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4th November 1919
Page 16
Page 16, 4th November 1919 — THE BREWERS' EXHIBITION.
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What Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers are Showing.

THE BREWERS' EXHIBITION opened at the 'Agricultural Hall, Islington, on the 1st inst., and will close on Friday next the 7th inst. Those persons interested in brewing and its development who have not already visited the e'ithibition would be well advised to do so. Apart from the actual brewing side of the exhibits, there is an interesting display, by various manufacturers, of steam and petrol vehicles particularly suitable for the transport of barrelled and bottled beer. A number of trailers is also to be seen, and these are specially useful in connection with steam wagons.

To brewers the problem of transport is one of considerable moment, and on it, perhaps to a greater extent than is the case with any other business, depends the volume of their trade and the opportunities for expansion ; in fact, the life of the trade de ponds upon the maintenance of an efficient circulation in its arteries.

The production of beer, unless it can be distributed over a wide area and at regular intervals, will necessarily be limited. By the use of the steam or petrol vehicle, its distribution can be efficiently and regularly carried out, not only over the area which was previously served by horsed trans-port, but over an area of vastly greater extent, for, if the radius of delivery be tripled, the area served will be nine times as large therefore, the opportunities of obtaining fresh trade openings are actually increased to this extent.

The fact that many large brewers have already dispensed entirely • with their horsed transport proves that they have found the petrol or steam vehicle more efficient.