The Wheels of Industry.
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is
by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Proposals and Purchases, of Local Authorities.
Perth Tramways Dept. has received delivery of its now. motorbus.
The Deal County Council is considering the purchase of a motor fire-engine, The Sunderland Corporation has recently received delivery of its Morris fire-engine.
The Swanage U.D.C. is about to invite quotations for a motor tractor for the fire brigade.
The Surveyor of the Scarborough R.D.C. is to report on the use of motor transport for the haulage of road-stone.
Two three-ton Daimler chassis for the Tramways Department are being purchased by Halifax Corporation at a cost of g1483.
The Halifax County Borough Council is making inquiries as to the best type of motor vehicle for the collection of its street-refuses The Road Board is advancing the Notts. County Council a. loan of £850 for the purchase of another steam motor wagon and trailer.
The Electrical Engineer of Southend-on-Sea has received instructions to offer for sale the three bus bodies and spare parts remaining in his possession.
The York Streets and Buildings Committee has asked its City Council to adopt the Westmorland C.C. resolution in favour of increasing taxation on heavy motor vehicles.
The total loss incurred by the Southend-on-Sea municipal motorbus undertaking, subfect to Joss on realization of the assets still on hand, amounts approximately to X1170.
Holborn Borough Council is giving a three months' trial to a new motor road-sweeping machine, which, in addition, collects the refuse in a closed receptacle somewhat in the manner of a carpet sweeper. The machine belongs to Hill's Patent Motor Vacuum Road Cleanser, Ltd., which estimates that one machine will replace 18 men.
Recent Registrations.
C.F.M. Co., Ltd. (2500), to manufacture any articles covered by certain patents, the property of the C Coir Tyre o., Ltd., and G. D. Rose.
Borough Garage Co., Ltd. (21000), office, 141, Milton Road, Gravesend, Neat, to carry on the business of manufacturer of motor vehicles of all kinds.
Shamrock Motor Co., Ltd. (2500), by H. C. Pensent, 6, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham, to carry on the business of manufacturer of motor vehicles.
Thompson Brothers (Safford), Ltd. (X2500), office, 6, Dock, Salford, Manchester, to take ovr the business of a motor carrier and haulage contractor.
Evinrude Motor Co, (England), Ltd. (X2000), office, 107, Waterloo Road, S.B., to take over the business of sole agents for England of the Evinrude Motor Co., of Milwaukee, U.S.A., now carried on at the above address.
The British N.A.G. Motor Co., Ltd., is to be wound up voluntarily. Mr. J. E. Percival, 6, Old Jewry, KC., is the liquidator.
Winding-up orders have been made in the cases of the Cedes Electric Traction, Ltd., 112, Great Portland Street, W. ; the General Omnibus Supply (Mfg. Co.), Ltd., 98, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. and the Lancashire Motor and Eng. Co., Ltd., the County Garage, Fishergate, Preston.
A meeting of the menlbers of the British and Foreign Motors, Ltd., will be held at 92, Gloucester Road, South Kensington, on 8th May at 5 o'clock, for the purpose of considering the liquklator's report showing the manner in which the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of.
A general meeting of the members of ttlieNorth-Western Motor Co., Ltd. will be held at 30, Brown Street, Manchester, on 18th May, at 3 o'clock for the purpose of considering the liquidator's account showing the manner in which the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of.
Sheffield's Taxi Women.
Sheffield has already decided to permit women taxi-drivers. Several of them are at work satisfactorily. It appears, however, that GOIlle difficulty has arisen owing to the inability of their handling heavy luggage, and the co-operation of would-be passengers has to be asked when it is especially bulky.
R.I.A. Annual Meeting.
At the 23rd annual general meeting of the Roads Improvement Association, held on the 27th ult., Colonel R. E. Crampton, in the chair, reviewed the work of the Association during the past 12 months. The Association appears to have adapted itselfadmirably to the special requirements of the times, and to have given attention to many urgent problems arising from the state of war. The Association has been maintained by its members financially, so that the organization may be kept intact and efficient. There was an excess of income over expenditureof for 1915.
Petrol Supply and Distribution.
The following gentlemen were last week appointed by the President of the Board of Trade to be a committee to control the supply and distribution of petrol, and to consider what measures are necessary in the national interest (a) to ensure that adequate supplies of petrol shall be available for the purposes of the war and for other essential needs, and (b) with the above object, to regulate the use of petrol for other purposes in the 'United Kingdom during the period of the war, and subject to the direction of the Board of Trade to give executive effect to the measures decided upon :—
Mr. Oliver Bury (Chairman), Mr. Albert Edward Bowen, Sir John Prescott Hewett, Mr. Philip d. L. Webb.
The names are a guarantee of impartial control, and it is understood that the mass of information already in the hands of the Minister of Munitions will be passed to this committee, of which Mr. H. W. , Cole, of the Board of Trade, will act as secretary, with offices at 29, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W. It is officially intimated that the committee will not consider individual applications for supplies of petrol, nor deal with correspondence relative thereto.
The index to the Advertisements in this. issue will be found on page 19.
Taxicab Drivers Fix their Own Tarif I.
The taxicab drivers of Oldham have taken it upon themselves to override the scale of charges authorized by the Oldham Watch Committee. They had an-reed amongst themselves to accept no fare under 2s., and circulated printed card to that effect. The proper charge is is. per mile and 3d. per quarter after that. In an individual case of such overcharge the Watch Committee reprimanded the driver and ordered a refund of the overcharged amount. It expressed its opinion that it was not called upon to consider revision of such charges unless it was approached by the owners or driversof, such machines: City of London National Guard, • Mechanical Transport.
A typical—and probably the best —instance of volunteer training with heavy motor transport at Easter this year was that of the City of London National Guard. The M.T. Column paraded at a strength of 23 lorries, mostly of the W.D. subsidy model, with one omnibus, and a considerable motorcar convoy. The training extended from the 19th to the 25th ult. ; the transport-infantry operations were along a 42-mile front on two days, with a special attack, from an 8-mile-distant base, another day. The feature of the manceuvres was admitted to be the extensive use of heavy transport, and in part the introduction of unique fittings to aid the rapid mounting and dismounting of men. above forty years of age.
The heavy transport was consti; tuted thus : W.D.-type lorries, six each of Leyland and Thornycroft makes ; two each of Commercar and Hallford makes ; and one Albion ; one B-type lorry ; three Hallford three-tonners ; one Straker threetonner ; one Commercar three-tonner ; one single:deck Commercar omnibus. The National Guard was indebted to the following companies for co-operation in the provision of the M.T. Column : French's. Garage and Motor Works, Ltd. ; Win. Hampton, Ltd. ; Hepburn, Gale and Ross, Ltd. • W. Vernon and Sons, Ltd. ; the 'L. and' N.W. Ry. ; the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. ; Commercial Cars, Ltd. ; J. and E. Hall, Ltd. ; Leyland Motors (1914), Ltd. ; and John I.
Thornycroft and td. The officers on duty were Co.,Messrs. Shra nell-Smith (Commandant), F. Bristow (Adjutant), S. E. Garcke and Frank Churchill (Column Commanders), and J. F. Crawford (Convoy Commander). The Motorcar Convoy was under the charge of Col.-Commander Ernest Lowy.
The vehicles were garaged with Southdown Motors, Ltd., Freshfield Road, Kemp Town, and the A.S.C. depot in North Road, Brighton.
Major-Gen. S. S. Long, C.B.
. Major-Gen. Long, whose resignation a few weeks ago from the Directorship of Supplies and Transport at the War Office was so widely deplored, made a brief reference to the situation in which he voluntarily placed himself by retiring, at last week's meeting of the Greenwich Borough Council, of which local authority he is a member. Acknowledging the welcome of the Mayor, Gen. Long said he held that his position was a matter as to which the least said the soonest mended." He might properly say, in the words of the 1_7nder Secretary of State for War (Mr. H. J. Tennant) in the House of Coinmons, that he had resigned for his nwn reasons." Mr. Tennant•had remarked that he did not know what those reasons were ; the fact was, he had not taken the trouble to ask for them. They would have
been forthcoming OD request. He had severed his cennection with the 'vast organization at the War Office—an organization which on the whole worked very satisfactorily—with the deepest regret. He would, at some future time, find himself "unmuzzled," and he would then be able to give the reasons which had actuated him in taking such a step.
Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., Opens New Premises.
Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., Stamp End Works, Lincoln, the well-known engineering concern which manufactures, amongst so many other. 'specialities, steam wagons and tractors, has opened an office in Princes Chambers, Corporation Street, Birmingham, in order to deal expeditiously with the company's growing Midlands business. Further Recent Registrations.
Motor Service, Ltd. (2100), office, 40-46, Grey stones Road, Sheffield to carry on the business of transport contractors and proprietors of motorvans, cabs and motorbuses.
Frank Little and Co., Ltd. (2500), to acquire the rights of Cawthorn, Ltd. (lately called Frank Little and Go.), in the business of repairing pneumatic tire covers under the L.C. reclaim process.
Loncoyle Engine Co., Ltd. (215,000), office, 26 27 (South Floor), Queen Anne's Chambers, S.W.,. to acquire interests in patents for improvements to internal-combustion engines of the two-stroke cycle type.
Woman Char-a-bancs Driver.
The Dunoon magistrates have granted licences for the running of motor chars-a-banes between Dunoon and certain neighbouring districts, on the understandingthat they do not run more frequently than every two hours, in order not to "cut. out" tho owners of horsedrawn vehicles. Miss Mary E. Strafford, of Dunoon, was granted a licence to drive one of the machines.
A Communication Cord for Trailers.
The Highways committee of the County Oouncils' Association reports having considered a letter from the Wilts. County Council, drawing attention to the fact that although County Councils are empowered to make by-laws requiring the provision of a communication cord between locomotives and wagons, no similar power apparently exists in regard to heavy motorcars and trailers.
Horse-tramcars Displaced.
Many of our readers will recall the interesting single-deck open 15-seated horse-tramea,rs which operated between Newcastle, Kilkeel and Warrenpoint in County Down, Ireland. These were inaugurated so far. back as 1874, by the late Earl of Kilinorey, to develop his property. Motor vehicles are now to take the place of these cars, and special facilities are to he provided for the Mourne Mountains tour by Messrs. Norton and Co.
Romford Bus Proposals.
The Romford U.D.C., baying asked its surveyor to report with regard to the suggested running of motorbuses by the L.G:O.C. in the district, received the reply that he regretted there were any suggestims for reintroducing buses. He considered that the main London_ road through Rumford was in so bad a condition that the result of such further traffic would be disastrous. The matter is still under discussion.
o30 Leyton Tram and Bus Competi tion.
The Leyton Urban District Council is calling the Local Government Board's attention to the unfairness of motorbus competition with which municipal tramways undertakings in and around LondOn have to contend, such competition being in their opinion, as a rule, quite unnecessary to meet public requirements.
A "Commercial Motor" Stall Vacancy.
Applications are invited for appointment as assistant on the Viitorialt'Staff of this journal. Letters should be addressed to the Manager, TUE COMMERCIAL MOTOI1,, 7, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C., and should contain particulars of experience, and remunssratien ex-, peeted. Applications en,nupt be considered from anyone eligible for military service. The Russia Society.
Many of our. readers have reason to look forward to the extension of their business interests in Russia. We think that. they might with advantage, in "thosecircumstances, apply for membership of the Russia, Society. Whilst this Society does not . directly concern itself m any way with the development of and finance between the two Empires, its objects have a close bearing upon such business developments.
The annual subscription is only 10s. 6d. per annulus and the Hon. Secretary is Mr. James A. Malcolm, 47, Victoria Street, London, S.W. The first annual general meeting of the Society was held recently at theSpeaker's House, Rouse of Commons, Westminster, S.W., when the report and accounts were adopted. The surplus on the first year's income and-expenditure account was 2132.