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25th Anniversary of "Red and White"

4th January 1946, Page 21
4th January 1946
Page 21
Page 21, 4th January 1946 — 25th Anniversary of "Red and White"
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TiiE "Red and White" group of companies, the largest independent road passenger transport undertaking in the country, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. A brochure is being prepared to mark the occasion, and it will later be available to the public; it will-show a remarkable record of progress, illustrated by interesting maps and pictures.

In keeping with plans alreadyformulated but not possible to be put into operation during the war, the parent board, of which Mr. Ralph Williams is chairman, announces a number of changes on the boards of directors of its subsidiary companies. The parent board remains unchanged as follows:—Messrs. Ralph Williams (chairman), T. J. Jones (vice-chairman), G. Bown, Arthur J. Watts, Howell M. Davies, and John H. Watts.

• The subsidiary boards will consist almost entirely of those holding official managerial positions in the various companies. The principal changes are that Mr. John H. Watts is appointed chair man of the largest company in the group —Red and White Services, Ltd., of which he has been managing director since its inception 25 years ago. His plate as managing director has been filled by Mr. J. E. Bown. Mr. Guy Sown will be vice-chairman. New directors appointed to this company are Messrs. Edmunds Phillips (traffic manager), W.. C. Humphrey (accountant), and George Major.

Mr. Guy Bown, formerly managing director of United Welsh Services, Ltd., is appointed chairman of that company, and Mr. T. John Jones is now managing director. Mr. D. Lloyd Jones, recently back from the Services and secretary of the parent company, has been appointed secretary of Red and White Services, Ltd., as well as a director of each of the subsidiary companies of the group.

Similar changes are taking place in all the other subsidiary companies, including the appointment of Mr. F. W. Hodgkinson as a director of four undertakings.