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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties Of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crazier.
Exhibits at the Cattle Show.
The annual Smithfield Show of fat cattle and machinery and agricultural implements opens at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London, N.1, on Monday, December 10th, and will remain open until the following Friday. The exhibits which will interest persons ens gaged in road transport are as follow: —William Allchin, Ltd.,Steam wagon with tipping body ; Associated Manufacturers Co. (London), Ltd, farm tractors; Aveling and -Porter,'" Ltd., tractors; --Blackstone and -Co:, Ltd., petrol. engines; Ches. Burrell and Sons, Ltd.,' traction engine ; Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd, engines"; Fairbanks, Morse and Co., Ltd., tractor; Peden's, Ltd., steam wagon ; William ,Foster and Co.; Ltd., steam tractor; John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., engine for -cable ploughing having a Diesel motor ; Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., steam wagon and steam tractor ; J. and H. McLaren, Ltd. Diesel oil tractor ; Marshall, Sons and Co.; Ltd.; oil. engines ; Martin's Cultivator Co., Ltd.; tractor; Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., a light locomotive.
Sir John E. Thornycroft Leaves for the Cape.
Sir John E. Thornycroft. R.B.E., the managing director of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., left a few days ago for a voyage to the Cape, and Ile will be away about two Months. Sir John is to take the opportunity for studying first-hand the conditions under which the motorbuses in the service of the South AfricanState Railways are operated. As many of our readers will know, this organization has developed a network of road services instead of establishing branch. lines aS feeders to the main railway system. The services —about 140 in number—cover distances up to 150 miles and, in cases where rough country has to be crossed, six-wheeled .vehicles are often -employed.
According to The T imes Sir John is to be invited to join' the board of directors of the Southern Railway Co. so soon as a vacaney 'occurs through the retirement of one of the senior directors.
Scammell Lorries Progress. _ The annual general meeting of Scrimmell Lorries, Ltd., was held a few days ago, when Mr. P. M. Watts, the chairman of the company, presided.' After dealing with the accounts for the past year (which were reviewed in a summary of the company's trading. appearing in our issue dated November 13th) the chairman dealt with various phases of the company's activities and, in particular, to its new type of rigid six-wheeler. He said that the hopeful anticipation expressed as to the success of this model at the previous meeting was now in the process of being realized He also dealt with the success of the company's eight-wheeler. Dealing with the future prospects of the company, he stated that orders completed and in hand for the current financial year are in excess, both in number and value, of those -for the corresponding period of last year.
B20 order for 25 new buses which are to be used to meet the growing competition of private enterprise and the wishes of the public, which prefers such vehicles to trains. It is said that 15 of the vehicles will be 32-seaters and the others 50seater double-deckers with covered tops.
Amendments to W.D. Specification No. 30.
We are informed by the Inspection Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, London, S.E., that W.D. Specification No. 30 has been amended, and the number advanced to 30A.
In the appendix A, page 13, General Note, delete the' first four lines and substitute :-1 (i) Ball and roller bearings should be limited as far as possible to . the sizes mentioned' in B.E.S.A. Specification No. 292 of 1927—Dimensions of Ball 'Bearings and Parallel Roller Bearings, Commer Car Improvement.
At the annual meeting of Humber, Ltd., held in Coveatry -last week, the chairman stated that the turnover of Commer Cars,Ltd (Humber, Ltd:, being the proprietor of the business of Commer Cars, Ltd.), was, considerably in excess of that ' of the' previous year, and the board felt convinced that there would be a steady increase. The year's trading had not shown ftprofit, but the newly designed experimental models displayed at the 1927 Commercial Motor Exhibition had received an-encouraging reception, and as .a result considerable sums had been expended to "put the models into production on a satisfactory baste. An interesting point in the chairman's statement was that orders from Australia for Glimmer 'Cars had recently beeu received, and the company was thus able' to' re-open the market which had been lostunder -previous conditions:
Next Year's Shows.
• It is now 'officially announced that next year's Commercial Motor Exhibi. tion willbe held at Olympia from November 7th to November 16th. The private-car Show will be held from October 17th to October 26th.
A Dewandre Company.
It was announced last. week that a new company, entitled the Clayton Dewandre Co., has been formed with a capital . of £175,000 in ordinary a shares and 175,0W deferred shares .(the nominal value of which has not been advised to us, but the prospectus will be published to-day, Tuesday). The company is taking over from Clayton and Shattleworth; Ltd., and Clairton Wagons, Ltd., their motor-engineering section and the manufacture of the Dewandre vacuum servo brake. We understand that the price paid for the business and stock is £170,000, a recent valuation _putting the figure at £40,000 more than the purchase price.
The Ulster Bus Controversy.
The pact between the BelfastCorporation and the bus owners with regard to the regulation of road traffic in the city of Belfast: and the country districts of Northern Ireland continues to be the subject of heated controversy. Outside Belfast, the view is taken that the pact virtually confers a monopoly of bus traffic upon two or three concerne: In the meantime, the Belfast Corporation is proceeding with its plans to implement the pact. Application has been made to the Government to sanction the borrowing of £70,000 for the purchase of motorbuses and equipment. It was agreed between the corporation and the bus owners that the civic body should take over a number -of the buses at present being run on the streets of the city by private companies, and it is with the object of purchasing these buses that the £70,000 loan is to be raised.
Personal Pars.
The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., of Melksham, Wilts., announces that Sir -Herbert E. Blain has been elected to the board of the company and appointed' deputy chairman.
Mr. T. Robinson, who, during his period of service as cleansing superintendent to the Tyneinoutla Corperation, has entirely modernized the cleansing service by the int-redaction of S.D. Freighters, which have effected useful edonomies, has been recommended by a sub-coramittee of the NeWcastle City Council for the, post of cleansing super
intendent of Newcastle. •
We learn that Mr. A. G. Partridge has been .appointed _managingdirector of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. . (Great Britain), Ltd., of Wolverhamp. ton.. Mr. Partridge ineceeds-Mr. C. P. Skinner, Whose death occurred in September last. Mr. 'Partridge -has been asSoeiated with the tyre industry for 25 years.' and' since joining' the Goodyear cOrananY.has held responsible positions in the sales division.