articulated fiats line-up in Class F(1). Scoring was close throughout
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with the enthusiastic rail men, led by J. Scott, winning the class and the day's team award.
Class A—up to 16 ft. and from 201 cwt.: I, J. Cringan (BMC (Scotland) Ltd.), Morris, 193 penally points; 2, W. B. Turner (GPO Edinburgh). Morris, 218; 3, M. McKenzie (BMC (Scotland) Ltd.). Morris, 260.
Class B-16-19 fit 1, J, Gavin (D. M. Stevenson and Co. Ltd.), Commer, 132; 2. W. D. Johnston (A. and W. Douglas Ltd.), Commer, 394; 3, J. Belcher (BMC (Scotland) Ltd.), Morris. 429.
Class C-19-22 ft.: 1, G. Dickson (South Scottish Electricity Board), Bedford, 176; 2, Sgt. P. Craig (RASC). Bedford, 180; 3, F. Cameron (Rowallan Creamery Ltd.). Ford, 190.
Class 1)-22-25 ft.: 1, S. Irvine (SPD Ltd.). Austin, 81; 2, H. Littlejohn (British Oxygen Co. Ltd.). Albion, 194; 3, W. Stewart (British Oxygen Co. Ltd.), Dodge. 120.
Class E(1)—over 25 ft., two arks: 1, 3. McLaren (Russel( of Bathgate Ltd.), Albion, 171; 2, P. Corkingdale (Scottish Brewers Ltd.), ERF. 194: 3, G. Reid (Reed Corrugated Ltd.), Commer, 237.
Class E(2)—over 25 ft., more than two axles: 1, J. Richmond (British Oxygen Co. Ltd.), Foden, 192; 2, J. Garratt (D. M. Stevenson and Co. Ltd.). Leyland, 217; 3, M. Fraser (Scottish Brewers Ltd.), ERF. 270 Class F(1)—artie tractive unit under 4 tons, Out or sided setni4railer up to 38 ft.: 1, 3. Scott (British Railways. Edinburgh), Bedford, 186; 2, J. Hunter (BRS Grangemouth). AEC, 195; 3, T. Morrow (British Railways, Edinburgh), Comfier, 214.
Class F(2)—artie tractive unit under 4 tons, box or tanker semi-trailer up to 38 ft.i. 1, 3. Dickie (Regent Oil Co. Ltd.), Bedford, 274; 2, J. Campbell (FIRS Parcels. Glasgow), Bedford, 299; 3, L. Stark (BRS Parcels, Glasgow), Austin, 309.
Class G—attic tractive unit over 4 tons, fiat or sided semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: 1, R. Hatley (BRS Grangemouth), Bristol, 207; 2, J. Douglas (Russell of Bathgate Ltd.), ERE, 222; 3, D. Wells (BRS Newington). Seddon, 259.
Class H—attic tractive unit over 4 tons, box or tanker semi-trailer: 1, A. Hogg (Scottish Brewers Ltd.), ERE. 351, 2, H. McKendrick (Russeil of Bathgate Ltd.), Leyland. 620; J. Anderson (Scottish Brewers Ltd.), ERF. 631 Team Award: British Railways. Edinburgh (J. Scott, T. Morrow, J. Roan).
driving tests on traffic-free, ordinary roads. The drivers set out for their 25-mile road circuit in bright, sunny weather and soon were coping with normal traffic conditions such as are not encountered in English Sunday contests. As the last few vehicles were leaving the early number arrived back to start their manceuvres on the same site.
The loading bay test at Castlereagh necessitated reversing on a slight upgradient and was set on the nearside of the road, instead of the offside as now laid down. This meant that artic drivers reversed blindly, although as conditions were the same for all, no complaints were reported on this score. The Army entries were often in difficulties here, their best performer being L/Cpl. Darling (HQ 39 Brigade), Bedford; Darling completed the day as the leader of the military contingent. S. Sloan (Carrickfergus Borough), Karrier, the only local authority driver competing, handled his tipper with confident ease at this stage.
Close attention of the tanker men was focused on the performances of Shell's S. Martin (Leyland) in Class E (2) and Esso's J. A. Lawley (Scammell) in Class H. Both were previous national finalists, but neither emerged as a class winner this year.
As already noted, the index-of-performance formula was used to decide the overall wi