocked-the traffic. The motor-omnibus services, as usual in difficulties of this kind, were maintained without interruption by means of a slight diversion of the route. The proposed tramway from Cricklewood to the Marble Arch, under similar circumstances, might have keen hors de combat for several days.
Quieter Than Ever.
A new L.G.O. motorbus route, known as No. 25, was inaugurated last Monday between Old Ford and Victoria. This replaces two old-established horse-bus routes, the " Royal Blues " and the " Old Fords." The nesv service is at first to he maintained by nine of the latest B-type silent vehicles: others will be added shortly.
L.G.O. Dalston.
What is claimed to be the largest individual garage dinner of the employees of the L.G.O. Co., took place, on Saturday evening last, at the Three Nuns Hotel, Aldgate, when the second annual gathering of the staff attached to the Shrubland Road depot of the company took place. Covers were laid for 150, and Mr. Harold Darby, the district superintendent, presided. An extensive musical programme was interspersed with speeches by Messrs. H. Darby, .T. G. Gabriel, L. W. Cromack and E. Brown. The chairman congratulated the staff upon the successful manner in which the depot had contrived to show such excellent results during the past twelvemonth. Mr. Gabriel, the honorary secretary of the dinner committee, hoped that the introduction of the first of the latest B type of chassis on the following Mon. day would mark the beginning of a new era of returned prosperity fcr the premier company. For Battery Vehicles.
At a recent meeting of the Maryle bone Borough Council, the Electri• Supply Committee presented the fol lowing report :—" Inquiries are. frequently being received for prices foi current to be used for electrical velii cies. We ask the Council to approvi the following arrangement, viz., t. minimum consumption of 100,000 unit: per annum, to be taken at Aybrool Street, Rathbone Place, or the Gene rating Station ; the rate to be L-cl. pel unit between the hours of 11 p.m. anC 6 am.; this price also to hold goo( for Saturday afternoons, Sundays am holidays; but no supply to be takei during the evening lighting peak ; oi other days, between 6 a.m. ant 11 p.m. the price to be id. per unit provided that no supply is taken duriN peak hours. The General Manager ha: the right to turn the current off al together in case of emergency. For t less quantity than 100,000 units pci annum, or for the delivery of cur rent in any other part of the Borougl than the stations named above, t higher price will be charged. We re commend that the tariff for curren1 for electrical vehicles be approved in set forth above." The recommends tion was agreed to, after it was men tioned that the inquiries referred it were in regard to motor omnibusel and other commercial-motor vehicles
Amongst recent orders for Dennis passenger vehicles, the sale of an 18 li.p. char-a-banes to the Malay States is to be noted.
Thomas Tilling, Ltd., has placed an extensive contract with the Continental Tyre and Rubber Co., for the maintenance of the tires on its motorbuses and mail vans. The Continental Tpattern tire will be used throughout.
Amongst the requests which Londoners continue to make for new or revised motorbus services, we note a demand for a route from the West End to Fenchurch Street Station and numerous inquiries for the HolbornLondon Bridge services which are now so meagre.
The Stoke Newington Borough Council has passed a resolution in which the attention of the Road Board is drawn to the fact that Metropolitan Borough Councils deserve special consideration in the allocation of monies derived from the taxation of motorbuses and motorcabs.
The Tow Rope.
In the King's Bench Division, before Mr. J ustice Bray, Mr. George R. Neilson has been awarded £500 damages, on account of injuries received by tripping over a tow-rope, by which a disabled motorbus was being taken back to garage. It was claimed that if a pole had been used for the purpose, instead of a wire rope, the plain
tiff would have seen the obstruction and the accident, in all probability, would not have happened.
Risca Wants Motors.
At the last meeting of the Risco (South Wales) District Council, a committee was appointed to consider the possibility of the establishment by the council of a motorbus service in the locality. It appears that the council is unanimous as to the advisability of such an undertaking, especially as this would seem to he the only available means of combating the inefficiency of the local railway service. Mr. T. Davis, one of the councillors, announced, at the meeting, that a company has already been formed with a capital of £10,000, and that thearticles of association had already been drawn up.