It's a new dawn for Tip-ex The development of the
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Harrogate tipper show is being led by Richard Bennett Words: Justin Stanton / Images: Jonathan Moore TIP-EX 2012WAS a significant moment in the history of tipper shows in Harrogate: upon completion of the show, Road Transport Media (the publisher of CM) purchased the rights to the event.
Almost immediately, Richard Bennett set to work, his task being to realise Road Transport Media's and Tip-ex's long-term supporters' ambitions for the show to grow.
He takes a step back and highlights the reasons for the acquisition: "Face-toface events are an important part of the future plans at Road Transport Media — they bring a real value to the industry. Events allow us to have a different sort of relationship with the industry than we do via our magazines and websites: we get much closer to the industry.
"It's also in response to the market: it wants events; you can only do so much via magazines and websites — at some point you've got to meet people."
So what can visitors expect from this year's Tip-ex? "Hopefully, everything that they've had in the past, but we're also introducing some new things," Bennett responds. "One of the things we were keen to do once we'd bought Tip-ex was to go and see as many exhibitors as possible, both existing and potential and quiz them on what they thought would make it a better show, what would improve the footfall, etc."
In meeting so many existing and potential new exhibitors, Bennett reckons he has clocked up 10,000 miles and seen about 120 businesses.
"The things that we've added have come about via consultation with the industry, which I've been doing for the past year. We're lucky that Tip-ex has an exhibitor panel — a steering committee, if you like, comprising Wilcox, SDC, Vishay PM Onboard, Weightlifter, Volvo, Hyva and Mercedes-Benz Trailer Axle Systems — and they were keen to give their feedback.
Widening the scope "One of the key messages that came back was that the show needs to appeal to all industries — we've tried to reach out via various trade associations, so the show's scope is widened."
The key associations helping with broadening the show's reach are the National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC), the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC), and the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM).
The NFDC will be staging seminars and will have a static display; the AIC will be promoting its safe on-farm deliveries and collections initiative via some seminars; and the CIWM Business Club will run some seminars and a municipal vehicle display.
Bennett adds: "27% of the people that we asked said they wanted an auction at the show, so Protruck will be running the Tip-ex 300 auction in Harrogate [on the Thursday morning, a few hours before the show starts]. We hope the auction will become an annual event."
Exhibitors and visitors alike also delivered some other common feedback: they said there are certain companies they would expect to be at the show who weren't in 2012. Bennett notes: "We've done our absolute best to get those exhibitors back. So this year, as well as MAN represented by Steadplan, Daf represented by Chatfields, and Hino represented by Pelican, we have two truck manufacturers exhibiting (Mercedes-Benz — with the Arocs — and Volvo) in their own rights.We've also got the likes of Fruehauf, Kel-Berg, Montracon, and Schmitz Cargobull."
Another key difference to note for 2013 is a change to the timings of the event. "The other main bit of feedback was about the timing," Bennett reveals. "The exhibitors didn't want it to be such a weekend show, so we now open at 1pm on the Thursday after the Protruck auction and the CIWM seminar. The show then runs through Friday and closes at 4pm on Saturday."
A unique setting One thing that hasn't changed and doesn't need improving is the location. Bennett says: "One of the reasons the show has always been successful is its very location: Harrogate, the Bath of the North — a unique setting.
"Visitors like to make a weekend of it, and with everything that we've added for 2013, they will have more reasons than ever to spend more than one day at Tip-ex."
Last year's event coincided with what turned out to be the only nice weekend of the summer that never was — the entire country seemed bathed in sunshine — so it's no surprise that attendance was not as impressive as the year before.
"We're hoping that all the areas of interest that we've added to the show will increase attendance numbers," he reveals. "But the quality matters too."
With an eye on the future, Bennett concludes: "Obviously, if we deliver a successful 2013 show, we would expect the 2014 edition to be bigger and better still." • • Tip-ex 2013 is being held between 30 May and 1 June. For more information, go to • IKsr4rIeIIIJIII" A well-established attraction of Tip-ex is the gala dinner. For 2013, the dinner will move to the Friday night at the Majestic rather than the traditional Saturday night.
"Last year, we had about 170 people at the Majestic," Bennett said. "[This year] we expect to have around 300 attending."
And the gala dinner isn't just a gala dinner: as well as the three-course meal, comedian, charity casino (sponsored by Harsh), and Beatles tribute band, the Backbeats, the evening will play host to the Tip-ex awards.
There are five categories: • Innovation of the Year, sponsored by Bridgestone • Volvo Tipper of the Year • NFDC Safety Award • Personality of the Year, sponsored by Hyva • Tipper Haulier of the Year, sponsored by MAN WHAT'S HAPPENING 30 May 9am: Tip-ex 300 auction, organised by Protruck Auctions at the Yorkshire Showground 9am: CIWM Business Club seminars at the Majestic Hotel 1 pm-5pm: Tip-ex 2013 at the Harrogate International Centre 31 May 9am-5pm: Tip-ex 2013 1 1 am and 2pm: A IC seminars in Hall C 1 pm-5pm: NFDC seminars at the Majestic Hotel 7.30pm-12.30am: Tip-ex Gala Dinner and Awards at the Majestic Hotel 1 June 9.30am-4pm: Tip-ex 2013