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'Special Relief' Plea for C and D Equipment

3rd November 1967
Page 33
Page 33, 3rd November 1967 — 'Special Relief' Plea for C and D Equipment
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INVESTMENT grants for the special equipment which had to be purchased by hauliers using Freightliners were called for by Mr. D. H. McVeigh, chairman of the transport division, Ross Group Ltd., at the opening of the Sheffield-Cardiff Freightliner service in Sheffield on Monday. He thought such things as skeletal trailers should qualify, and that c. and d. vehicles should be taxed as Special Types; he also called for tax relief on diesel fuel for them.

The whole McVeigh/Ross Garage transport organizations had been built up on cross-country traffic which in the past they had felt would be less vulnerable to railway competition, he said. In Freightliners the railways had now produced a competitor, remarked Mr. M6Veigh. A great deal of capital had been invested in this exercise —which sought to turn their business from

Launching Ross Group's Sheffield-Cardiff Freightliner service on Monday. Left to right: Mr. C. A. M. Peaty, BR divisional commercial manager; Mr. T. S. Rose. director, Ross Garages Ltd; Mr. J. R. Organ, Ross Sheffield depot manager; Mr. S. C. Webb, BR divisional manager; Mr. J. F. Goulden; and Mr. D. H. McVeigh, chairman of the Roes Group transport division. Giving a suitably regional flavour to this Yorkshire occasion were Cathryn end Anne Edwards, members of the Welsh Society In Sheffield.

long-distance road haulage to competitive short-distance road services, with Freightliners handling the trunking.

Eleven out of the 12 containers loaded on the Freightliner train to travel between the two "steel" cities were loaded with steel for Ross customers.

The company anticipates having sufficient traffic to fill the whole of the initial capacity of the Freightliner trains running daily from Sheffield and Cardiff. British Road Services will also be using this service.