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A Successful Event in which there was Keen Competition in the Classes Set Aside for Petrol Vehicles.
A L.THOUG-1--1 there wasa thinning tout in the entries for the second annual parade (held on November 24th), organized by the Preston Area Committee of the Commercial Motor T.Jers Association, there were a few very keen competitions, especially in the petrol vehicle classes. Petrol-driven vehicles were in a substantial majority, and it was noteworthy that, apart from the entries of one hrm, H. Viney and Co., Ltd., haulage contractors were rather poorly represented. The number of vehicles actually on parado was close on 60, some of which competed in more than one class, bringing the total number of entries up to about 80. An analysis of the vehicles on parade reveals the fact that about 45 percent. were Leylands and, roughly, 25'per cent. Fords. The details, so far as the number of vehicles is concerned, are as follow :—Leyland 25, Ford 14, Liberty 5, Vulcan 4, Atkin. ant 2, 'l'hornvcroft2, Longhorn 1, Fiat 1, _ Dennis 1, Sentinel 1, .Napier 1, and Guy 1. The Lancashire Comity, Council entered three vehicles for parade only, and. these comprised Leyland end-tippers used for heavy haulage work, H. Viney and Co., Ltd., dill not enter so man, units as was the case last year, their tofal being about 15 vehicles, eight Of them being Leyland steamers, NeverthelesS, they were sucoessful in securing six first prizes, two second prizes and three third prizes, in addition to the Dewhurst silver cup presented by George and R. Dewhurst, Ltd., to be held for 12 months, for the best fleet of two steam vehicles of any make. _Messrs. Viney thus retain the trophy, which they won 3ast year. Whittle' Springs Brewery, Ltd., whe were notable prize:winners nt the petrol classes last year, again vindicated their traditions, and in addition to taking the premier /14101.1rS in the single petrol
vehicle classes, 1919 and 1922, also had the felicity of being presented with the Viney silver cup for the best two petrol vehicles of any make, and the ,Leyland cup presented by Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the best Leyland vehicle on parade (excluding the winners of the Dewhurst or Viney eups). The fourth challenge cup, presented by Zlie E. Bradshaw, and to be held for 12 months by the owner of the best Ford vehicle on parade, was awarded to H. Viney and Co., Ltd. The Mayor of Preston, after the judging had been completed, handed over the . much-coveted trophies to the successful drivers. He complimented them on the splendid appearance of their vehicles, and was thanked in return.
The judges were F. G. Bristow, M.Inst.T.,Maj.-Gen. S. S. Long, C.B., Col. B. Fairclough, C.M.G., D.S.O., Messrs. J. E. Mallalieu, A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.T., Jas. Leavesley, D. Morgan, W. B. Livesey, H. W. Roberts, A.M.I.Mech.E, A.M.I.Auto.E., R. W. G. Barnett, G. J. Gibbs, M.T.M.E., A,M.I.E.E., John T. Lawton, Minst.T., Leo Swain, Geoffrey Fairrie, N. Barker, F. C. Fahy, A. J. Miles, W. J. Cornea.
The , parade officials were :-Chief marshal, Mr. J. P .K. .Watson (Chief Constable of Preston) ; assistant marshal, Mr. A. H. Cousins; stewards, Messrs. Rd. Houghton, C. Le M. Gosselin, E. Bradshaw, D. Brindle, Jos. Crombleholme, .J.P.' T. H. Jones, F. K. Kirkham, J. li."Martin, Chris Miller, H. W. Royle, A.M.I.A.E., and L. H. Fair-.
dough, Adlington; secretary, Mr. Walter Atkinson, F.C.A.
The list of prize-winners is as follow : Dewhurst Silver Cup, to be held for 12 months by the owners of the best fleet of two steam vehicles of any make.-H. Viney and Co., Ltd. Viney Silver Cup, to be held for 12 months by the owners of the best fleet of two petrol vehicles of any make.Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd. Leyland Silver Cup, to be held for 12 months by the owner of the best Leyland vehicle (steam or petrol) on parade (excluding vehicles winning the Dewhurst or Viney Cups).-Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd.
Bradshaw Silver Cup, to be held for 12 months by the owner of the best Ford vehicle on parade.-Viney and Co., Ltd. Steam Vehicle Fleets. 1, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (two Leylands) ' • 2, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (two Leylands); 3, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (two Leylands).
Petrol Vehicle FIeets.-1, Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd. (two Le:Fiends); 2, Matthew Brown and Co., Ltd. (two Leylands) ,• 3, Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. (two Libertys). Single Steam Vehicles, 1916.-1, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (Leyland); 2, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (Leyland); 3, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (Leyland),
Haulage Contractors' :Classes.. Single Steam Vehicles, 1919.-1T. Viney and Co., Ltd. (Leyland).
Single Steam Vehicles, 1922.-1, H. Viuey and Co., Ltd. (Leyland). Single Petrol Vehicles, 1916.-1, F. Kirkham (Leyland); 2, T. H. Jones (Leyland). Single Petrol 'Vehicles, 1919.-1, Embee Motors, Ltd. (I,evland). Single Petrol Vehicles, 1922.-H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (Ford); 2, C. Miller (Leyland); 3, Preston Bros. (Ford).
Classes for Other than Haulage Contractors.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1916.-1, Matthew Brown and Co., Ltd. (Sentinel).
Single Steam Vehicles, 1922.-1, J, H. Martin (Atkinson). Single Petrol Vehicles, 1916.-1, Ellis 'Wilkinson (Larigharn; 2, F. W. Atkinson (Napier,. Single Petrol Vehicles, 1919.-1, Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd. (Leyland); 2, Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd. / (Leyland); 3, Whitwell Mark and Co., Ltd. (Thornyeroft). Single Petrol Vehicles, 1922.-1, Whfittle Springs Brewery, Ltd. (Leyland); 2, Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. (Liberty).
• Passenger-carrying Vehicles, 1022.1, T. H. Jones (Leyland); 2, Embee
Motors, Ltd_ (Leyland). Vehicle Carrying Best Advertisement. -1, Anglo-American Oil Co.; Ltd. (Liberty); 2, W. S. . Low, Ltd. (Leyland); 3, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (Ley land).
Ford Vehicles.-1. H. Viney andCo., Ltd. • 2, Preston Bros.; 3, W. Mears and Co., Ltd. .