A Savage Act.
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" Road transport had two great enemies, the Treasury and the railways," said Lieut.-Col. J. T. C. MooreBrabazon, M.P., speaking at the annual dinner of the Devan and Cornwall Area, A.R.O., last week. He described the 1933 Act as a "savage one, and commented on the tremendously efficient and ' strong position the railways enjoyed from a Parliamentary point of view, " Road conditions in " this country were out of date," he said, " and although the Ministry of Transport had promised £100,000,000 for road improvements, not a penny of that money had been spent."
New Western Sub-area for A.R,O.
Mr. J. F. E. Pye was the speaker at a meeting held last week by the Western Subarea of the Metropolitan Area, A,R.O., convened for the purpose of forming a new sub-area for Tooting, and district. Mr. Pye, in dealing with the work of the Association 'daring the past 12 months, said that since April of last year -neatly 200 new members, had been secured in London alone.
A committee is to be formed so that the .proposed new sub-area can commence operations at once.
B.R.F. Appeals to Drivers.
In an effort to interest drivers in the cause of better roads,the B.R.F.. is distributing through its members a folder setting forth some facts relative to the size and importance of the roadtransport industry, the amount it pays annually in taxes, and the comparatively small amount expended on the roads. 'Drivers are invited to send to the Federation the business reply card, attached .to the folder, for further information. The Operators Committee of the E.R.F. is to be divided into passengers and goods sections.
Blackpool Function Fixed.
Blackpool and District Motor Coach Owners' Association has fixed its annual dinner and'dance for March 11, at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool.
Distinguished Guests for A.R,O. Dinner.
It is understood that among the acceptances for the annual dinner of the Western Area of is...R.0.: on March 26, are included the Lord Mayor of Bristol, Lord Apsley, Mrs. H. B. Tate, 11.1,p., arid Mr. A. F. Nicholson, Western Licensing Authority.
B.R.F. Seeks Increased Mileage.
The B.R.F. is seeking, through the Ministry of Transport, to secure an amendment to the regulation which. permitsa vehicle, used between adjacent premises, to travel only six miles on the roads in any one week. The Federation points out that, in certain circumstances, this mileage would be exceeded in less than a week and that the 'figure should be increased to 15 miles a week.
Lecture on Tyres and Tyre Wear.
A feature of the annual general meeting of the Dartford Sub-area, A.R.O., to be held at the Bull's Head Hotel, High Street, Dartford, on February 15, will be a lantern lecture .entitled " Tyres and Tyre Wear," to be giveri by a representative of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. The Subarea board will also be eleeted, and there is a supper timed for 8.30 p.m. The meeting' opens at 7.45 p.m., and tickets, priced is. 6d., can be obtained from the .hon. secretary, Mr. H. C. Howard, or from any Member" of the committee. " Legal Assistance for A.R.O. Members.
A.R.O. Western Area has recently instituted a service whereby members may obtain legal assistance in the collection of outstanding accounts. Only a moderate charge is made.
Ancillary Users to Meet.
The West of England C Licence Holders Association is holding a general meeting at the Mikado Café, Old Town Street, Plymouth, at 7.30 p.m. on February 22, The meeting is to be addressed by Major Eric Long, J.P.
New C.M.U.A. London Committeemen.
Mr. H. C. Crane, of j..Lyons and .Co., Ltd., and Mr. C. Courtney Cramp. of Allen and Hanbury, Ltd., have accepted an invitation to serve on the London and Home Counties Divisional Committee of the C.M.U.A.
ARAD. Banquet in London.
The annual banquet and bail of the Metropolitan Area, A.R.O., is to be held at Grosvenor House, Park Lane, , London, W.1, on April 11, The price of the tickets is 18s. 6d. each, and they are obtainable from the chairman or secretary -of the Sub-area, or direct from Romney House, Marsham Street, London, S.W.1.
A.R.O. Status Inquiries Service,
The A.R.O. has now instituted a service for its members in the shape of a status inquiries scheme through a con
cern specializing in such work. The scheme came into operation on February 1, and already there are indications that it is filling a long-felt want. Inquiries should be addressed to area secretaries, and it should be emphasized that the information supplied is given under strictly confidential cover.