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F. W. Davies
• How fortunate that Trailmobile of Of spurned the advice of one of their represent tives back in 1954 when he enthusiastica reported that there was fantastic potential to semi-trailer manufacturer in Britain. Had th taken the advice we might never have heard Fred W. Davies and the York Trailer Compa —of which he's chairman and m.d.
Following his vain attempt to get Tre mobile to Britain Fred Davies plunged all had into the establishment of York The V( story is a success story and it is undoubtec due to the man who has masterminded it the past 16 years.
Fred Davies has attracted many adjectiv like rough, tough and ruthless: it would more fitting if he were described as a man wi one of the sharpest business brains in Briti industry today. He always appears to be o step ahead of the game, already he knows t manufacturing costs of his Continental col
petitors, already he knows just how much the European market York is going to cap% and when.
It must be said that Fred Davies does r suffer fools gladly: he is a man who mak sound decisions rapidly and expects the sar from others. Bureaucracy and slow-movii Government departments annoy him in t extreme.
When things go wrong he does not carp be alters them. For example, when he fou that he was having to reject too much u seasoned British timber he bought a lumb company in Canada and this month his son J is off to manage it.
Fred Davies has a remarkable industr relations record, having experienced only oi strike in 16 years, and that was because I objected to an apprentice with long It eating in the staff cafeteria! He estimates th
the publicity this attracted was worth a milli, dollars. The apprentice is still there and s with his long hair.
In his social life, as in his business HI Fred Davies is a democrat. When he goes see Leicester City play he wears a cloth ca He eats in the staff canteen and says qu1 unashamedly that he's in business to ma money. He was perhaps a little shamefac when he confessed that his real hobby wal pig farm in Canada. Its a non-via project", he almost whispered.