The Wheels of Industry.
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier. carriage is
Proceedings of Local Authorities.
The Electricity Committee of the Carlisle T.C. is about to purchase a battery-equipped vehicle for general carting work.
The Reading Corporation has not confirmed the proposal of its Tramways Committee to purchase three motorbuses out of revenue.
The Hull Tramways Committee, faced with a deficit of over 22000 at the end of the financial year, has abolished halfpenny fares, except as regards workmen's cars up to 9 a.m.
The Sanitary Committee of the Bristol Town Council is considering the purchase of a 4-ton steam lorry for use in the work of house-refuse collection, and of a second steam lorry for other work.
The Caine (Wilts.) R.D.C. has obtained a verdict for 275, against the Dairy Supply Co., Ltd., in respect of extraordinary-traffic damage to certain roads, the case being taken at the Bloomsbury County Court, before Judge Bray, owing to local feeling and interest in the County of Wilts.
The Hornsey Borough Council has made representations to the Ministry of Munitions, in order to ensure retention of a steam wagon in local service, that the vehicle is being employed on important sanitary work, in place of several of the Council's teams of horses, thus liberating carmen who would otherwise have necessarily been the subject of application for conditional exemption.
The Ministry of Munitions has refused permission to the Edinburgh Corporation to alter the existing city tramway system, or to proceed with the electric-supply scheme of extension to Portobello ; the local tramways company (cable system) has offered to sell its rolling-stock to the Corporation, for the sum of 250,000, and to keep up the system for six years after the expiry of the lease (1919), which matters will now occupy the attention of the Tramways ,Committee.
The Surbiton U.D.C. has, on the recommendation of its Sanitary Committee, sanctioned the purchase of two battery-equipped Edison dust vans at a cost of 21025 each, payment to be made by instalments over the next three years: with interest at six per cent. per annum, subject to ,L.G.B. approval. There was an amendment to refer back the purchase, for the consideration of British-made vehicles, and this was lost only by the casting vote of the chairman,
East Grinstead R.D.O. is converting a steam roller into a traction engine for haulage purposes.
The. Tynemouth T.C. has decided to pay far its motor hre-engine out of revenue, as the L.G.B. has raised difficulties in the matter of sanctioning a loan.
There are prospects that the Widnes T.C. by the use of coalgas instead Of 'petrol for its motorbuses, will turn a deficit into a surplus, as regards the coming financial year.
The Dudley T.C. has been notified by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., that the motorbus service to and from Dudley has been temporarily discontinued, owing to the impossibility of climbing certain steep gradients on the route when using a substitute fuel instead of petrol. It, is evident that coal-gas has not been tried here.
The Lord Mayor of Hull (Alderman F. Askew) presided at an interesting meeting at the Hull Guildhall, on the 21st ult., when the Showmen's Guild handed ever to the city a present of a motor ambulance. Eight other ambulances are to be provided by the same guild ior Birmingham, Leeds (two), Manchester (two), Liverpool, Walsall and Wolverhampton.
Bosch Magneto Co.
Tenders are invited by the auctioneers, Messrs. Fuller, Horsey and Co., of 11, Miter Square, RC., acting on the iinstructions of ;Ma. A. E. Woodington, the controller appointed by the Board of Trade, for the sale in one lot, as a going concern, of the entire assets (excepting book debts and investments) of the Bosch Magneto Co., Ltd. The assets comprise the showrooms and offices in the Tottenham Court Road. London,. with warehouse accommodation, garage, and factory equipment. Tenders must be delivered on or before Friday next, the 12th inst., at 12 noon. The works may be viewed by appointment, with orders to be obtained
of the auctioneers. Full particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, may be had of Messrs. Woodington and Bubb, Incorporated Accountants, 5, Philpot Lane, E.G., or of Messrs. Foulger, Robinson and Miller, Solicitors, 1, Hare Court, Temple, E.C.
Weak Bridges.
We trust that readers will pay special heed to • the first leading article in this issue. It deals with a matter of vital commercial interest, and one which closely touches the safety of the nation in respect of military operations.
Mr. Walter J. Idea.
It will no doubt interest many readers of this journal to know that Mr. Walter J. Iden, for many years chief engineer tO the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.., has by arrangement left those companies, as from the 31st ult. We shall next week be at liberty to publish information in our pos'sessionconcerning Mr. Iden's new occupation.
. Import Restrictions.
The Department of Import Restrictions of the Board of Trade, under date the 29th ult. has given notice that, as from the date named, there will be no further consideration of applications for the granting of licences to import. motorcars, chassis, motorcycles, and parts and accessories therefor : (1) if imported fully asseilibled, or, (2) if imported in parts, unless permission to,assemble has first been obtained from the Ministry of Munitions, andahe application is accompanied by the licence so granted. Importers have been requested to prevent the shipment of any further consignments.
Ernest, Halliwell, motor-haulage contractor, carrying on business at Rochdale Road, Walsden, has, on his own petition, been adjudicated' bankrupt.
A winding-up order has been made in the case of the Market Harborough and District Motor Traction Co. Ltd., of 68, High Street, Market J:larborough.
The Bergougnan-Gaulois Tyres Co., Ltd., is being wound up voluntarily,. with Mr..A W. Mills, Chartered Accountant, of 53, New Broad Street, E.C., as liquidator:
The A-Hen Omnibus Co., Ltd., is to be _wound up voluntarily, and Messrs. H. J. Veitoh (36, Basinghall Street, E.e.),and F. Westcott, (15, Eastcheap, E.C.), Chartered Accountants, have been appointed joint liouidators. Snowdrifts in Yorkshire.
The moorland roads in the neighbourhood of Penistone were under heavy drifts at various points at the end of the year. Steel-tired motor lorries and traction engines were especially delayed or stopped. Users of rubber-tired lorries who wish to safeguard themselves against the risk of interference by snow will do well to order the latest types of non-skids, such as Bartles anti-vibration "Never-skid."
Trade in Australia.
American manufacturers are apparently favouring the appointment of "Factory Representatives" in Australia, for the purpose of dealing on the spot with local disputes or misunderstandings between themselves and importers of motor vehicles of all kinds. This development is one which should not escape the notice of British manufacturers. We are in a position to put any parties in touch
• with a suitable "Factory Representative" for either Melbor:rne or Sydney, or both.
Recent Registrations.
• H. C. Bauly Ltd. (£30,000), to take over the business now carried on at Bow and elsewhere in London, at Dagenham in Essex, and at Manchester, by H. C. Bauly.
Richard Smith (Hull) Ltd. (22000), to adopt an agreement for the acquirement of a business now carried on at 5, Madeley Street, hull, as motorcar proprietor and repairer.
G. T. Grey and Co., Ltd. (£10,500), to acquire from the executors of G. T. Grey an enginebuilding and repairivag business, conducted at the -Holborn Engineering Works, South Shields, as a going concern, as from the 1st December, 1315.
The Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd.
The Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Products Co., Ltd., has recently altered its registered name to the AngIo-Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd., the word " Products " being omitted.' !There is no alteration whatever in the control, working, or operation of the company's busi ness ; the company will, as hereto fore, market the well-known pro ducts of the Mexican Eagle"Oil Co.. Ltd. including fuel oils, Diesel oils, road-construction materials (Mexphalte and Fluxphalte), lubricating -oils, paraffin wax. etc. It will also market 3/exican burning oils and petrol, which products are marketed in the United Kingdom by its sales agents, the Bowring Petroleum Co.. Ltd., under the brand names of Snowflake, Bearcreek and Empire lamp oils. and Mex motor spirit.
a30 The Late Lieut. D. H. Simpson.
It will come as a blow to many readers of TUE` COMMERCIAL MOTOR to know that Lieut. D. H. Simpson (Dan) met with an untimely death, by accident, while motoring on duty in the fog near Bristol a, few days before Christmas. He expired at the Second Southern General Hospital, Bristol, on the 21st ult., 'from internal injuries followed by heart failure.
Dan Simpson, as he was known to a large circle of friends, was one of the pioneers of heavy motoring, his experiments and early constructional iwork dating back to the beginning of the year 1896, before the passing of the first Motor Car Act. He spspecializedin superheated steam, being a great admirer of the late M. Serpollet, and much of his work was done in conjunction with Mr. Walter A. Bodman. His father was senior partner in the firm of Messrs. Simpson and Godlee, calico printers, and was a director of the Manchester Ship Canal, He pluckily joined the MT., A.S.C., as a private, soon after the outbreak of war, without waiting to secure a commission, and promptly rose to the rank of warrant officer, at which point in his military career he was ordered home, about a year ago, by the War Office, on account of his special technical knowledge, and given an appointment on the staff of the Director of Trench Warfare. We are not at libefty to deal with the matters upon which he was engaged, but we do know that he brilliantly and successfully discharged work of far-reaching importance and remarkable originality, which work was entrusted to him by Brigadier-General Jackson. Whilst the motor industry loses one of its most ardent workers, the memory of Mr. Simpson will live after him, by reason of his unassuming and modest personal character, and his undoubted abilities. Much of the latter were embodied in the "Sentinel " wagon, the rights for which in its original 'form were acquired by Mr. S. E. Alley, soon after Mr. Simpson and Mr. J. Bibby (now of Electric Metals, Ltd.) went out of partnership. The deceased gentleman was a member of the Committees of the C.M.U.A. and the Manchester and Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A.
New D.S.O. in the M.T., A.S.C.
We offer our hearty congratulations to Major D. S. Kennedy, formerly engineer to Pickfords, Ltd., and to Lieut.-Col. J. S. Matthews (formerly managing 'director of Argylls, Ltd.), upon their being admitted to the Companionship of the Distinguished Service Order in the New Year Honours list. Similar awards, at earlier dates, have included such well-known members of the motor industry as Major George Spurrier and Major Herbert Niblett.
Scottish Motor Traction Co , Ltd.
The directors of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., after providing for excess-profits duty and depreciation and placing £2000 to reserve, show a net profit of £8679 for the past financial year, ended the 30th September, 1916, inclusive of 22119 brought in. A dividend.of 721 per cent. free of tax is to be paid, which'is the same as in preceding years, and 22142 is to be carried forward. This company is still able both to pay the petrol tax and to make profits in Edinburgh and district, thanks to good management.
Statutory Percentage for Members of the Motor Industry.
The Board of Referees, under the chairmanship of Mr. C. Bine Renshaw, set up to consider claims in respect of excess profits duty, has increased the statutory percentage (6 per cent.) as regards motor manufacture, to 7 per cent. in the case of companies, and to 8 per cent. in the case of privately-owned businesses. The increase of 1 per cent., which is much smaller than was expected, applies to businesses which fall within the following definition :—Manufacturing motor road vehicles or chassis of motor road vehicles, viz., vehicles to be used on road and propelled by mechanical power, such power being generated in or by means of the mechanism of or carried by the vehicle itself, and such manufacture being conducted in the United Kingdom.
The Commercial Motor Users Association, some six years ago, compiled a, set of "Traffic Rules and Recommendations." These received the approval of Sir Edward Henry, Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, and upwards of 100,000 copies have been distributed. Any reader of TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR CZMI obtain one by enclosing a penny starriP with a written request, addressed to Mr. F. G. Bristow, 83, Pall Mall, S.W. The wise owner will join the C.M.U.A., 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W., forthwith. It will pay him to do so.
Holland's News of U.S.A. Programme.
According to "De Auto," a Dutch journal, U.S.A. manufacturers are organizing a big campaign to capture the motor marketsin India, Ceylon and South Africa, where English and FrenCh cars were previously in demand. Several large American firnts have come to a decision not to compete with one another in the parts mentioned. Agents are being sent. .
Manchester, Liverpool and Conn. ties C.M.U.A.
We must indeed congratulate the officers of the Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.-U.A. (affiliated to the incorporated C.M.U.A.) upon their successful showingfor the year 1916. The annual report, which will be presented to members on Monday next, the 8th inst. at the Midland Grand Hotel, Manchester, at 7.30 p.m.. deals with the Association's membership, which had reached 215 on the 31st ult., with its extended scheme of free legal defence, its arrangments for roadside watering, its negotiations with county and borough authorities, and other matters-of practical interest. Its income for the year was £408, and the. surplus 2102. We understand that the chairman, Mr. R. C. Reynolds (Bleachers' Association,Ltd.) is now retiring from office, owing to pressure of other important work, and we shall look forward to consequential announcements following the meeting on Monday evening.
To the secretary of the Association, MT. Ellis Green, 3, Cromwell Buildings, Blackfriars Street, Manchester, belongs much of the credit for the strong ;position in which this-important association now finds itself.
The Packard Company.
Mr. Henry B. Joy, chairman of the board of directors of the Packard Motor Co., has resigned that position, owing to pressure of other affairs, and particularly to the calls upon his time as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and of several railViay companies in the United States. He is succeeded by Mr. Alvan Macauley.
We are interested to note that a fleet of Packard three-tonners recently performed an exceptionallysevere test journey, from El Paso to Port Sill, a distance of 1195 miles, to the satisfaction of the U.S.A. 'military authorities. The actual running time was 192 hrs., 17 mins., and the elapsed time 18 days and 8 hours. Many parts of the roads were mere quagmires, whilst the trucks had to carry heavy bridging material to strengthen some of the so-called bridges over which they had to pass. At one point the 'road" for some 1200 yds, was several feet under mud and water ; had to be " corduroyed " with timber all the way. The service given was altogether unique. The Napier Report.
D; Napier and Sons, Ltd., 'has found it possible to present a balance-sheet for the year ended the 30th September last, notwithstanding its exclusive occupation upon war production. The net profits, after full depreciation, are £76,856, to 'which has to be added £9839 brought in. After deducting debenture and preference interest, income tax, directors' and trustees' fees, and commissions and bonuses to managers, there is a disposable balance of 250,587. This is utilized to pay a dividend of 6 per cent. (less income tax) on the ordinary shares of the company, absorbing £21,000, and to place to general reserve a further 220,000, leaving 29557 to be carried forward.
This company has considerably improved its position during the past wo years, despite certain teinporary difficulties by which the directors have been confronted. Mr. H. T. Vane, who is joint managing director, and the chairman, Mr. Montague S. Napier, have admirably and successfully overcome those difficulties, as results show. Coal-gas Instead of Petrol.
'We are interested to be able to record the definite sale of flexible gas-holders by Messrs. Andrew Barton Bros., of Beeston, Nottingham, for use with coal-gas as a fuel, to replace petrol, for the propulsion of single-deck motorbuses or covered motorvans, to purchasers in Aldershot, Bath, Deptford, Dartford, Exeter, Langley Mill, Leices
ter, Liverpool Preston, Plymouth, Nottingham, klteke-on-Trent, Widnes, and other places.
The M.T., A.S.C. Fund.
We take this opportunity to remind regular supporters of our Campaign Comforts Fund, that their monthly and quarterly donations, for January and JanuaryMarch respectively, are now due, and we shall be happy to receive cheques in course of the next few days. Reserves in Holland.
Berna Motors, of Oltcn, Switzerland, recently delivered 13 five-ton lorries to the Dutch Government.
The Dutch military authorities are, according to "Dc Telegraaf," asking the various holders of petrol to reserve their stocks for them. It appears that this measure is due to the restrictions which have been put on the export of petrol. from America. A more regular import is shortly expected. 1917: The Agent's Year. Article II of this series, from the pen of the Editor, appears on page 401.
National Steam Car Co.
The annual report of the directors of the National Steam Car Co., Ltd. for the year ended the 31st October last, shows a profit of £52,379; the paid-up capital of the company is 2157,500. The directors have provided 29000 for the overhaul of buses, presumably in respect of overhauls which, although due, had not been made before the end
• of the financial year owing to labour and material shortages.
The shareholders, at the general meeting on the 29th ult., resolved to accept the recommendation of the directors to allocate 219,500 to special reserve for the renewal of the fleet (bringing this reserve up to 264,069), to apply 29309 to special depreciation, to pay a dividend of 10 per cent., absorbing 215,750, and to carry forward, with the amount brought in (24405), a balance of 212.,225, against which total sum there is special taxation of an unaseertained amount, yet to be charged. The average number of motorbuses (all steam) in the coin pany's service has been 160 during the year.
It was also resolved, at an extraordinary general meeting on the 29th ult., to increase the capital from 2200,000 to 2300,000, by the creation of an additional 100,000 shares of 21 each. The prospects for the extensions of this company, both as regards its services and its _factory, therefore, appear to be particularly favourable. The chairman and managing director is Mr. Thomas Clarkson, whose energetic and highly-skilled technical and ether services to the shareholders are, we trust, appreciated as they deserve to be.