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Young people and employers can benefit from government funding schemes provided as part of the 'Backing Young Britain initiative.

4th February 2010
Page 26
Page 26, 4th February 2010 — Young people and employers can benefit from government funding schemes provided as part of the 'Backing Young Britain initiative.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

These include a £2,500 grant for apprentices aged 16-17, and an offer to employers of £1,000 for every young recruit claiming jobseeker's allowance for six months or more

How apprenticeships work

Apprenticeships are designed by industry representatives working with the sector skills council to develop tailored course content.

The partnership should ensure the training is relevant to the particular industry. Help with funding comes from the National Apprenticeship Service.

Most training is 'on the job', with the possibility of other input from

a college or specialist trading provider. The length of an apprenticeship varies, but does depend on current skills and the qualification being sought. Generally, they take between one and three years.

Getting advice

Free business advice and support is available through Business Link, provided online and by local advisers.

They can offer help with regulations and other information about employing young people. Just call 0845 600 9006 More information: http://interactiveziagov.ukinackingyoungbritain/ For Wales: ivv.skillpeoplesuccess.colm

For Scotland: ',MIN.