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General Introduction.
The record C.M.U.A. Parade is over. The "clerk of the weather " was exceedingly kind, and the atmospheric conditions struck a happy mean between the extreme heat id Whit-Monday in Coronation year and the succession of show era which occurred in 1913.
First and foremost in our introductory remarks, we feel that a word of praise is due to the members of the Metropolitan police force who were on duty under the direction of Superintendent Wells. They rendered valuable service to the officers of the Parade, and were, as is their wont, at all times most considerate in their handling and protection of competitors and spectators alike. They directed numerous drivers of vehicles who came into the Parade area lloaware of its location, and some non-participants who stopped in the way.
The outstanding difficulties for the honorary nuirshalling staff were those inherent to that part of the area consisting of the two picturesque stretches of Embankment. The long lines of vehicles backed towards the river, wheu once in position, yielded a mass effect which was most impressive, and, indeed, here was the only chance to conceive the estent of the whole assembly. But to get those vehicles in persition, as on previous oceasions, necessitated a great deal of careful handling to avoid the stoppage of free circulation from one end of the Embankment to the other. By some perversity, the arrangement of the vehicles consecutively. in accordance with their numbers, brought the longest of the steamers with their stations in quite the narrowest part of the Embank Ment, and the problem of tucking away steel-tired steam wagons with long-platform bodies -between two similar machines already placed with only a 9 ft. space between them, was one which called for most-skilful handling en the part of the driver and the utmost patience where the responsible marshal was concerned. Officials concentrated cii this task from other points when congestion became pronounced. The marshalling arrangements were super-excellent. The scheme of timed arrivals at four entrances to the Parade area worked with the utmost smoothness, and a few drivers who tried LO enter at the wrong points were quickly sent to the rig,htalarart. Mr. Arthur Windsor, the chief marshal, was on duty shortly before 4 a.m., assisted by au early squad. Capt. E. H. Blarney, A.S.C., was unfortunately prevented from attendance, but Mr. Cecil S. Windsor was the other assistant chief marahal, whilst the gentlemen who co-operated in the important duties which fail to the lot of a marshal on such an occasion were: Mr. M. V. Ambler; Mr, G. R. Barnes; Mr. F. A. Bonsor ; Mr. P. Cannon ; Mr. H. S. Carr; Mr. J. Cates; Mr. W. H. Gaveuder; Mr. IL J. Chapman ; 1%Tr. W. T. Edmonds; Mr. M. Elliot ; Mr. L. Fenner ; Mr. S. S. Kennedy; Mr. O. M. Jamey; Mr. H. C. Lovell; Mr. A. Meyrick ; Mr. R. J. Mitchell; Mr. A. Norris; Mr. A. W. Pine; Mr. C. C. Ransley; Mr. C. A. Ross; Mr. H. A. Stureh; Mr. W. A. Vacher; and Mr. R. W. Wilkins.
We ca.nuol, in the space at our disposal for text, deal at any length with incidents. A correct impression and record of the Parade may be gathered from our illustrations and lists, re.spectively. The Judges began to come on duty about 9.30 a.m., with the exception of Mr. E. P. Beavan, of Jas. Nelson and Sons, Ltd., who appeared on the scene shortly after six o'clock, ready, as usual, to lend a hand; but he, as he told us himself, "found that everything was ready."
The Judges.
Mr. T. B. Browne, M.T.Mccb.E., the hard-worked and unflagging chairman of the Parade Committee, was ex officio chairman of the Judges Committee, and his colleagues were; Mr. E. Percy Beavan; Colonel R. E. Crompton ; Major W, E. Donohue; ?Jr. T. E. Harrison ; Colonel T. J. Kearns, CR.; Mr. D. S. Kennedy, M.I.A.E.; Mr. W. 0. Lobjoit, J.P.; Mr. E. E. Rudge ; Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith; Mr. H. Lyon
Thomson, M.I.E.E. ; Mr. Geo. Watson, M.Ellech.E., M.T.A.E.; and Mr. Chas, Wheeler, 11.I.A.E. The assistance ,Allich the Committee received from Mr. O. W. Watson is miiversally acknowledged, whilst, due to his unfortunate temporary illness, additional labours 6,11 upon Mr. D. S. Kennedy, NI.I.A.E. The whole of the statistical and tabulating duties, coupled with the general control and direction of the organization, devolved upon the secretary, Mr. F. O.
Bristow, who acquitted himself with honours.
Telling Figures.
The growth of the parades, since the year 1907, may be briefly appreciated from the following successive totals of entries. 26; 34; 41; 9); 399; 275; 372; 509. There were special awards in Coronation year, when the entries almost touehed 400, and it has also to be noted that steam has given place relatively to petrol. The comparative entries, for the years 1911 to date, have been: steam, 127, 61, 73, and 112, respectively; pet:ol, 272, 194, 294. and 384, respectively. Electric vehicles, which made their first appearance on paraae in 1913, this year increased by eightfrom 5 to 13. The estimated total value of the vehicles entered this year was £322,C00 largely by reason of the excellence of the coachwork in many instances, and of the widespread use of rubber tires.
A Royal Entrant.
The King's Leyland luggage van, under the care of Driver G. DAwning, was given no number, possibly with some idea of analogy to the exemption which the King's personal car enjoys. it was located with the official vehicles in front of the ''fate Gallery, and was naturally the cynosure of all eyes. Its driver was awarded a special prize of Ea Taking Off Marks.
After the examination of the vehicles had been completed, whic:1 was shortly before noon, the judges assembled in their
Daimler single-decker, for the purpose of agreeing as to the necessity or otherwise of deducting marks from any vehicles on parade. Practically the whole of the marking had been completed in advance kinder the system of inspection, and this point is not f idly realized by some of the drivers evert now. The marking in the team sections, for the award of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR Challenge Cup, takes into account numerous points which do not enter into the marking for tho engineers' prizes, as the published conditions make clear, but we are giving no secret away when we state that the two teams of Enden steam wagons entered by Fry Bros., Ltd., were very high up in the marking for the teams.
The Dispersal.
Tile award cards were distributed on parade, by Colonel Crompton, beginning shortly before 12.30 p.m.; their distributiori was completed about 1.40 p.m. Each section of the Parade was dismissed shortly after the Judges had made this distribution of the award cards, and tine Parade area was practically clear of vehicles, other than those whose drivers elected to leave them there for the afternoon, by two o'clock.
The Provision of Funds.
Acknowledgment is made in the report to a long list of contributors to the general and special prize funds..
To the General Furd, far the provision of awards to drivers,
The Record Parade Report—con.
irrespective of the make. of the machine, and for application to the general expenses connected with the organization of the Parade, we find the following names and amounts:—
The Royal Automobile Club (amount of donation not yet fixed, but stated to be a minimum of £150); the Society of Motor. Manufacturers and Traders, £50; the Proprietors of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, £15 15s.
Tes GUINEAS EACH.—Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.; Carless, Capel and Leonard; Continental Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd.; Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. ; Fodens, Ltd.; Peter Union Tyre Co., Ltd. ; Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.; the Proprietors of "Shell" motor spirit. SIX GUINEAS.—Halley's Industrial Motors. Ltd. FiYu GUINEAS EACH.—Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. ; Wm. Allchio, Ltd. ,• Aveling and Porter, Ltd.; Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.; Belsize Motors, Ltd.; Bradbury. Son and Co., Ltd.; Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd.; the Proprietors of "Carburine " and " Clieo " motor spirits: Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd.; Commercial Care, Ltd. ; Daimler Co., Ltd. ; Dennis Bros. (1913), Lid. ; De Dion Bouton (1937), Ltd. ; R. Garrett and Sons, Ltd.; B. F. Goor' rich, Ltd. ; J. and E. Hall, Ltd.; Hoyt Metal Co. (of Grea Britain), Ltd.; Lucre Motor Car Co., htd. ; Leyland ?vlutor: Ltd.; Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd. ; Milnes-Didmler-Mei cedes, Ltd. ; D. Napier and Son, Ltd. ; Silvertown Lubr rants, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.; C. F. Well: Ltd. ; W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd.; Wolseley Tool an Motor Car Co., Ltd. .r1IREE VINEAS EActa.—Colledge, Roy and Co., Ltd.; Con mercial Tyre Co., Ltd. ; North British Rubber Co., Ltd. Railway Passengers Assurance Co. ; Schweppes, Ltd. £2 12s. 6d. Ewe—i. V. and T. Connolly, Ltd. ; Nevers Rubber Tyre Co., Ltd.; Edison Accumulators, Ltd. Hans Renold, Ltd.; Midland Rubber Co., Ltd. ; Shrewsbur and thalliner Tyre Co., Ltd.; St. Helens Cable and RubbE Co., Ltd. Two GUINEAS EACH.—Autovan Maintenance Co. ; Bulk and Crispe; Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd. ; Herbert Froo Co., Ltd. ; Joseph Lucas, Ltd. ; Mann, Crossman and Paulir Ltd. ; New Girling Commercial Cars, Ltd.; Randall's Radii tor Hospital; Scammell and :`.Zephew, Ltd. ; Simplex Rubbs Co., Ltd.; Steel Bai.rel Co., Ltd. ; W. A. Stevens, Ltd. ; Job 'Walker and Co., Ltd. ; Whitbread and Co., Ltd.
:PA 7s. 6d.—Liga Tyres, Ltd. GNI: G ITINEA EACH. —Allen and Hanburys, Ltd. ; Jas. Beni ley, Ltd. ; Brampton Bros., Ltd. ; Brown Ltd.; Bryan and May, Ltd.; Cannon and Gaze, Ltd. ; M. B. Foster an Sons, Ltd.; Fry Bros., Ltd. ; Hamilton and Co., Ltd. ; Wit Harland and Sort; Harrods Ltd. ; Idris and Co., Ltd.; India and Chinese Tea Co. ; John Knight. Ltd. ; Liberty and Co,
Ltd. ; J. Livcrsidge and Son, Ltd.; 'W. J. Lobjoit and Son; Mawers, Ltd.; McNamara and• Co., •Ltd. ; .Orchestrelle Co., Ltd.; W. Parkyn and Sons, Ltd. H. D. Rawlings, Ltiji.; E. W. Rudd, Ltd.; Selfridge and Co., Ltd.,Smith, Parfrey and Cu., Ltd.; Spiera and Pond, Ltd. ; Sutton and Co.; Thames Export Packing Co., Ltd.; Thos. Tilling, Ltd, ; The Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.; C. A. Vandervell and Co.; John Warriek and Co., Ltd.; R. White and Sons, Ltd.; Transport, Ltd.
HALF A GUINEA EACH.—W. and F. Archer ; F. and T. B. Barrett; Floral Depot, Ltd. ; Gardner, Locket and Hinton, Ltd. ; Robert Hall, Ltd.; Hammersmith Distillery Co., Ltd. ; Higgs and Hill, Ltd.
For the Special Fund, for the provision of special awards to drivers in charge of vehicles of particular make, or using supplies of particular manufacture, or who have merits in respect of which any special donation may be accepted by the Committee for award, we find the following names and amounts in the lists:—
TEN a ITIN FAS EACIT.--Angio-American Oil Co., Ltd.; Carless, Capel and Leonard ; Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.; Fodens, Ltd.; Peter Union Tyre Co., Ltd. ; Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.; the Proprietors of " Shell " motor spirit ; County of London Territorial Force Association.
Six Gureatas.—Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd.
FIVE G I, IN FAS Eaex.—Albilin Motor Car. Cm, Ltd. ; Wm. Allchin, Ltd.; Aveling and Porter, Ltd.; Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.; Bradbury-, Son and Co., Ltd. ; the Proprietors of " Carburine " and " Ghee " motor spirits ;• Commercial Cars, Ltd.; Daintier Co., Ltd.; Dennis Bros. (1913), Ltd.; De Dion Benton (1907), Ltd. ; Richard Garrett and Sons. Ltd.; J. and E. Hall, Ltd.; Laere Motor Car Co.; Leylartd Motors, Ltd. ; Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd. ; Milnes-Daimler Mercedes, Ltd.; D. Napier and Son, Ltd.; Silvertown Lubricants; John I. Thornyeroft and Co., Ltd. ; C. F. Wells, Ltd.; Wolseley Teo] and Motor Car Co., Ltd.
12s. 6d. Eacd.—J. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd. ; Edison Accumulators, Ltd.; De Nevers Rubber lyre Co., Ltd.; Hans Renold, Ltd.; Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd. : St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd.
Two umNuAs EACH.—Commercial Tyre Co., Ltd. ; Fretich's Garage and Motor Works, Ltd.
5s.—Liea Tyres, Ltd.
ONE GUINEA EACH.—HeEbert FrOOd Co., Ltd.; C. A. Veitdervell and Co.
Special Awards.
Following the announcement of the general and special subscriptions, we come to their sub-division, This will be gathered from the ,award list which we give in a later part of our report. We do not repeat. it here.
There was an attendance of some 120 at the official lencheon, which took place in the Great Gallery of the R.A.C. This was timed to start at 2 p.m., and it. says much for the oresntravan that everybody was seated before 2,15 p.m. Colonel Crompton presided, and he was immediately supported by Mr. W. Joynson-Hicks, M.P., MajoreGeneral F. B. Landon, C.B. (Director of Transport), BrigadiereGenersl S. S. Long (Director of Supplies), Mr. E. W. Curtis (first Vie Presidentof the Motor Truck Club of America), Mr. W. Duddell ?resident Of the Institution of Electrical Engineers), Mn'. W. G. Lobjoit, J.P. (Vice-Chairman C.M.U.A.), Mr. -Edmund Dangerfield, Mr. T. B. Browne (Chairman of the Parade Committee), Mr. E. Bull, and Mr. F. Major. The party included about 20 ladies. Atter the usual loyal toasts had been honoured, the chairman called upon the s?cretary to announce the principal awards. These are included later in our report. The " Shrapnell-Smith" cup was presented to the representative of Otto Monsted,•Ltd., two of the new-vehicle cups to representatives of Waring and Gillow, Ltd., and Thomas Clarkson, Ltd., respectively, and the engineers' prizes to their winners. Representatives of the. winners of Tai COMMERCIAL MOTOR Challenge Cup, the " Continental' cup, and five of the new-vehicle cups, were not present. It is, of course, impossible to notify the winners in advance, of ths parade, and the attendance only of those who were available at its termination could be secured for the purpose of their reeeiving the foregoing prizes. Mr. Shrapnell-Smith submitted the toast of " The Visitors." He said that it was a great pleasure to members of the Association to have representative:; of the War Office, of the kindred Society in the United States, the President& of the Inst. ER., and other distinguished visitors with them. (Hear, hear). They had seen a record parade, and possibly
al -2
the List that would bs organized in London for some little time to come. He spoke primarily for himself, but to some extent for the Assdeiation, when he stated that the Committee would probably have to decide in favour of responding to the appeals of the Provinces, and give them a turn. They had the precedent of tho Royal Agricultural Society of England in favour of their becoming what he might term a touring body, so far as the parades were concerned. The claims for the holding of such a parade in Lancashire were very strong, but ii. was premature to say, before matters had been fully discussed at tire General Cummittec, whether they would have the result which he x p et t..2(1, but in that .event, he personally looked forward to a big assembly of vehicles in the north, They might see Blackpool and Bolton in rivalry for the display, or it might prove that Manchester would make good its claims. He felt sure everybody was pleased to see Mr. Joynson-Ificks there. (Applause). Every owner of a commercial motor was indebted to Mr. Juynson-Hicks for his far-sighted views in respect of the construction of the law about weak railway bridges, and the recent victory in the case of such a bridge was of very great importance to many owners who were then in the room, (Hear, hear). Ile coupled with the toast the name of Mr. Joynsou-Ilicks.
Mr. W. Joynson-iiicks, M.P., remarked that he desired, on behalf of the visitors, to thank the Association for its entertainment, and above all to do so on behalf of the ladies who were present for the first time. (Applause). The growth of the parades from their' first year or organization had been phenomenal, and some of the mileages in the official programme showed how considerable a proportion of the older vehicles still was .C-11 till' ['nod, and doing .L_;-nod work. The progress of commercial motoring to date had been wonderful, and he believed the day was coming when mechanical power would alter our whole system of internal transportation by road. We were only on the fringe of developments. That meant that we must have better roads, and he wished to pay a tribute to Sir George Clibb and his colleagues on tire Road Board for the good work they were doing. (Hear, hear). TheDe was mueh yet to be. done in regard to road improvement; they had to convince the local authorities that ecanmercial motors had as much right on the highway as perambulators or donkey-carts. (Laughter). This was an industrial country, and the roads must be made useful for the commerce of the day. Turning to the presence of dh,tiliguished representatives of the War Office, he desired to express the hope that they would use their influence to secure improved subsidies for British owners of commercial vehicles; it was an anomalous position that the terms in force should be very much worse than those which obtained in France hnd Germany. He trusted that an increase of the subsidy terms might be sanctioned befere long. (Applause).
Mr. H. E. Blain, who submitted the toat of " The Parade Committee and Officials," coupled with the name of the chairman of that Committee, iistr, T. B. Browne, opened his speech with telling humour, and spoke most racily. Proceeding to serious matters, be thought that the work which had been done by Mr. Browne as chairman, ably backed by the members of the Parade Conunittce, was beyond all praise, and he also desired to be allowed to single out for personal mention Mr. A. W. Windsor, the chief marshal, and Mr. G. W. Watson, the inspecting engineer. (Applause). Mr. Windsor had done most of the honorary work in securing the assembly and dispersal of the vehicles in good order, whilst 'Mr. Watson had been retained for several months to examine thins in their depots. Of course, at the head of all the organization, there was the secretary, Mr.
Bristow. (Prolonged applause). As one of the visitors to the parade that morning, he had been greatly impressed by the largo attendance of the men's wives and families, and by the high degree of efficiency which was displayed in all respects, both by competitors and organizers.
Mr. T. B. Browne, who responded, explained briefly the system of judging. Some casual observers might think that the Judges had mit done their work seriously in the few hours that the parade lasted, but that was because their principal duty was to take off marks for any lack of cleanliness or other fault on presentation. The main work had been done by the Parade Committee and the officials, and particularly by Mr. Watson, during the. preceding months of inspection. Mr., Browne then proceeded to relate some amusing examples of replies to the written technical examinations to which a number of drivers had submitted themselves. The replies to those pa.pers had been examined by him, and they showed considerable advance on the year before. One driver, when in doubt, ascribed everything to the existence or lack of a vacuum ; another wrote about "the healthy bark of his engine." Anybody who perused th•Li questions would, see that they were by no means easy ones. His work in connection with the parade
had been a great pleasure, and he looked forward to the organization of others. (Applause.) Colonel T. J. Kearns, C.B., submitted the toast of " The Chairman," and commented upon the long record of service which Colonel Crompton had behind him in naval, military, and civil affairs. He was a splendid chairman for the Association to have. (Loud applause.) The toast was received with musical honours, and Colonel Crompton, in a brief acknowledgment, pointed out that, however varied his several interests had been in earlier years, he had at all times kept in the forefront his main life's work—the study of the vehicle and the road.
The company then adjourned to the Victoria Palace Theatre of Varieties, which house had been taken by the Association fsrr the entertaiement of the drivers and their friends. An excellent programme and revue were provided.
OWNERS' PRIZES.Announced at Luncheon. "The Commercial Motor" Challenge Cup.
(Awarded to the best " team" of six vehicles.) Winner.—Spiers and Pond, Ltd., Nos. 145-150 (Drivers S. Jennings, T. Campbell, A. Hornsby, G. Edmunds, S. Poole and A. Elson each received a souvenir silver medal), Albion vehicles.
Runners-up.—The Gas Light and Coke Co., Ltd., Nos. 31-36 (Drivers A. Curson, C. Boore' H. Jarman, S. Collings, Read, and J. Neville each win 10.s.), Commercar vehicles.
The "Shrapnell-Smith" Cup.
(Awarded to the owner of the ve.hirle the bodywork of which disclosed the best advertisement effect.) Winner.—Otto .Monsted, Ltd., Nos. 364-366 (Drivers E. Rattray, C. Andre and C. Smith). Bodies by E. arid H. Hors, T:td.
"The "Continental" Cup.
(A warded to the owner of the. highest-marked vehicle fitted with Continental solid tires.) Winner.—Selfridge and Co., Ltd., Na. 140 (Driver 0. Jackson), Halley vehicle.
New Vehicle Prizes.
(Awarded to owners of vehicles delivered front the works not earlier than 1st April, 1914.) Winners of Silver Ccros.—The Daimler Co., Ltd., No. 479 (Driver D. Rickorils)—Tbe Judges' "office" omnibus ; Harrods Ltd., No. 482 (Driver J. Chapman), Edison van ; Schweppes, Ltd., Nos. 493 and 494 (Drivers F. Beezeley and C. Davis), Faders wagons; Selfridge and Co., Ltd., Nos. 495.500 (Drivers M. Goodson, F. Disdale, G. Cross, J. Bcoilton, H. Pavelin and T. Atterbury), De Dion vans; J. Walker and Sons, Ltd., No. 505 (Driver J. Hopson), Commercar van; Waring and Gillow, Ltd., No. 506 (Driver A. Nichol), Leyland pantechni• con; and Clarkson, Ltd., No. 599 (Driver F Briden), ClarkSan coke-fired lorry.
Engineers' Prizes.
(Awarded to engineers to owners for the groups of vehicles showing the. best condition on parade.) First prize (silver cup), Mr. F. Whalley, of Fry Bros., Ltd.; second prize (silver goblet), Mr. H. J. Chapman, of the Gas, Light and Coke Co., Ltd.
The Prize Distribution.
Aft...r the revue, an interesting series at modern slides was projected on to the screen. These included selections from difkreet parades and from the historical motorcars in " The Motor " Museum at the Crystal Palace. The priz2 distribution, so far as it had been promised to take place on the day of the parade, was then made by Celonel Crompton, who gave away, on the stage, the championship prizes and badges, the entificates for the drivers whir had been successfully classed in the written technical examinations, the long-service medal, presented by French's Garage and Motor Works, Ltd., and the " enrolled drivers" prizes. The winners were as under :— CnAerioN ThavERs.—Steam : first prize of £10, souvenir trelee aryl certificate, C. W. Ilrlster (No. 135), Sehweppes,
; second prize of £5, souvenir badge and certificate, R. 1.. McKinley (No. 378), Parke, Davis aild Co., Ltd. Petrol : first prize of £10 (etc as above), C. E. J. Bansley (No. 359), Midland Railway Co. ; second prize of £5 (etc. as abeve), W. J. Denver (No. 39), the Gas Light and Coke Co., Ltd.
OTUER CERTIFICATE WINNERS.-6tektID A. G, Baker (Na. 267), Gardner, Locket and Hinton, Ltd. ; G. A. ceopee (No. 50), G.P.O. ; C. Hughesdon (No. 430), J. Walker and Son, Ltd. ; and C. Siggars (No. 189), R. White and Soes, Ltd. Petrol : E. Boulton (No. 360b), Midland Haile ay Co. :
G:b on (No. 248), Duncan Flockhart and Co., Ltd. ; F.
(No. 277), Gosling, and Sons, Ltd. ; Gould (No. 383), 1% Rawlin,gs, Ltd. ; G. Hughesdon (No. 430), J. Walker and Son, Ltd. ; H. Haines (No. 418), Thos. Tilling, Ltd. ; R. J. McKinley (No. 378), Parke, Davis and Co-, Ltd. ; R. Messer (No. 368), Jas. Nelson and Sons, Ltd. ; J. Reid (No. 323), Lipton, Ltd. ; H. B. White (No. 390), the Rickmansworth aim Uxbridge Valley Water Co., Ltd. ; and A. Woodeock (No. 98), Jas. Nelson and Sons, Ltd.
Driver Hughesdon was placed second in both examinations but as a winner of £15 in the 1913 examinations was barred this year from taking a cash prize in this section.
LONG SERVICE MEnAt..and £2.-G. Johnson, No. 3, Allen and Ha.nburys, Ltd., 12 years 4 months-prize given by French's Garage and Motor Works, Ltd. Runners-up : P. Driscoll, No. I86b, Westminster City Council, 12 years 4 month, and F. Pulham, No. 95, Mann and Creasman and Paulin, Ltd., 11 years 5 nuniths. ENROLLED DittyEns.-F. Upchurch, No. 237, Chapman Bros., Ltd. £2 2s. ; E. Busse, No. 178a, Westminster City Council, 21: is.
General Prizes.
The prizes which were aaarded from the general prize fund, other than the champirrie:hip 1,-iz.es and the "enrolled drivers' " prizes, which are separately reported, were in accordance with the list whin: follows. The maker of the vehicle is ineeaen ease given last. The official programme included the names of owners, but we are obliged to omit these for want of space.
No Territorial prizes were awarded, and the result of the long-service prize will he found in the list which is included in the account of the prize distribution at the Victoria Palace Theatre.
Parcelcar Classes.
Fh at price of £2, No. 469, J. Piercy, Anto-Carrier. Two second prizes of LI 10s. each : No. 476, S. Dupontet, Warrick ; No. 477, J. Dwyer, Warrick.
Three third prizes of £1 each : No. 465, A. Hogan, Warrick ; No. 473, L. G. Cook, Warrick ; No. 474, W. Cain, Warrick.
First prizes (10) of £2 each : No. 13, H. Burr, Hanford; No. 23, W. Morse, 'Roden; No. 33, H. Jarman, Commercar ; No. 105, H. Rolfe, Wallis and Steevens; No. 140, G. Jackson, Halley ; No. 148, G. Edmunds, Albion; No. 237, F. Upchurch, Foden ; Na, 245, E. Hayes, Dennis; No. 295, J, Pudney, Albion; No. 319, A. Sumner, Leyland. Second prizes (25) or £1 10s. eich : No. 14, W. Dark, Hall. ford ; No. 34, S. Collings, Commercar ; No. 35, G. Read, Commerear; No. 48. J. Cox, Milnes-Daimler; No. 50, 0. Cooper, Alldaye and Onions; No. 68, E. Payne, Albion ; No. 81, W. Smith and A. Shoed, Dennis; No. 111, W. Bowles, Thornycroft; No. 149, S. Poole, Albion; No. 178. E. Busse and A. Jones, Thornyeroft ; No. 179, P. Gaskin and F. . Gregory., Thornycroft; No. 216, 0. Warren, Lacre; No. 244, Balchin, Hallford; No. 277, F. Goody, Thornycroft; No. 296, 0. Whiting, Albion; No. 297, A. Bayes, Albion; No. 299, H. Button, Follett; No. 321, B. Jacobs, Edison; No. 323, J. Reid, Commerce'.; No. 326, F. Powell, Foster; No, 371, G. King, Foden ; No. 382, F. Puttock, Hallford ; No. 408, T. Farmer, Dennis; No. 408, W. Farmer, Dennis, No. 434, F. Payne, Foden. Third prize (114) of LI each-six otherswere with?leld No. 3, G. Johnson, DeDion; No. 9, A. Winter, Hallford ; No. 15, A. Clayton, Foden ; No. 19, F. Golding, Foclen ; No. 22, J. Dawson, Iodeu; No. 27, J. Hobbs, Foden; No. 40, A. Baktr Napier; No. 42, J. Lester, Unit.: ; No. 44, G. Carey, Halley; No. 47, H. Paddy, Halley ; No. 49, H. Barker, Maudslay ; No, 61, A. Payneson, Lame; No. 69, J. Gavin, Albion; No. 74, H. Colborn, Commerear ; No. 80, J. Ley and A. Flury, Dennis; No, 82, H. Rouse and W. Hill, Dennis ; No. 84, G. Mabley and A. Baldwin, Dennis; No. 97, B. Spurrier, MilneaDaimler; No. 100, J. Groves, Milnes-Daim
; No. 101, J. Badrick, Milnes-Daimler; No. 102, W. Sowden, Milees-Daimler ; No. 106, H. Portas, Sour., Wallis and Steevens No. 107, A. Whall-e,y, Aveling and Porter; No, 108, L. Bell, Aveling and Porter ; No. 109, W. Crane, Thornycroft No. 110, A. Hayward, Thornyeroft ; No. 113, B. Squires, Thornvcroft ; No. 114, C. Ashby, Bermt; No, 119, G. Heath, Treelon; No. 120, W. Fenner, Faders; No. 134, W. Macarty, Foden ; No. 141, S. Cragg, Charron ; No, 146, T. Campbell, ; No. 150, A. Elaon, Albion ; No. 152, 1'. Taylor, Albion ; No. 153, C. Winterflood, Albion ; No. 154, F. Constable, Albion ; No. 156, J. Moore, Lacre; Nn. 165, Berge, Tilling; No, 168, K Hayfield, Tilling: No. 174, E. Stubbings, Leyland; Nu. 177, J. Fox, Thornyoroft ; No. 180, J. :tahoney, Thnrnyoroft ; Nn. 182, E. Hills and 8 Bounds, Leyland; No. 186. R. Slater and P. Driscoll, Leyland; No. 189, C. Siggars, Tasker ; No. 195, F. Cole, ',acre; No. 200, J. Race, Commercar; No. 204, A. Phillips, .Albion ; No. 210, E. Lambarth, Lacre; No. 217, A. Day, Albino; No, 218, W. Sansum, Aveling and Porter ; No, 220, A. ,Niven, Straker; No. 226. S. Clover, Lacre; No. 228, E. Potterton, Foster; No. 229, A. Boreham, No. 238. W. Crawte, Vulcan; No. 239, C. Lowe, Unic; No, 250, F. Grainger, Foden; No. 254, W. Brown. Napier ; No. 256, D. Brown, Foden; No. 258, H. Whebell, Endo' ; No. 260, H. Singleton, Commercar; No. 261, W. Harley, Commercar; No. 262, A. Hoard, Dennis; No. 281, W. Bishop, Hanford ; No. 282, J. Travers, Hanford ; No. 291.A. Kentish. Edison; No. 294. F. Arnold, Edison ; No. 298, E. Nib-lett., Foden; NO. 300, A. Berry, Commercar ; No. 301, J. Rathbone, Commercar ; No. 305, F. Banks, Ioden ; No. 316, R. Kersey, Albion ; No. 317, G. Jared, Commercar; No. 325, A. Jones, Foster ; C2 No. 327, J. Loft, jam., Albion ; No. 331, S. Holloway, Balmier; No. 332, J. Williams, Balmier; No. 333, A. Goff, Uric; No. 337, T. Rogers, Commerear; No. 347. T. Brown, Leyland; Nn. 343, C. Collins, Leyland; No. 356, 0. Hall, Dmilis; No. 358, J. Road, Milnes-1Daim1er ; No. 359, C. Ransley, Milne.s.Daimler ; Nn. 361, A. Marsh and A. Gray, Lacre ; No. 362, A. Goode, Lacre; No. 364, E. Rattray, Ley.. and; No. 374, C. Birch, Napier ; No. 375, T. Goo, Dennis; No. 378, H. L. McKinley, Milnes-Daimler ; Nn. 385, G. Adams, Thornycroft ; No. 390, H. White,
Aveling and Porter ; No. 394, E. Wilson, Albion ; No. 406, E. Banks, Clement Bayard; Nn. 411,' F. Tombs, Albion ; No. 412, H. Chapman, Albion ; No. 416, J. Webb, Milnes-Daimler ; No. 424, F. Williamson, Tilling ;. No. 427, J. Armell, Commercar ; No. 428, A. Kill. Commercar; No. 429, W. Billson, Commercar ; No. 435, C. Reeves, Foden; No. 439, J. Robinson and W. Rannnw, Thornycroft ; No. 441,
Lawford and F. 'Maunder, Leyland; No. 443, W. Rappolt. and .1. Collins, Leyland ; No. 444, E. Gascoyne and T. Law,
Lev In ad; No. 447, C. Bateman, -Dennis; No. 45C. H. Crook, Thornycroft ; No. 451, W. Davey, Foden; No. 452, E, Payne, Lacio; Nu. 505, J. Hopson, Commercar.
The following record list of prizes which fall in the special category was provided by various manufacturers of vehicles and supplies. The competition was in each case limited to drivers in charge of vehicles of the particular make indicated, lising supplies of the particular manufacture declared. In all eases of supply—not vehielc—prizo.s, the money will be divided between all the drivers on parade, in the employ of the winning owners, who wore using the same make of tire, ay., hut only the names of the ,highest-marked drivers are givcn in the list which follows.
Albion Prizes.
No. 148. G. Edmunds, £2 10s. ; No. 295. J. Pudney, -1.11 15s. ; No. 295, G. Whiting, £1. Allehin Prizes.
Nu. 266, A. Jones, £3 3s. ; No. 267, A. Baker, £2 2x.
Aveling and Porter Prizes.
No. 390, H. White, £2 10s.; No. 107, A. Whalley, £1 !Ss.; No. 1:08, L. Bell, £1.
Avon Prizes.
Nu. 304, E. Wilson, £2 10s. ; No. 43, S. Corson, £1 15.s. ; No. 232, W. Betts, £1.
Bradbury Prizes,
No. 326, F. Powell, £2 10s.; No. 299, H. Button, £1 15s.; No. 325, A. Jurivs, El.
Carburine Prizes.
No. 34, S. Collings, £2 10s. ; No. 42, J. Lester, £1 15s.; No. 416, J. Webb, £1.
Carless, Capel and Leonard Prizes.
No. 296. G. Whiting, £4 4s. ; No. 111, W. Bowles, 23 3s.; No. 277, F. Goody, £2 2s.; No. 297, A. Bayes, Li is.
Commercar Prizes.
No. 33, If. Jarman, .C2 103.; No. 34, S. Collings, £1 15s.; No. 35, G. Read, £1.
Commercial Tyre Prizes.
At the time of going to press we have not learned particulars of these awards.
Connolly Prizes.
No. 141, S. Cragg, £1 11s. 6d. ; No. 372, D. Minton, £1 la.
Daimler Prizes.
No. 332, J. Williams, £2 10s. ; No. 331, S. Holloway, £1 15s.; No. 330, W. Counter, £1.
De Bion-Souton Prizes.
No. 3, CI. Joh.ison, £2 10s. ; No. 5, 11. Sewell, £1 15s. ; Nu. 4, J. Dicks, £1.
De Nevers Prizes.
No. 43, J. Cox, £1 lit. 6d. ; No. 34, S. Collings, £1 is.
Dennis Prizes.
No. 245. E. Hayes, £2 10s.; Nu. 409, W. Farmer, £1 153. ; No. 408, T. Farmer, £1. Dunlop Prizes.
No. 50, G. Cooper, 24 4s. ; No. 51, E. Small, £3 3s.; No. 54, FL Masters, 22 2s. ; No. 52, C. Page, 21 Ia.
Edison Prizes.
No. 321, B. Jacobs, 21 lie. 6d. ; No. 294, F. Arnold, £1 is,
Ferodo Prize.
Nci, 319, A, Sumner, 21 le.
Foden Prizes.
No. 23, W. Morse, £4 4s.; No. 237, F. Upchurch, £3 3s. ; No. 371, G. King, 22 2s. ; No. 434, F. Payne, 21 is.
Garrett Prizes.
No, 125, J, Nichols, £2 10s, ; No. 123, J. Shewry, EL 15s. ; No. 122, H. Cooper, £1.
Halley Prizes.
No. 140, 0. Jackson, 23 3s. ; No. 44, G. Carey, 22 2s. ; No. 47, 1I. Paddy, 21 is.
HaMord Prizes.
No. 13, H. Burr, £3 3s.; No. 14, W. Dark, £2 2s.
Hans Renold Pezes.
No. 13, H. Burr, 21 11s. 6d. ; No. 23, W. Morse, 21 is.
Lacre Prizes.
No, 216, G. Warren, 22 10s. ; No. 210, E. Lombardi, 21 15s.; No. 61, A. Paynoson, 21.
Leyland Prizes.
No. 319, A. Sumner, 22 10s. ; No. 186, R. Slater and P. Driscoll, £1 15s. ; No, 441, J. Lawford and F. Maunder, 21.
Liga Prize.
Not awarded at the time of going to press.
Macintosh Prizes,
No. 97, R. Spurrier, 22 10s. ; No. 102. W. Sowden„ £1 15s. ; No. 367, A. Goodman, 21.
Milnes-Daimler Prizes.
No. 48, J. Cox, 22 10s. ; No. 378, R. L. McKinlay, 21 15s. ;
No. 97, R. Spurrier, 21.
Napier Prizes,
No. 40, A. Baker, 22 10s.; No. 374, C irchi, 21 15s.; No. 254, W. Brown, £1.
Peter Union Prizes.
No. 337, T. Rogers, 24 4s.; No, 353, D. Tilbury. 23 3s. ;
No. 334, H. Clarke, 22 2s.; No. 135, C. 13rister, 21 is.
Polack Prizes:
No. 245, E. Hayes, £4 4s. ; No. 244, J. Baichin, £3 3s. ;
No. 216, G. Warren, 22 2s.; No. 81, W. Smith and A. Sheed, 21 is.
Pratt's Prizes.
No. 245, E. Hayes, £4 4s. ; No. 148, G. Edmunds, 23 3s. ; No. 244, J. Balchin, £2 2s.; No. 68, E. Payne, 21 is.
Shell Prizes.
No. 319, A. Sumner, £4 4s. ; No. 295, J. Pod nay, £3 3s.; No. 140, G. Jackson, 22 2s. ; No. 409, W. Farmer, 21 is.
Shrewsbury and Chailiner Prizes.
.1Nio;. 15, H. Burr, £1 11s. 6d. ; No. 148, G. Edmunds, ids,
No. 332, J. Williams, £2 10s.; No. 416, J. Webb, £1 159.;
No. 331, S. Holloway, 21.
St. Helen's Prizes.
No. 300, A. Berry, 21 Us. 6d.; No. 556, J. Clarke, Ll is.
Thornycroft Prizes.
No. 178, E. Busse and A. Jones, 22 10s. ; No. 179, P
Caskin and F. Gregory, 21 15s.; No. 11.1, W. Bowles, Ll.
Vandervell Prize.
No. 331, S. Holloway, £1 1s.
Wells Prizes.
No. 238, W. Crawte, 22 10s. ; No. 215, L. Latter, 21 10s.; No. 336, J. Clarke, 21..
Wolseley Prize.
No. 269, J. Lav.artis, 22 10s.