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Passing Comments

4th January 1946, Page 18
4th January 1946
Page 18
Page 19
Page 18, 4th January 1946 — Passing Comments
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ONE of our most useful forms of military equipment was a machine closely resembling a Tank, which was equipped with a "scissors" type of bridge. This had a 141Ing screw which, in combination with wire cables running over pulleys, enabled the bridge to be thrown across a fairly wide stream and withdrawn when necessary. Now, we learn that an 80-ft.-span model was built by the Heil Company, of Milwaukee, U.S.A., which could be installed by six men in 15 minutes, and gives a width of 9 ft. 6 ins., which can be widened to 10 ft. 10 ins., by the aid of worm gearing The bridge is carried on a two-wheeled semitrailer hauled by a six-wheeled tractor unit. It will carry Tanks weighing up to 35 tons. The bridge itself, weighs 13 tons and is an aluminium plate-girder assembly hinged at the centre. The height of the vehicle when carrying the bridge is 13 ft., and the overall length of the complete unit 63 ft. The bridge is operated by hydraulic rams, the engine employed being a 45 h.p. air-cooled petrol type.

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America Built Large Type of Scissors Bridge . . . New Sparking Plug With Many Special

THOSE of our readers who run private cars—and there are many—and who wish to give them the very latest in sparking plugs, may well try the new-type Lodge, which can also be used for motorcycles. It is an adaptation of the latest high-efficiency aircraft plug, as used in many Spitfires and other R.A.F. and American machines. The central electrode is specially cooled and has an erosion resister—an electricat resistance which reduces the burning effect of the spark on the platinum-alloy points. The result is that the plug will withstand the intense heat of full-power running in high-compression engines, whilst coping effectively with any propensity to oil up when idling. We are assured that the results of tests have shown that this plug will run for well over 20,000 miles without cleaning or adjustment, and this in engines which normally destroy a plug in a quarter of that mileage. Incidentally, the insulation is Sintox, which has high heat-conductivity. This new product is supplied in 14 mm. size, with long or short reach, at 12s. 6d.

New Sparking Plug With Many Special Features. . . .

ArmyEducationA BRIGADE Educational Officer Appeals for Officer, Capt C F. B.

This Journal. . . May H Q R A Third Brit.

Infantry Division, M.E.F ,

points out that the supply Of educational information plays a large part ifi the Army Education Release Scheme. Many units have set up informatiOn -rooms where the men can go to keep up to date with current affairs in their 'particular trades or professions The officer in question is responsible for the upkeep of seven such rooms, and he asks any of our readers who prepared to do so to post to him direct copies of this journal for which they have no further use. Prototypes and ideas MANY meetings have been Welcomed lor Design " I held between representa Exhibition tives of the Council of Indus trial Design, Tilbury House, Petty France, London, S W.1, and representatives of industry, to discuss their possible contributions to the Design Exhibition planned for next summer in London It is realized that it may be difficult for some industries to produce even prototypes by then, but if some of the " ingredients " of production be still in short supply. it is suggested that this is all the more reason why the ideas should be "long," as this is essentially a show for ideas, which, it is hoped, will greatly stimulate Britain's export trade.