Compensation Delay : Court Case
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FNELA.Y by the .British • Transport Li Commission in payipg compensa tion to a group haulage companies . resulted in the Commissioners of Inland Revenue presenting petitions for their "conimulsork 'winding-up. The concerns were Parrotts• (Provincial Transport). . Ltd., Parrotts (Removals), Ltd., and Parrotts Haulage, Ltd., Eastgate, Louth, Lincbln. In the Chancery Division, on Monday, Mr. -Justice Vaisey dismissed the petitions by consent.
• Mr. Maurice Berkeley, for the CornmissiOners, said that the petitions were based on balances of judgment debts of £1,022, £1,106 and £1,338 owed by thethree companies respectively. The debts and costs had now been settled and he asked that the petitions be dismissed.. -Mr. C. R. D. Riehtnotint, for the companies, said that Abe' petitions had been advertised in the Grimsby area, stating, in effect, that the companies were insolvent.
"Mr. Parrott's name is attached to this group of companies and, on his behalf, I wish to make it quite cletthat these companies. are not insolvent:
The BritishCommission are indebted to them in the sum of £41,000, and it is by reason of that the companies have been unableto pay these debts.
"That has been the position since 1949. Mr. Parrott has found the Money personally in order: to save his good name," added counsel.
Mr. Justice Vaisey: " I r hope that what •has beensaid willreach the ears of those for whoni it is intended."
PrHE only way to plan the future of only was to bring non-political . minds to bear on the problems involved, said Mr. C. -E. Jordan, at the first' ripen ,theeting to be held by the new Potteries -subarea of the Traders ,Road Trans" port Association, in ',Hanley, on Monday: Much could be done-by the railways to improve .. -efficiency and :pi-emote economic stability, he added.
• • CoL Arthur Jerrett, national presi
• dent; Said that it was a matter of sat isfaction . that the Government had declared its support for freeenterprise, and it was inconceivable that the Trans-. port Bill now being drafted could contain-restrictions on C-licence operators The fact remained, however, that the.,British Transport Commission was
• in being, and there were those who saw the increase in the number of traders' vehicles as a threat to the nationalized services: The time might come when the
Government of the. day would attempt to restrict C-licensees in the interests of the railways. For this reason alone, more attention, should be paid to road tranSport matters at director level.
Col. Gilbert Howson, chairman of the meeting, said, as a manufacturer, that he was convinced that the number of traders' vehicles would not decline.