News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
The 1914 London Parade.
The contributions to the General and Special Funds of the 1911 C.M.U.A. Parade in London now exceed £340. Further support is anticipated in all classes, and it is probable that the first list of contributions will be published early next month.
Keeping Calcutta Clean.
Mr. W. B., chief engineer of the Calcutta Corporation, is on the point of ealliog for tenders for motor wagons and trailers, following the presentation of a recent report by him on the subject., which report is largely based upon the experience of Westminster.
Topical Subjects.
Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical subjects: (1) " The Local Government Board and the Need for Arterial Roads" ; (2) "Buried Gas Mains and Other Pipes of the Underwheel World " (3) " The Motor Lorry on the Footpath " ; (4) " The Use of Motors in Times of National Emergency" ; (3) "Exceptional Busdriving " ; and (6) " The Effect of the Motorvan on Trade Stocks."
Edison Battery Claims.
On Thursday of last week the fine new premises of Edison Accumulators, Ltd., were officially opened, and a range of automobiles, equipned with the latest version of the Edison steel battery, was on show. These were mostly electrical runabouts, but there was also an example of the five-ton electric battery truck chassis.
In the .course of an inaugural luncheon, Lord Montagu and others spoke hopefully of the future of the electric delivery van and heavy lorry, if and when ample supplies of current all over the country become obtainable at id. a unit.. Comparisons at that figure with petrol at 2.1d. a pint were, how
ever, not strictly informative. A number of central-station engineers were present and several made speeches, but they did not appear to be very hopeful of the possibility of reducing the cost of current. to such a figure. The Electrical Engineer for Marylebone was strongly of opinion that the adoption of electrical automobiles on a largo scale would benefit the public health. He neglected, however, to point out exactly how the petrol vehicle had specifically saidangered it. REMINDERS.
Sth to 15th 1 Smithfield Cattle Show at Agricul Dee. J tural Hall, Islington.
955 to 17th I Commercial Motor Show, at Jan., 1914. I Manchester.
23rd to 31st 1914. Scottish Motor Show. Jan.,
A Madrid Competition.
The Spanish War Office intends to organize an international motorlorry competition next June, with the object of acquiring a further 40 motor vehicles. A useful load of fonr tons and a motor developing 40-50 h.p. are required. A route of some 125 miles, including stiff hills, will be adopted for the test.
More Motor Mails.
The Surveyor, G.P.O., Leicester, wishes to receive on or before the 11th inst., tenders for the conveyance of mails between Derby and Doveridge, and in. the reverse direction. The maximum load will be 8 cwt. of mails, and the travelling speed must be not less than 13 m.p.h. The contract will be for three years, and the total weekly distance to be travelled is 1434 miles.
Arterial Roads.
We have not space to report, nor even to summarize, all the speeches that were made at the conference of Greater London authorities, last week, at Caxton Hall. In continuatiori of our report of last week, we now give a synopsis of the concluding remarks of Mr. John Burns, the 'President of the L.G.B.
Mr. Burns remarked that matters could not go on much longer as they were, with the Road Board, the Local Government Board, and the Traffic Branch of the Board of Trade, playing the game of "Box and Cox." The outcome of that conference would be the holding of numerous local conferences. He was also prepared to urge those local authorities in Greater London who had not already prepared townplanning schemes to do so. Existing central authorities should also get together more closely than hitherto. The time might have arlived when the Prime Minister would see that town-planning and roadwork, and dealing with subsidies, whether for surfacing or widening or any other purpose, could he better undertaken by the Department which now sanctioned the loans, dealt with roads, and held local inquiries for loans, and so forth, than by any other. Too much space was utilized at road junetions by underground approaches, lavatories, sandboxes, and other obstructions which interfered with traffic, and which might well be placed elsewhere. He would communicate with the Prime Minister in regard to the proceedings of the conference.
Motors on Footpaths.
At the Turton County Court, on the 25th ult., Judge Hogg dealt with an action., brought by the Turton U.D,C., against Lobers, Ltd., of Damen. Mr. F. W. Brockba.nk was counsel for the plaintiff council, and Mr. F C. Hindle counsel for the defendant owner.
Counsel for the plaintiff explained that the Turton Council was the highway authority for the district, which included Blackburn Road, Egerton. This road, in June last, was under repair, and 15 ft. of its width at one point was 'closed to traffic the other 16 ft. being open. One Of the defendant company's motors came along the road, from the direction of Bolton, travelling at about 10 m.p.h., with a high load of skips which had tilted on one side. It was observed to cross the kerb and go on to the footpath, which it damaged ; this wa.s probably done to keep the load in balance. It had been necessary as a. consequence to repair the flags and kerbs, and En damages was claimed.
In reply to counsel for the defendant company, the Clerk of Works to the Turton Council admitted that there had been accidents and broken axles on the road, but he still considered it a good one, although they had had complaints that the road was in a bad state of repair.
The judge overruled a technical objection against the right of the Tinton Council to sue, which was submitted on the ground that the road was a main road, and that it was really vested in the County Council.
It was then submitted for the defence that the state of the road, partly due to deep excavations and partly due to heaps of stones, forced -the wagon into the gulley at the side, When a highway was out of repair, to such an extent as to he dangerous or incommodious, a person was entitled to go to-day, even as in the old days, into a. field at the side of the road, and in this ease on to the footpath. The local authority had been guilty of negligence in allowing the main road to fail into so bad a state of repair.
Judgment was given for the defendant company, with costs, and we comment elsewhere (page 302) on this finding. New Registrations.
The Coalville Bus and Garage Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 25000 in 21 shares, and with its office at Marlborough Square, Coalville.
Super Cabs, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 22000 in 21 shares (500 17 per cent. cumulative preference), and with its office at 36, Gracechurch Street, E. C.
New Private Bills.
The following notices (many of which have been already mentioned by us in passing) have been given of Private Bills to be considered in the 1914 session of Parliament :— B;rkenhcad Corpora t ion. —Power to run motor omnibuses. Parliamentary agents, Sherwood and Co., 22. Abingdon Street, Westminster, S. W.
Cleekheaton. f.T.D.C.Provision and use of motorbuses within and beyond the district. Parliamentary agents, Torr, Durnford and Co., 2, Millba-nk House, Westminster, Bolton Corporat ion—Powers to run motorbuses, test taximeters,
and license public vehicles. Parliamentary agents, Dyson and Co., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.
Preston Co rpam i ion .—Powers to provide motor omnibuses. Parliamentary agents, Sherwood and Co., 22, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W.
Shenield Corporation. To obtain further powers as to motorbuses. Parliamentary agents, Sherwood and Co., 22, Abingdon Street, Westminster.
Poole, Sandbanks a nd 1J Vest bourne Rilirs Tract-ion--Power to work trolley vehicles in Poole. Parliamentary agents, Wyatt and Co., St. Stephen's House, Victoria Embankment, Westminster, S.W.
it a n chester Corporat ion.-Powers to run motorbuses within arid without the city. Parliamentary agents, Sharpe, Pritchard and Co., 9. Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W.
St. Anne's-on-the-Seaimproveme-nt. —Power to run motor omnibuses. Parliamentary agents, Baker and Son, 35. Parliament Street, Wes tar n s ter , S.W.
Oxford and District Tramways. —Power to Oxford Corporation and the City of Oxford Electric Tramways, Ltd., to enter into agreements in regard to the sale, purchase and removal of existing tramways, and the provision and working by the company of a motorbus service within the city. Parliamentary agents, Lees and Co., Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W.
Skerine,qes. C.D.() .—Power to run motorbuses. Parliamentary agents, Baker and Sons, 35, Parliament Street, Westminster, S.W.
cS Ioric C or Poration. —Powers to run trolley vehicles and for application to Board of Trade for an extension of powers to run motorbuses. Parliamentary agents, Sharpe, Pritchard and Co., 9, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W.
Treshm super Mare Power to restrict the traffic using Marine Drive and certain other t horoughfares. Parliamentary agents, Dyson and Co., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.
Leeds Corporation.—Powers to run trolley vehicles and motorbuses. Parliamentary agents, Sharpe, Pritchard and Co., 9, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W.
Yet/Tort Mon.) C orporation.— Power to run motorbuses. Parliamentary agents, Rees and Freres, 5, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.
r h a in Corporation. —Power to provide motorbuses within the city. Parliamentary agents, Sharpe, Pritchard and Co., 9, Bridge Street, Westmineter, S.W.
iddlesbilIllgh Corporation. Power to regulate and control motor hackney carriages. Parliamentary agents, Tore, Durnford and Co., 2, Milbank House, Westminster, S.W.
alsall Corporation.--Powers to run trolley vehicles and motorbuses within and outside the borough. Parliamentary agents, Sharpe, Pritchard and Co., 9, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W.
_Tor/rich Electric Tramways.— Power to provide and work omnibuses and vans. Parliamentary agent, John Kennedy, 25, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W.
Reading Corporation. — Powers to provide trolley vehicles and omnibuses. Parliamentary agents, Sharpe, Pritchard and Co., 9, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W.
Bo urnemou th District Wet illess Traction.—Power to work trolley vehicles. Parliamentary agents, Baker and Sons, 35, Parliament Street, Westminster. S.W.
rrea-We-on-T yne Corporation. —Powers to provide buses in the Longb enton U r b a.n District. Parliamentary agents, Dyson and Co., Caxiem House, Westminster, S.W.
Sorth-Bostern y. --Powers to use trackless trolley system. Parliamentary agents, Sherwood and Co., 2. Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W.
e.rma.ny imported £82,550 wo th of"foreign " commercial vehicles, chiefly from Switzerland, during the nitte months ended the 30th September last.
The address of Messrs. W. H. Dorman and Co. is 3, St.. Bride's House, Salisbury Square, _LC., and not 83, as inadvertently mentioned in the adrertisement pages of our issue of the 20th ult.
The parcelcar marmfactured by the Premier Motor Co., Ltd., Aston Road, Birmingham, is known as the Motoretto and should not be described as the Premier parcelcar, a confusion of title which occasionally does occur.
The Austin Co. inadvertently, in a recent business announcement, stated that the price of its threeton lorry chassis was £345. This was obviously an error, and the company would like readers to note that the correct price is, of course, Tt 5-15.
In a Belsize business announcement in our last issue, the price of the combined pleasure and commercial car was omitted ; for the chassis with van body complete, as shown in the illustration, it should have been stated at £220; as a pleasure car -,t27t—that is for the chassis with the two bodies. A supply of Simplex rubber tires has been ordered by the InterTransport Co., Ltd., for its Ftve-ton " original Bernas."
We observe that the proposal to use canals as motor roads is henig again ventilated in the Liverpool papers. We have drawn attention to the fact that it. was similarly -out forward in December, 1893.
Smithfield Club Show.
Appended is a list of the exhibitors at the forthcoming Sinith6eld Show who will be staging machines which are likely to prove of interest to our readers. We would draw particular attention to the two most important ne.wconters, viz., the Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co. and F. W. Moellenkm-up and Co.. who will exhibit the Stock motor plough. The full list is as follows : William Allehin, Ltd. ; Aveling and Porter, Ltd. ; Bradford Engineering Co. ; Chas. Burrell and Sons, Ltd. ; Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd. ; Earl:ens, Ltd. ; Wm. Foster and Co., Ltd. ; John Fowler and Co., Ltd. ; Richard Garrett and Sons ; Ivel Agricultural Motors, Ltd. ; Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co. ; Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd. ; F. W. Hoelienkamp and Co. ; Petters, Ltd. ; Ransomes, Sims and jefferies, Ltd. ; Saunderson and Mills, Ltd, ; Wm. Tasker and Sons, Ltd. ; Wallis and Steevens, Ltd. : Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co.
Wants Charge of a Fleet.
We have before us particulars of the career of a properly qualified mechanicat engineer, whom we shad be pleased to recommend for any position, such as running superintendent for a feet of buses or vans. His experience has been etctensivc.: in respect. of this class of work, and his testimonials and references are excellent ; he has unique knowledge of Commerear maintenance. We shall be happy to send his name and address to anyone who is in need of such assistance ; letters should be addressed " Scotsman," ca,re of the Editor of this journal.
Accumulator Propulsion.
The lA-llectrie. Vehicle Committee of the Incorporated Municipal Electrical .Associatiim is making good progress with its scheme for the popularizing of this class of vehicle, and for the improvement and simplification el charging facilities, Apart. from power-producing representatives, we observe that the special committee has on it Mr. E. S. Jacob, of the Tudor Accumulator Co., 'Mr. W. S. Naylor, of the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Mr. J. F. Monnot, of ArrOI-Johnston, Ltd., Mr. R. B. Mosszvn, of Lloyd Electric Cars, Hr. W. H. L. Watson. of Edison Accumulators, Ltd., and Mr. Conway Jenkins, of the F.R.A.M. Cc.