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3rd November 1967
Page 56
Page 56, 3rd November 1967 — NEW EQUIPMENT
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and publications

Chassis washer

AN OLIVER DOUGLAS bus and chassis washing machine incorporating the first drive-over chassis wash unit of its type in this country is now in service at the Castleford depot of the West Riding Automobile Co. Ltd.

The new washer was designed and installed by Oliver Douglas and Co. in association with Mr. J. Green, chief engineer of West Riding. It is fitted at the depot entrance so that returning buses get a thorough all-round washing, together with a daily under-chassis spray before entering the depot.

The complete washing operation takes only 30sec. and begins with a wetting spray followed by a detergent wash. Rotating brushes follow the detergent application and the sequence is completed by a final rinse. An automatic timing switch allows correct positioning of the vehicle before the wash begins.

Extra-long bushes on the rotating brushes are aimed at giving extended life and the brushes are mounted on a fabricated structure which is self-adjusting to suit vehicle width. Hydraulic dampers eliminate bounce when the brushes move to a new position.

Rotating jets in the drive-over chassiswash unit cleanse the underside of the vehicle and the use of continually clean water ensures that there is no re-circulation of dirt particles to damage working parts.

Made by: Oliver Douglas and Co. Ltd., Westfield Works, Broad Lane, Leeds, 13.

All-steel hand truck

AN ALL-STEEL hand truck with a capacity of 1501b has been, introduced by the Challenger division of W. C. Youngman Ltd. Called the Little Samson, the truck is of all-welded construction and features a 6in. tapered shoe and 12in. back support formed from a single section of 14 s.w.g. mild steel with reinforcing tbs.

The framework is of lin. steel tube and two 7in. by 1.75in. solid-rubber-tyred wheels are mounted on nylon bearings. Weight is 19.751b, height is 39in. and overall width 17in.

Made by: W. C. Youngman Ltd., Challenger Division, Manor Royal, Crawley, Sussex. Price: £4 17s 6d.

French laminate

POLREY melamine-laminated-plastic sheet, a product of Produits Chimiques et Celluloses Rey of Paris -is now available in the UK through the Nevin Long group.

Layers of specially processed papers impregnated with synthetic plastics resins are incorporated in Pokey and it has in its core a natural resin—Vephene—which provides more flexibility and easier cutting than other laminates.

A range of patterns and colours including woodgrains, marbles and other designs in matt or glossy finish is available and the material is said to be resistant to wear, burns, stains, moisture, water and ordinary chemical solvents.

Standard size panels of 10ft by 4ft are made, thickness being 1.3mm (0.051in.). Marketed by: Nevill Long Group, North Hyde Wharf, Southall, Middx.

Emergency light/power

THE Dawson-Kieth Ltd. Speedlite mobile floodlighting and power unit has an hydraulically operated telescopic mast and has been specially designed to provide floodlighting and power under emergency conditions.

The unit can be put into operation within 90sec and without the use of guy ropes.. It is claimed that it can withstand a 70 mph gale.

The mast can be operated at any height up to 15ft and at any angle up to 90deg making it possible for floodlighting to be given in otherwise inaccessible places.

Power is provided by a single-cylinder air-cooled Petter diesel engine, flangecoupled to a self-regulating dual-voltage alternator giving 2 kVA, 230/115V singlephase. Self-charging battery equipment is provided with power-output sockets to give either 220 or 110V for power tools. Two 12V batteries are provided for starting the engine and also power for a hand lamp to give light for erection and dismantling. Made by: Dawson-Kieth Ltd., Hillview Works, Hillview Road, Sutton, Surrey. Price: £496 (ex works).