Korn Drivers Ofechanics TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the
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best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else published, with an allowance for photographs.
Light Up Your Lamps At 5.51 on Thursday ; 5.53 on Friday ; 5.55 on Saturday; 5.58 on Monday ; 6.0 on Tuesday ; 6.2 on Wednesday.
Adjustment for Tipping-wagon Screws.
[1591] " C.P." (Bradford) writes :—" I have had considerable experience of Foclen steam tipping wagons, and have found that when the screw is about half worn out it is difficult to get the wagon to tip up when loaded, although this does not occur when light.
"For some time I was unable to find the cause, but eventually discovered it to be due to wear on the thrust collar of the worm, allowing the nut at the end of the spindle to bear on the pinion shaft. The remedy, a simple one, consists in placing a special washer under the collar. This washer is shown on the sketch [which we have had redrawn.--En], and is made from sheet steel 1-16 in. thick, with clips made from the same material It is fitted underneath the worn collar as shown. In order to fix it in place it is necessary first of all to wind the tip wagon half-way up, place two pieces of timber on the lorry frame, and then let the wagon down gently on these two packings. Ely so doing, it is possible to bring the screw to rest with the collar lifted clear of the bracket, when the washer can be slipped in place."
Another Radiator-testing Rig.
The sender of the following communication has been awarded the 108. prize this week.
[1592] "X." (Cardiff) writes :—" Re the letter No. 1580, by cA.H.H.,' published in your 'D. and M.' pages, I beg to suggest another method of testing not only radiators, but also petrol and oil tanks. "After the radiator has been repaired, I fill it with compressed air, utilizing for this purpose an ordinary tire pump. To one of the radiator branches I attach, by means of about 3 ft. of rubber hose, an old air tube. The object of this is to act as a safety valve and air reservoir.
"Instead of filling the radiator with water, TI immerse it, in just the same way as one does with a cycle tire. By this method a great saving of time is effected, especially in the case of a cooler of the honeycomb type.
"A great deal of time is always wasted when soldering a radiator, the inside of which is wet, because, when the soldering iron is applied, the• steam generated by the heat forces the solder away from the hole which it should fill. Furthermore, the time spent in filling and emptying the radiator with water, and in waiting for it to percolate through a. possible leak, is also saved."
To Trim Inaccessible Studs.
[1593] " E.D." (Chiswick) writes :—" The following tip may prove of service to some of the readers of your 'D. and M.' pages.
"Some studs on a lorry in my charge suffered damage, the threads being burred' over to such an extent that it was impossible to fit a nut to them.To make matters worse, they were rather inaccessibly placed, so that it was impossible to repair them by means of the ordinary stocks and dies, and unfortunately I had not a solid die in the garage.
"However, I managed to manufacture a sort of semi-solid die, using the ordinary dies and a couple of bolts and plates. The following sketch [which we have had redrawn.—En.] and description will show clearly my method.
"I obtained two 5-16 in. bolts of suitable length, and filed flats on them to fit the V-groove in the dies. Two flat plates, in. by / in., served to hold the dies in position, and were drilled to take the 5-16 bolts. "With this makeshift I was able to make quite a satisfactory job of rescrewing the studs ; furthermore, since the external dimensions of the dies are the same for all bolt diameters, I expect to find the rig a very useful one. It should be noted that it is possible to use this device for various sizes of screws."