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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by
the roitghvess of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier,
Benzole Production in Wales.
An interesting scheme which is shortly to he put into operation by the National Beuzole Association was made known to a Cardiff audience recently by Dr. Smith, D.S.C., London, the expert on gas research work. He stated that it was the company's intention to produce 600,000 gallons of benzole per annum from the tar and gas obtained at the maritime coke ovens of the Great Western Colliery Co. at Pontypridd. The colliery company will supervise the 'work for the association, and the suppltes which are produced will be for home distribution.
It is calculated that the benzole thus obtained could be produced for 9d, per gallon (including allowance for loss on the sale of gas involved thereby) and that diStribution costs and profits would bring the selling price to 1s. 6d. per gallon, it now being 2s. 3d. per gallon.
The Question of Spotlights.
The Royal Autoinohile Club has :*-• cently been in communication with the Home Office on the question of the use of spotlights, and the Club has now received a letter from that department in which it is stated that the Ministry of Transport proposes to give further consideration to the question when the Lights on Vehicles Bill is again dealt with. In this connection the Ministry will so doubt pay regard to the recommendation made by the Departmental Committee on the Taxation and Regulation of Road Vehicles, when in paragraph 18 of its third interim report .it was stated that, "movable inspection lamps ,should be permitted provided they are not lighted or used as or in addition to the side lamps and/or headlamps except when the vehicle is at rest."
The Congleton Road Lighthouse.
A road lighthouse has recently been erected at Congleton. To the borough surveyor of Gongleton—Mr. P. A. Watford—stands the credit of introducing this novel device for assisting road users. The ferro-concrete tower has been erected on the outside of a fairly steeply curving gradient encountered on the Manchester road immediately after leaving Congleton. The road has been widened from about 22.ft. to over 60 ft., the lighthouse standing at the outer side of the bend, and a substantial ferro-concrete wall nearly 150 yds, long and in places 22 ft. high being located on the opposite or near side of the curve where the hill has been levelled so as to increase the visibility on the corner.
In the past it has been found that commercial vehicles have sometimes become stalled at a point nearly opposite the present lighthouse, where they occasionally ran backwards; mounted the pavement and crashed into the cottages on the left. To prevent a recurrence of damage to private property a guard wall of concrete has been erected at the danger-point.
The lighthouse, which has been build by the Yorkshire Hetmibique Contracting Co., of Leeds, incorporates two large
windows, one facing up the hill and the other down, These windows carry the warning sign in large red letters, which, being illuminated from the interior, can be easily read by night or day. Above them are the three standard traffic signs indicating "Danger," "Au Acute Turn" and 'A Gradient," whilst above them again is a special intermittent light,
the operation of which is controlled by the hot air created by the gas-flame. The interior of the tower contains a washbasin, a stove, and a ladder running vertically up its centre and through to the light itself.
Garrett's London Repair Agents.
Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., inform us that they have appointed as their official repair agents and stockists for the London area, Glover and Webb, Ltd., of 28, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E.1. This company will undertake all running repairs of vehicles manufactured by the Leiston Co., and, as stockists, will supply spares for the companY's steam wagons.
-Transport for Workmen. Having considered the demand of 'workmen for the provision of road facilities whereby journeys to and from -Work can be expedited, the Brynmawr (Mon.) Trades Council has passed a re
B.A.T. Annual Report.
The annual report of the directors of the British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., for the year ended December 31st last states that the income from investments, net traffic receipts and other revenues, after providing for depreciation, amounted to £56,291. After deducting administration and general expenses and other items chargeable to revenue, a stirplus of £41,355 remains, which, with the sum of £19,978 brought forward from the previous year, makes an available total of £61,333. Of this sum, £10,000 is to be carried to the reserve, whilst the dividend on the 8 per cent, participating preference shares will absorb £10,242, and a .further dividend on those shares at the rate of 2 per cent. £2,560, and the payment of a dividend of 10 per cent, on the ordinary shares will amount to £20,000.
It is stated in the report that a company under the title of the North • Western Road Car Co:, Ltd., has been formed to take over the business in the Macclesfield, Buxton and Stockport areas. The whole of the provincial interests of the company are now vested in subsidiary 'undertakings, and the company has continued during the year the policy of increasing its interests in associate;1 companies.
Supplementary List of Exhibitors at Wembley.
In our issue for January 15th we published a preliminary list ef the exhibitors in the motor-vehicle section at the forthcoming British Empire Exhibition to be held at Wembley. The names of the following companies have now been added to the list of exhibitors : Aerolite Piston Co., Ltd. • Atkinson and Co. ; Abingdon Works, Lid. • Avery, W. and T., Ltd. ; Allen, IA'. 11. and Sons, Ltd. ; Bentall, E. H. and Co., Ltd. ; Bowden Wire, Ltd.; British Piston Ring Co., Ltd.; Bariiinar, Ltd. ; Beckett, Laycock and Watkinson ; Bowden Brake Co., Ltd. ; British Petroleum Co., Ltd. ; Brolt, Ltd. ; Clews Peterson Piston Ring and Engineering Co., Ltd. ; Coopers Mechanical Joints, LW. ; Carbic, Ltd. ' • Concrete Utilities Bureau ; Drummond Bros., Ltd. ; Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. ; Duckham, A., and Co., Ltd.; E. D. Motors, Ltd.; Etienne et Cie; Elm Street Engineering Co. Ltd. ; Fullers United Electric worits, Ltd. ;. Fry's Metal Foundry; Green, T., and Son, Ltd. ; Glico, Ltd. ; Glacier Metal Co., Ltd. ; Hall, J. end E., Ltd.,' Hardy, E. J. and Co., Ltd. ; Howell, W. R., and Co.; Jones and Shipman, A. A., Ltd., M.-D. Magneto Syndicate Ltd. ; Merryweather and Sons. Ltd. ; Miller, H., and Co. ; Oriental Tube Co., Ltd.; Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd. ; Rohinhood Engineering Works, Ltd. ; Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd. ; Ransome, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd. ; Suck Radiators, Ltd. ; Shell Mex, Ltd. i Safety Storage Systems, Ltd. ; S. Smith and Sons (M.A.), Ltd. ; Spiral Tube and Components Co. ; Sterling Metals, Ltd. ; Valor Co., Ltd.. Unit Motors, Lid., Wilcot (Parent) do., Ltd.; Wellworthy, Ltd. ; Wakefield, C. C.; Wilcox, W. H., and Co., Ltd.; Wells Oil Co., Henry.
Motor Hirers' Association.
Following the recent discussions which have taken place at the Motor Trade Association and the Motor Ageots' Association meetings, an independent association has now been definitely formed for those engaged in the motor hire business as a trade. This association is to be known as the Motor Hirers' Association, and the secretary pro tem. is Mr. H. T. Richards, who can be ad, dressed at 12, Spring Street, Paddington, London, W.2.
The objects of the association are clearly set out in a book of rules of which we have received a copy. Primarily the association is concerned with watching over the general interests of those engaged in. the trade of letting motor vehicles out on hire, and in endeavouring to safeguard them in any way in which they may be menaced.
We notice, according to one of the clauses, that the Association is to take
London Passenger Transport in 1923.
We have recently given certain statistics relating to the activities of the Underground authorities in London during 1923, but supplementary details have. just been prepared by the authorities which serve to show the magnitude of the enterprise controlled from Electric Railway House.
During the year 1923 the Underground group of vehicles, i.e., railways, omni buses and tramcars, carried 1,630 million passengers, 1,134 million of whorn were carried by the " General" motorbuses. The total figure represents an increase of 188 million over the figura for 1922. The omnibuses ran 129 million car-miles, and the railways 69 million car-miles as against the tramcars' 19 million car
miles, the total of these three figures representing an increase of 27 million over the figure for the previous year. These totals constitute a record in the history of the company.
The average number of route or road.
miles operated by the three undertakings was 932, and the density of traffic,there
fore, measures 1,800,000 passengers per mile operated. The journeys per head of the population averaged 217, an in• crease of 25 over 1922.
The decrease in fafes at the commencement of 1925 has resulted in a re
duction in the average fare-paid per passenger to 2d., a decrease of ;d. as compared with the figure for 1922. • 'Tba total number of seats now pro
vided in the vehicles operated by the Underground group is 282,000, a figure which ' shows an increase of 86,000 on that for 1919.
Speed Limits or Road Improvements.
In regard to an application for a speed limit in Albany Street and Park Street, the St. Pancras 13orqugh Council is informed by the commissioner of Police that the matter has received careful con'sideration, bat he is unable to support an application for a reduced speed limit hi these roads, The -council is now considering the possibility of effecting a :widening of the narrow part of Park Street east of Arlington Road.
Converting Steamers to Motor Ships.
According to The Motor Ship a Committee of Congress has recommended that the American Government should allocate 25,000,000 dollars for the conversion of .50 steamers to oil-engined ships. It is
estimated, as a iesult of previous experience, that after conversion the fuel bill will only be one-third of that of the ships as ordinary steamers, in addition to which' thera will be a considerable increase in cargo-carrying Capacity.
The March number of The Motor Ship contains much interesting information on the remarkable economy of internalcombirstion-engined vessels, illustrated particulars of a 3,000 b.h.p. PalmerFullagar engine and many other articles.
London's "Independent" Bus Proprietors.
Readers will be interested to leara that the "Mutual Self Defence" organization, known as the Association of London Omnibus Proprietors, Ltd., is making much' headway. The membership is growing daily, and independent ".omnibus owners, (present and prospective) who are desirous of obtaining particulars as to the objects and aims of this association should communicate with the assistant secretary, Mr. Vernon H. Burton, at 5961, Oxford Street, London, W.1. The telephone number is Museum 3636.
Manchester's Municipal Buses.
The prejudice of the Manchester Corporation in favour of its tramway service is gradually breaking down, and the decision to allow motorbuses into the heart of the city is a concession to public opinion. The new municipal motorbus service is to run from St. Peter's Square to Didsbury, four miles of which route are already served by tramcar ; the last mile will be opening up a new area unprovided with any ser vice. •
A bus service with three vehicles in the hour is to be provided, and these will run the five miles with only two stops—so that a quicker service will be provided than on the tramcars, although the fares will be nearly double those charged on the cars. The rate for the ric le route will be 6d., with 3d. and 4d. for the intermediate stages. The buses will be one-man-controlled single. deckers, similar to those used on the
services Halting up the Withington tram. cars with Cheadle and Northenclon. To accommodate the new vehicles a garage will be erected at Didsbury ; until that is ready they will be accommodated in the existing tram sheds in Manchester.
Speed and Mud. • At a meeting of the Wrexham Corporation a letter was received from the Ministry of Transport, stating that it would not be possible to impose a reduced speed limit for motor vehicles merely to avoid inconvenience from mudsplashing, and that, as no satisfactory device had yet been brought to the notiCe of the Minister of Transport, he did not feel justified in recommending the compulsory use of such guards.
Rumanian Tyre Tariff Increased.
The tariff on solid tyres, pneumatic tyres and inner tubes, mounted on rinas, imported into Rumania,has been increased from 600 lei to 6,000 lei per 100 kilo's. net. When not, Mounted on rims the tariff has been increased from " 300 lei to 4,000 he per 100 kilos. net.
Devon Passenger Transport.
At the ordinary general meeting of the Torquay Tramways Cu,, Ltd., held a few days ago, when Mr. Harold T. Bennett, the chairman, presided, satisfaction was expressed with the activities of the company during the past year, and it was stated that the gross profit made on the various road services run constituted a record in the history of the company.
The chairman said that the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd,, in which the company held the controlling interest had been completely reorganized and that the services had been much extended by the addition of new rolling stock to the fleet.
With regard to the accounts of the company, the profit available for distribution was £34,972, and after placing £13,000 to reserve anr renewals account (bringing it up to £82,000) and 111,000 to the equalization of dividends account (making it 27,000 in all), and making
provision for income 'tax and other outgoings, the payment of a final dividend of 4 per cent. and a bonus of 1 per cent., both free of tax, making a total of 9 per cent. for the year, have been declared.
The directors have considered the possibility of forming a benevolent fund for the staff, particularly with a view to benefiting old employees, and it is their intention to make a beginning in the current year and to set aside an amount as a nucleus for that fund.
Success of Manchester Fusion Scheme.
It is just a little over 12 months since the fusion of interests of the Commercial Motor Users Association and the Manchester Motor Transport (Owners) Association was effected in the Manchester area, and in the South-East Lancashire area between the Commercial Motor Users Association and the Amalgamated Horse and Motor Owners' Association.
After a year's hard work under the new arrangement it is possible to report very satisfactory results. The principal advantage which has been 'gained is that there. has been common -membership without any duplication of functions. Apart from the efficient organization
B22 created as the result of common action, there has been a great saving of time for both officials and members of committees, due to the system which' enabled trade matters to be dealt with by one committee and commercial matters to be dealt with by another committee.
Comparing the position of the Manchester area ElS it stood in 1922 and in 1923, the creation of the joint organization has resulted in an increase of membership of more than 100 per cent., the figures being :— 1922, 213 members; 1923, 444 members. In addition to this, ahnost 500 firma have been approached with a view to membership. A large number of them have recently instituted their own transport facilities, so that there is good reason to expect even greater progress during the year 1924.
The result of the year's working in these two areas is watched by the headquarters of the Commercial Motor 'Users Association and also the national organization on the trade side (the
National Road Transport Employers' Federation), and there can be no doubt that, although trade depression has been keenly felt in Lancashire and Cheshire during the past rear the results of the fusion should induce those connected with other road transport organizations throughout the country to consider the possibility of proceeding on the lines of organization in Manchester and the South East Lancashire areas. The East Lancashire area is also organized under a somewhat similar scheme, and it is understood that plans of a, like nature are in hand in other areas also.
Tyre Price Reductions.
The Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., 4748, Farringdon Street, .London,
announce a reduction in tbe price of straight-side Dominion Royal cord tyres. A. list of the latest retail prices for tyres varying in dimensions from 31 ins, by 4 ins. to 40 ins. by 8 ins, can be obtained from the company.
We are informed that Mr. A. S. Forsyth, who .haS for 12 years been associated with Renault, Ltd., has been appointed general sales manager of the British Motor Trading Corporation, Ltd.
Meeting Municipal Wishes.
At a meeting of the Wrexham Watch Committee a letter was received from the general manager of the Wrexham and District Transport, Co., Ltd., stating that, whilst he considered the times mentioned by the conned_ for the augmented services to and from Llay rather inconvenient for the public, he was prepared to put them into operation as a trial to prove whether they were required or not. The committee agreed to ask the company to provide the services suggeated, or such other services as shall be approved.
Opposing Merthyr's Municipal Bus Scheme.
A good deal of opposition has been aroused by the proposal of the Merthyr Tydvil Borough Council to institute a municipal bus service on routes now served by buses run by private owners. The council proposes to expend £12,003 on the purchase of buses. .
The Merthyr Chamber of Trade has asked the council not to proceed with the scheme, and to receive a deputation of opponents to the project. The Troedyrhiw and Merthyr Yale Chambers of Trade have taken similar steps to oppose the institution of municipal services, and they have expressed satisfaction with the present facilities provided by private enterprise.
Electric Lighting and Starter Cables Specification.
The British Engineering Standards Association has just issued a specification for electric lighting and starter cables for motor vehicles. It giVes the dimensions of lighting and starter cables for system pressures of 6 and 12 volts nominal, but does not, deal with the compositions, quality or durability of the insulating material as a dielectric.
The specification is divided into seven sections, four of which deal with various types of lighting cables, and. the remainder with starter cables, dimensions being given both in inches and millimetres throughout. Three types of covering are included for both classes of cable, viz., braided and compounded, metallic armoured and cab tyre sheathing.
Copies of the specification can be obtained from the publications department of the British Engineering 'Standards Association, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, price is. 2d. post free, British Chances in Malaya.
From a comparative statement of the imports of motor vehicles and accessories into Malaya during the last three years, it is clearly shown that in this market the American-made vehicle is in the ascendency, although it is worthy of mention that the majority of motorcycles used in the country are of British manufacture.
When the excellent road system of Malaya is considered, it must be deemed unfortunate that the British manufacturer is not able to secure a better footing in a market where well-finished products are acclaimed.
The value of motor vehicle imports into the country from the United Kingdom last year was £133,165 as against £383,190 from America, these figures comparing with £86,485 and £98,707 for 1922, and 2256,121 and £341,359 reSpeo• tiveiy for 1921.
Road Maintenance Methods.
A matter of considerable interest to public authorities and, incidentally, of iinpoitance to users of commercial motor vehicles in reference to the efficiency of road maintenance under different methods, was brought under consideration at the last meeting of the Kesteven Comity Council, which exercises administrative control over a large portion of Lincolnshire,
It was stated that roads under direct eontrol entail an expenditure of £216 6s, per mile, whereas those maintained by rural authorities cost £230, whilst although there has been this extra expense involved they are, except in one instance, in nothing like so good a state
as the main roads. It is suggested, therefore, in the interest of the ratepayers and those using the roads, that the time has arrived when they shoold
;be all under direct control. It was Fainted out, however' that the council had no power to touch roads under the authority of turban councils. The determination was, however, expressed again to raise the question with a view to'bringing all roads under direct control,
Protecting the Local Trams.
At a meeting of the Southend Light Railways Committee the town clerk submitted a letter received from the West
cliff Motor Services, Ltd., in regard to the question of a bus service on the Sutton Read and East Street route, offering to provide a service from Victoria Avenue via Southchurch Road, Sutton Road, East Street, West Street, North Road, London Road, to Victoria Corner and vice versa in penny stages.
It was resolved that so far as the committee was concerned no objection be offered to. the service, subject to a twopenny stage being charged on the tramway route between the " Cricketers " and Victoria Corner, How to Cheapen Manufacture.
An instructive paper on the subject of " The Fundamentals of Cost Reduction ". was read before the Institution of Automobile Engineers at the Society of Arts by Mr. F. H. Kerr Thomas a few days ago. This paper wag of special importance to those engaged in the manufacture and selling of motor vehicles. The author dealt with the principles on which depend the cheapening of production and the effective meetiaig of foreign Competition. He criticised constant changes in design, and contended that stabilization of design mist be insisted on. Large output alone is not a guaran tee of cheapness. Analytical study of productive methods was of the greatest importance, Labour should be liberally rewarded, but all useless labour must be eliminated by scientific study of production methods and planning well ahead. The author gave as an -example of faulty production methods the case of making bodies for commercial vehicles by hand labour, and he considered that a fortune -awaited the manufacturer who would specialize in bodywork and break away from conventional methods, . High wages do not of necessity imply high costs, and a large output, althongh a contributory 00,1.1.Se, will not alone ensure low cost of production,. since, if errors in method are allowed to pass unchecked, the disease is aggravated by what is known as mass-production. The factor. in costs which to-day offers the greatest scope for improvement is misplaced and unnecessary labour, which is preventable if sufficient pains are taken to that end.
Lastly, in the small shop, analytical methods are as profitable and as necessary as in a large one ; in the former, because with a small turnover no opportunity of increasing profits can be overlooked, while in the latter the smallest losses become magnified at an alarming rate, and may very easily swallow up any profits which have been made. Reduction of costs, then, is what is needed most of all in the British motor. industry, and the author endeavoured t6 indicate methods which, if elaborated in every factory, would place the industry in an unassailable position.
P.W.D. Lorries for Germany.
We illustrate on this page an F.W.D. high-aided lorry which is part of a shipment of similar vehicles which the FourWheel Drive Lorry Co. Ltd., of 4e, Char ing Cross, London, are sending to Germany. • It is interesting to note that during the last: two months this company have received nine separate orders for F.W.D. lorries from Germany. The orders are for chassis complete with bodies and driving cabs, and three of the vehicles are fitted with electric selfstarters. It might be thought that bodies and cabs could be purchased at a lower price in Germany, and it is interesting, therefore, to find that the company have received orders for complete machines.
It is instructive to note that German buyers are looking to this country for commercial vehicles, and it is also
of mention that dealers in F.W.D. vehicles in Scandinavian countries, who hold agencies for other machines as well, are receiving few inquiries for German vehicles. . A few years ago it was common knowledge that German lorries were being offered in these countries at very low prices, but these conditions seem to have changed.
Parking-ground for Chester. -Chester Corporation has instructed the city surveyor to prepare a plan for -utilizing the vacant land belonging to Mr. S. G. Mason, in Frodsham Street, for a street improvement and for providing a parking-ground for motor vehicles.
Local Proceedings.
Evesham Town Council has decided to purchase a motor fire-engine.
. Lowestoft Town Council has decided to purchase a 5-ton steam wagon.
Calcutta Municipal Council has authorized the purchase of a Fiat motor lorry.
. -Lambeth Borough Council has purchased a 1-ton motor lorry at a cost of £236.
Newport (Mon.) Corporation has purchased a Ford ton lorry for the sanitary department.
Esher Urban District Council has decided to purchase a 3-ton motor lorry at a cost of £745.
Wandsworth Borough Council is makMg inquiries into the practicability of adopting motor traction for haulage work.
Bexhill Licensing Committee has considered an application for a bus licence from Carter and Lidst one, Ltd., and recommends the council to grant the licen ce.
Wombwell Urban District Council has refused to grant the Barnsley and Dia.trict Traction Co., Ltd., licences for 18 additional buses.
Willesden Urban District Council's Works Committee recommends' the purchase of two 2-ton motor lorries at. an
estimated coat of £12130. .
Bedfordshire County surveyor reports that during the year the six motor. lorries conveyed 22,451 tops at. an average cost of 4.42d. per ton-mile.
The Blaydon Urban District Council has approved an application from the Newcastle Benzole Co. to store 300,000 gallons of benzole at the depot at Bewes Hill Lane, Blaydon.
A scheme is being prepared by the Llanelly Borough Council in which the rural district council and the Burry Port Urban District Connell will cooperate foiprocuring fire-brigade equipment suitable to meet the needs of the three local areas,
Denbighshire County Council has expressed the opinion that motor drivers' licences should not be granted without full inquiry as to the capability and fitness of the applicant, and that every motor vehicle should be fully insured against' all 'rieks before' being licensed.
Albion Subsidy Orders. .
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., inform us that they have been favoured by the General Post Office with an order for two 30-cwt. subsidy-type Albion
lorries. The company also find that many of the commercial houses throughout the country are realizing the adv ntages of purchasing this tAle of vehi le both from the point of view of the s bsidy of 240 a year which is afforded a d the periodical free inspection of th ir vehicles by an independent Governm rit expert.
New and Enlarged Edition of "Tb Motor Electrical Manual."
Electrical applications play so hap rtant, a part in the satisfactory runni g of the present-day motor vehicle t ai the driver-owner should, in his own nterests, know something about the s bject of electricity and how it is utili on the motor vehicle. The science of electricity covers such a vast field of activity that a whole lifetime might given to it, and yet there would still e much to learn. It, would be possible to compile a large book on motorcar el ctrical equipment, but, as the response to the first edition of "The Motor Elec cal Manual" proved, the ordinary r diner requires a compact handbook of essential information in plain, ni n technical language rather than a tbook.
The new edition of "The Motor El etrical Manual," issued by Temple Pr ss Ltd., provides all the electrical info ation that is required for all practi at purposes. It describes the principles of all ignition systems, starting, light g and road-warning equipment, which is used as standard on most cars to-d y, and, in addition, various auxiliary appliances are described and illustrated.
, The opening chapters deal with carefully selected theory and non-technical explanation of the principles,of the subject, so that the reader is able clearly to follow the succeeding chapters, which are descriptive of the various Systems and appliances. Important developinents have taken place in motorcar electrical practice since the first edition of this
manual was issued, and the new edition has been rewritten, enlarged, entirely reillustrated and brought right up to date. The new edition of the manual comprises 18 chapters. The book, it, may be fairly stated, is a compact encyclopaedia of electrical information for the road user, written in a clear, non-technical style, and no previous knowledge of the subject is necessary to understand it. There are upwards of 100 new illustrations. Attractively bound in cloth, the new edition of "The Motor Electrical Manual" is on sale at leading booksellers at 2s. 6d., or post free 2s. 9d. It can also be had from Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, EC.
Leicestershire Roads.
There have been certain complaints recently of the slate of some of the roads in Leicestershire so the information to the effect that there is a prospect of considerable improvement being effected at an early date will be welcomed by all classes of road users. It is stated that the county council is to expend a large sum upon road repairs and main; tenance during the.ensuing annual period ending in March, 1925, the outlay being estimated by the highways committee at
• 2185,822, compared with 2175,952 for the current. year. Requirements of the urban districts would have entailed an expenditure of between 240,000 and £50,000, but it has not been found possible to agree to all the claims.
Atkinson Sales Representative.
Messrs. Atkinson and Co., the steam wagon manufacturers, of Frenchwood Works, Preston, inform us that they have appointed Mr. F. S. Heaton as their sales representative in London and the Home Counties, and his address is : Care of James Allen, Ltd., 19, Wapping High Street, E.1. Mr. Heaton was well known in the industry as a representative of the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., of Hunslet, Leeds, previous to taking up the representation of the Atkinson-Uniflow steam wagon.
Keeping Blackpool's Streets Clean.
During the month of January the Karrier sweeping and collecting machine owned by the Blackpool Corporation removed from 30 tons to 40 tons of sweepings from the streets. During the month the vehicles of the cleansing department collected 1,427 loads of refuse, representing 2,796 tons.