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DESIGNED for a variety of purposes, all the Sentinels shown are of the six-ton type The visitors' attention is attracted by the handsome finish, particularly that of the covered wagon constructed for the makers of HOVis bread and that for the Express Dairy Co.
Mechanical details are much as in the peat three years, with the exception of one or two minor items such as brake control, the increase in size of various water pipes, and the conversion of the dynamo drive from belt to. chain, thus ensuring reliability in all weathers and less trouble due to possible belt breakages. The engine is, of course, of the familiar undertype variety and the crankshaft embodies a differential; the final drive is by two roller chains.
Mounted on a special short ihassis is a tipping body for the Gas Light and Coke Co. This is painted green and only the lower part of each side is hinged, the upper portions being fixed and the tailboard, of course, is movable in one piece. On this exhibit and that of the Express Dairy Co. buffer bars are fitted in front of the driver's cab as a means of protection in case of accidental impact ; this also applies to J. Lyons and Co.'s vehicle.
Painted blue and picked out in white, even the wheels being so treated, is a milk churn carrying vehicle, which has stanchions and a fixed roof, but no sides, the milk cans being kept in place by means of chains coupling the upright pillars. The interior of the roof is painted in white.
Another interesting machine is the hydraulically operated tipping wagon destined for C. H. Abrahams. An impression of enormous size is conveyed by the Hovis vehicle, owing to the method of finish, the whole side being smartly painted and embellished with but few advertisement signs; those which are found have their value in creased by the conspicuous positions and pleasing appearance. The driver's cab is well screened from the weather, and interesting features are the two spring arms tipped with rubber pads to take the tailboard when it is lowered.
Blue is the predominating colour in a vehicle for .1. Lyons and Co., Ltd. This has a flat platform body and is the thirty-second machine of this make for this concern.
A feature of the Sentinel design is the shape of the upper portion of the front apron plate '• this lends to the Sentinel much of its distinctive appearance and also improves the driver's range of vision, as he can see more closely than is often the case what is immediately in front of his vehicle. A small point, but one worthy of note as indicating the attention to detail shown by the makers of the Sentinel wagons, is the fitting of rubber bands round the hub caps of the front wheels to give a firm grip for a man's foot when using the hub caps as steps ; these bands also, of course, prevent damage to the paint on" the cap, thus preserving the smart appearance which is of such importance to the average steam-wagon driver and to the fleet eneineer.
Boiler design on a steamer is an item of primary importance, and the SuperSentinel is well equipped in this connection, much attention having been devoted to the question when the vehicle was redesigned in 1923. The water tubes have an acute slope. This has been effected by pressing into the inner shell a number of " landings" spirally arranged, each tube end being expanded in the grooves thus formed. The inclination of the tubes arid the fact that they are arranged longitudinally to the stoking hole, encourage dirt to fall off the tubes instead of lodging upon them.
In addition to the braking energy which the engine can be made to develop there are two shoes in each rear-wheel brake drum, one operated by the driver's foot, the other by hand., Oil cannot find its way on to the drums, thus continuity of efficiency is ensured.
Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., Shrewsbury.