Passing Comments
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Do Not Use AntinUR attention has been
freeze During Warm \--1 drawn by Morris Motors,
Weather Ltd., to the advisability of discarding anti-freeze solu-tion in the radiator now that the cold weather has, we hope, passed. The experience of this company's technical department is that, sometimes, if the solution be retained throughout the summer, it tends to thicken and interfere with the cooling. In any case, for safety, the supply has to be replenished when cold weather again arrives.
To Readers Who OR some reason the number Send Us Anonymous I of anonymous letters which Letters we receive is increasing. So
far, hthey have not been critical of our editorial policy, and some contain useful suggestions which would be much more valuable if we knew from whom they came. Others refer to points, which, if we had the facility of• replying, we could explain. We would like to take this opportunity of pointing out to such writers that any lettets sent to us and marked " private " are never published, nor are the names of the senders
disclosed in any circumstances. In not a few instances we have been able to help correspondents in difficulties which they would not have liked divulged to their employers or others. At the same time, we may point out that we do not mind receiving • comments, anonymous or otherwise, regarding the contents of this journal.
Should Really Elderly I N a recent case concerning
Drivers be Medically the death of a taxi driver,
Examined/ it was stated that he was worried through having to change his hours of work owing to the black-out. The ipteresting point to us, however, is that his age was given as 76, and that a doctor stated that his heart's condition Was such that he might have died suddenly at any Moment. Whilst feeling sympathetic with taximen who wish to retain their occupation as long as possible, it seems to 'us that those' much beyond middle age should receive a medical inspection, in order to avoid any risk of dying at the wheel, as might have happened in the case in question. Incidentally, this should really apply to drivers of all classes of motor vehicle. When the Patient Became Really Im patient
DURING an A.R.P. exercise in a northern city an ambulance party dropped one of the volunteer " patients " and broke his leg. As he lay on the stretcher, a warden who bent over him to express his sympathy, dropped his " battle bowler" on the bridge of the victim's nose and broke it.
Organize Savings RAISING finance for the Groups Where You "war is a subject which Are Employed . . should appeal to all. So far, it has exceeded all expectations, and the National Savings Committee is well on its way to reaching the second 100 million pounds through Savings Certificates and Defence Bonds
alone. In November there were 42,000 savings groups in existence. The figure is now well over 98,000, and of the new groups 71S per cent. are in places of employment, but there are still 200,000
with no such organizations. When compulsory savings were first discussed, a sum of £400,000,000 a year was mentioned ; the voluntary movement promises to exceed that amount. Those requiring full information should write to the National Savings Committee, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1.
Beware of Hand rORTUNATELY, nowadays, Starting While in I not many accidents occur
Gear through people being run down while starting vehicle engines by baud. This is one of the good results of improvements in electric starting. A woman was, however, killed in this manner a few days ago, and it will serve as a warning to others. We were not far off some years ago when a man, starting a taxicab in this way, was squashed between two vehicles, the starting handle being forced into his abdomen.