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* Austria: It is proposec impose eurovignette-styli charges on all trucks OVE tonnes using motorways major roads within the n year. Charges are expec to total 1,250ECU (21,0 year. Austria also plans introduce electronic roac ing From 1998 for trucks 12 tonnes and for all oth vehicles from 2001.
*Germany The Germc are warning internationc operators that post-datec vignettes are only valid c ing the year they are bot Post-dated vignettes can bought over the counterl from ticket machines in Austria, Belgium, France Italy, Netherlands, Swed and the UK.
assumed the p dency of the EU on 1 Jul; with Iwo transport counc planned for 3-4 October 13 December.
* Germany The authori have imposed a number new traffic bans and rest tions for LGVs from 1 Jul August. Most of the bans apply to weekends. The I has a leaflet detailing thc roads affected; for a cop fax: 01892 552339.
* Slovakia: From 1 July vehicles using the Slovak motorway network must play a vignette valid for c. calendar year. Tariffs an Trucks up to 3.5 tonnes, SKK1,000 (220.81); truc 3_5-20 tonnes, SKK1500 (231.22); trucks over 20 tonnes, SKK2,000 (241.c
* Slovenia: Four or
motorways covering 250 from Italy to Hungary thri Slovenia are to be built b 1999. The two main con will link Italy with Hungar and Austria with Croatia