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Cleverly Designed Electric Industrial Truck

4th June 1943, Page 23
4th June 1943
Page 23
Page 23, 4th June 1943 — Cleverly Designed Electric Industrial Truck
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A NEW battery-electric industrial truck has been pro duced by the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Loughborough. -It is of 2 tons carrying capacity, and to ensure manceuvrability it is of the three-wheeled type, the single wheel at the front being mounted in what is called a '.' pony unit," consisting of a totally enclosed motor and reduction gear, axle, controller, and steering column, with a first reduction by chain and sprocket and final drive by spur gearing. The arrangement permits steering and driving almost at right angles to the centre line of the machine, and the unit can he removed from the chassis in a few moments; it is also interchangeable. The driving wheel is of the detachable type with split flanges. In the low-loading type, there are two small solid-tyred wheels at the rear, the (Hiving wheel having an 18-in. by 7-in, pneumatic; in the case of the high-loader, all the wheels are detachable and interchangeable.

The frame is of built-up box section, electrically welded, with cross-braces and gussets, and the batteiy, consisting

of 20 cells of 144 amp.-hour capacity, is carried in a strong metal container mounted on the pony unit between it and the truck platform. The operator sits immediately over the container, although on a separately mounted upholstered seat. The one-hour rating of the motor is 38 volts 65 amps. at 1,400-1,500 r.p.m., and it is designed for seriesparallel control. The controller is mounted on the steering column and turns with it, so that the cables are not subject to twisting. The controller contactors give four speeds in

each direction. It is operated by an accelerator pedal equipped with an automatic delay-action device which limits acceleration to 3-4 secs. per speed.

For steering there is a kind of handlebar which affords ample leverage. The basic design permits the provision of four models without any considerable change, the low and high loaders each. being available with fixed or elevating platform. The elevating gear comprises a jack and hand-operated pump which can be worked from the driving seat, and with full load the platform can be lifted in

15 secs. The release valve permits lowering at various speeds.

The brakes are of the Bendix internal-expanding type controlled by foot; a pistol-grip hand brake serves Dr use when the truck is stationary.