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THE trading profit of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for the year ended September 30 last was £795,766, which is higher by 15,935 than for the previous year. A total of £560,000, or 70 per cent, of the total, is set aside for taxation, and depreciation reserve receives £100,000. The available amount, after deducting these sums,. and certain other items, is £141,500, of which £29,000 is placed
to .eileral reserve. After paying a dividend of Is. 6d. per £1 unit (tax free), which absorbs £l12;500, the carry forward is £268,000.
BEL I SI LA. beacons were again a topic in the House last week. Sir Stanley. Peed suggested that it was time a decision was reached for their removal. Mr. Noel-Baker, however, recalled that it•had been estimated nine months ago that the total amount of iron which could be obtained by removing the beacons was only about 1,000 tons. and added that it would be comparatively costly to collect. Therefore, he said, it was not at present proposed to remove them. .
Sir Stanley then rA.marked that this was not merely a question of the recovery of a certain amount of scrap: there was the further consideration that beacons were a serious menace to pedestrians in the blackout.
Whilst ad/Sitting that he had sympathy with that aspect of the matter, the Parliamentary Secretary pointed out that there was a shortage of labour and that it would require a lot to get those beacons out of the streets.' When another Member suggested that it was unfair that garden gates should be taken 'whilst beacons were left, even if the total amount Mvolved was only 1,000 tons, the answer was that gates were much easier to move.
FOLLO WING its recent suggestion 1 that the motor trade in Yorkshire should revise its charges for the towing of broken-down motor vehicles to repair depots, the Bradford Section of the Motor Agents' Association has decided to recommend the M.A.A.'s Yorkshire Division to adopt the following scale of mileage charges in respect of machines doing the towing, and time charges for labour:—
Vehicles under 3 tons, Is. 6d, per mile out and home.
Vehicles of from 3 to 5 tons, 2s. 60. per mile out and home.
Time and overtime charges to be at current rates.
A minimum charge of Ss. to cover short tows, or cases where attention on the spot obviates the need for towing is also recommended.
The suggested scale is for the towing of a vehicle on its own wheels. It is recommended that salvage operations be on a time per hour basis at current rates.