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IT is believed that a working agree ment has been reached between the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., and the transport committee of York Corporation., for the co-ordination of the city's passenger services. The terms of agreement have not yet been announced, but it is anticipated that the control of York transport will be placed in the hands of a committee of six, three members representing the company and three the corporation, with an independent chairman.
There is a likelihood of the transport committee's entire staff being absorbed by the new organization, which will continue, for the present, to operate all the existing services. It is not known whether it has been definitely decided to abandon the tramways.
OWING to the fact that the Ministry
of Transport has upheld the appeal of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., against the decision , of the North-Western Traffic Commissioners in granting consent to Lancaster and Morecambe and Heysham Corporations to operate services outside 'their respective boroughs, sub-committees of the two boroughs have decided to confer to consider what future action they shall take.
For some years both corporations have been negotiating to institute interrunning services.
BRIGHTON Town Council has
passed the proposal to merge Brighton Corporation's transport undertaking with the local system of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., control being vested in a new company with the title of Brighton and District Passenger Transport, Ltd.
B46 An amendment to disapprove the motion was defeated by 46 votes to 16, whiLst an amendment to the effect that the corporation should purchase the local bus interests was also rejected. At the meeting at which the proposed merger was passed, there was heated opposition from certain councillors.
NEGOTIATIONS are still proceeding between Swindon Corporation and the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., with the object of arriving at an arrangement, either for the joint operation of a proposed daily service to Stratton or for the operation of the service by one operator, with a mutual financial agreement.
As the Traffic Commissioners have decided to hear, on November 15, the corporation's application for consent to run buses outside theborough, the transport committee is to be empowered to reach agreement with the company. MANCHESTER OPERATORS FIGHT THE RAILWAYS.
AN intensive publicity campaign has
been organized by coach members of the Motor Transport Employers Association and the Commercial Motor Users Association, Manchester joint organization, of which Mr. FL Howard Robinson is secretary, against the appeals of the railway companies against the decisions of the North-Western Traffic Commissioners, in licensing excursions and tours from Manchester and the stir; rounding districts.
Posters are exhibited at the booking offices of most coach owners, appealing to the public to sign the petition to the Minister of Transport, stating the reasons why. It concludes with the admonition in bold lettering, "Don't be dictated to—travel by road if you wish." Propaganda slips are pasted on coach windows, and vigorously worded handbills are being issued in large numbers.
IT was announced last week at a sitting of the Eastern Traffic Commissioners, that some 450 applications had been received for the variation of fares, in consequence of the increase in the price of petrol. It is sought chiefly to eliminate special-fare facilities.
Some interesting figures were given by a representative of the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd. It was stated that, in the year ended August 31, last, the company's vehicles consumed 2,142,182 gallons of petrol, the cost per vehicle-mile on this account being 1.36d. The chairman of the Commissioners, Sir Haviland Hiley, remarked that this was a surprisingly high figure.
It was further stated that the company's annual petrol account would be increased by over £29,000, representing a rise in the cost per vehiclemile of 1.76d. Moreover, the company paid in petrol tax ;€71,406 per year, in connection with its fleet of 538 vehicles,' which covered all annual mileage of over 16,000,000.
WHEN the Leicester and District Bus Co. applied for the renewal of the license for it Leicester-Yarmouth express service, some interesting figures for costs and receipts were given.
It was stated that in the winter months the company carried 3,583 passengers on the service, the average receipts for that period being 3.2511. per vehicle-mile, the corresponding cost figure being 3.044. Sir Haviland Riley chairman of the Eastern Traffic Commissioners remarked that it was unusual to learn that such a figure as 3.204. did not constitute a loss.
It was further mentioned that during the summer months the total operating costs were 64. per vehicle-mile, the average receipts being 10.554. per coach-mile.
THE chairman of the East Midland Traffic Commissioners, Mr. J. H. Stirk, recently mentioned that applications for the abandonment of bus services were received at the rate of 10-12 a week.
He stated that some operators, particularly the larger concerns, wish to retain only the amply remunerative services, and he pointed out that much time would be saved if operators realized that they would not be permitted to abandon services merely because they did not pay.
THE London and North Eastern Rail way Co. withdrew last Monday, for the winter months, the passenger train service on the Elton and Boddam branch line. Bus services are in operation to deal with the traffic.
IT is understood that Nottingham Corporation will shortly put into service a bus running on gas instead of petrol. Experiments on these lines have been made by certain other municipal authorities. . MOVE FOR UNIFORM FARES.
A MEETING of bus operators is to
be held at the offices of the NorthWestern Traffic Commissioners, in Manchester, with a view to securing uniformity of fares. It is stated that the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. proposes to avail itself of the invitation of the chairman of the Traffic Commissioners, Mr. W. Chamberlain, to the company to send representatives to the conference.
OMNIBUS SOCIETY'S FILMS. A MEETING of the Omnibus Society was held last night at the Institute of Marine Engineers, Minories, London, E.C.3, when a number of instructive films was shown by courtesy of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd.
MINIMUM FARES RETAINED. A MEETING of No. 6 East Regional Sub-committee, representing coach operators in the Metropolitan area, has decided that the present 15-mile minimum fares he retained.
THE appeal of Mr. G. W. White, Great Houghton, against a decision of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners has failed and the appellant is to Day costs, this also applying to Tours and Transport, Ltd., Wolverhampton (West Midland Area). The West Rests Motor Services, Ltd., Watford, has been successful in its appeal against a ruling of the Eastern Traffic Commissioners, whilst Mr. E. A, Winwood, London, E.10, has failed.
A I3ILL authorizing Bootle Corpora
tion to run buses is to be promoted by the municipal authority. The objects of the Bill include power to run public service vehicles in Bootle, Liverpool, Litherland, Ford, Sefton, Netherton and West Lancashire, and to authorize the corporation to discontinue, partially or wholly, the tramways in the borough.
It is thought that the Bill will cost not more than £1,500.
IT is learned that the Nomad Bus Co., Waterford, Ireland, intends to equip its buses with oil engines. It is said that when the change has been effected, fares will be reduced.
THE increase in the price of petrol will add approximately £3,250 per annum to the working costs of Exeter Corporation's transport undertaking and, if the Salter recommendations be adopted, it is estimated that an additional £0,565 would be imposed.
To meet the increase in the price of petrol, an increase in return-ticket rates has been decided upon. If, however, the additional sum of £6,565 were imposed, it would be impossible for the undertaking to cover its expenditure.
The extra 8d. on the price of petrol will cost Rawtenstall transport department an additional 13,000, or so, a year.
The additional cost to Morecambe Corporation will be approximately £1,453 a year, or .41.11 per mile. No increase in fares is to be made at present. NEW SCHEME FOR COACHING PROPAGANDA.
AN open meeting of operators is to
be held at Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4, on November 23, at 3 p.m., to discuss the inauguration of a "travel-by-road" movement organized by the Coaching .1 &antra. and Booking Jigenes gazette, which is the official organ of the Booking Agents Association of Great Britain Ltd. The chair will be taken by Mr. F. B. Monkman, managing director of Keith and Boyle (London), Ltd., and chairman of Travel and Transport, Ltd.
One of the ideas is to have printed some attractive showcards bearing the slogan " travel by road" and these will be distributed throughout the country. It is also suggested that a fund for the purpose of • financing the scheme could be raised by means of a levy per coach.
A SERVICE for supplying copies of
licence applications published in the Metropolitan and South-Eastern Gazettes has been instituted by Mr. Ernest E. Godbold, 1, Clement's Inn, London, W.C.2. Operators will be able to obtain details of applications without the need for sending members of their staffs to the Commissioners' headquarters.
The business is conducted in confidence. Charges for one copy of an application and the traffic analysis attached, and, where there is a modification to the time and fare-tables, the schedules of times and fares, will be 108. 6d. and 5s. for each additional application ordered at the same time. Duplicates of the copies will be supplied at is. each.
WHEN the Southern Scotland Traffic Commissioners sat at Glasgow last week, the chairman, Mr. A. Henderson, made a plea for rival operators to reach some form of compromise, instead of bringing minor operating difficulties into court, the opposing parties refusing to depart voluntarily from their arguments.
Mr. Henderson also referred to the use of valuable sites in the centre of towns for the picking up and setting down of passengers. He mentioned that large sums in rent are being lost by local authorities in allowing free use of public highways. He advocated the construction by local authorities of garages, rent being charged for accommodation.
Another point dealt with by Mr. Henderson was that relating to increases in speed. He said that the Commissioners had decided, in full agreement with operators, that where applications were made to speed-up a service, workers' associations would be permitted to have a hearing in the matter.
THE chairman of the Southern Traffic Commissioners, Sir Reginald Ford, asks us to announce that the Commissioners have decided to hold a fares inquiry at Salisbury on December 13 (and following days if necessary) and not at Reading on December 6, as-previously arranged. THREE CORPORATIONS MERGE UNDERTAKINGS.
AGREEMENT has been reached for
the inauguration of a joint committee of representatives of the corporations of Colne, Nelson and Burnley, to manage, maintain and develop their passenger-transport undertakings, for five years from April 1 next, on the lines recommended by Messrs. Collins and Fearnley.
An early move will be to abandon the Nelson-Colne tram service and to operate buses on the route.
WHEN the South Wales Traffic Com missioners sat at Cardiff last week, Mr. Howell Davies, Imperial Motors, Abercynon, who is chairman of the Motor Omnibus Proprietors' Association (South Wales), sought to extend the use of his stage-carriage services between Merthyr Tydvil and Travellers' Rest (Abercyuon), on the routes via Troedyrhiw, Treharris, Nelson and St. Cynon's.
What chiefly was involved in the request was the right to pick up with his other buses the passengers who would normally travel by his Aberdare vehicles if there was room for them, but
who were, at present, not allowed to use the other Imperial buses. There was a good deal of opposition.
The chairman, Mr. A. T. James, K.C., referring to complaints, said that there was far too much bickering between operators. The Commissioners were always willing to investigate complaints, but many brought forward as' serious " were found to be trivial.
The Commissioners granted the application, subject to certain safeguards to other operators.
THE North-Western Traffic Commis sioners will hold, at Morecambe Town Hall, on November 10, at 11 a.m., an inquiry to enable Mf. J. Jenking, of Blackpool, to show cause why a roadservice licence held by him should not be suspended or revoked.
A CASE was heard at Newport, recently, in which a bus passenger summoned the driver and conductor of the vehicle in which he travelled for permitting overcrowding, although he himself was a party to the offence. It was stated that the 28-seater bus carried 52 passengers. The complainant reported the matter to the police as a matter of principle.
B48 For the defence it was pleaded that, whilst the offence was committed, the driver and conductor could have done nothing -else, because a funeral party was waiting to take the bus to a point three miles away with only a quarter of an hour in which to arrive. No other bus was available, so the party was picked up.
The magistrates ordered each of the defendants to pay 5s. costs, PETROL PRICE BURDEN.
IN consequence of the increased price of petrol it has been necessary to increase the estimates of Burnley Corporation's bus department by £2,225 for the current financial year.
THE question of providing an ade
quate bus centre for Gloucester will be considered by the local authorities so soon as all the trams are off the road. The first of the new buses will be ready in a few days.
THE transport committee of Cardiff Corporation has decided strenuously to oppose the greatly increased duties
outlined in the Salter Report, and to unite with other organizations concerned with the operation of publicservice vehicles to ensure that the views of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association and other public bodies are heard before the proposals incorporated in the Salter Report are put into force.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY COUN CIL has reached an agreement with the Northern Traffic Commissioners whereby applications for new bus routes would first be submitted to the county surveyor at Carlisle, who would report to the Commissioners. TILLING'S DIFFICULTIES AT BRIGHTON.
COINCIDING with the proposed
transport merger between Thomas Tilling, Ltd., and Brighton Corporation, the company's move to increase fares has aroused a certain amount of comment. As already stated in Phe Commercial Motor, the concern has been seriously affected by the increase in petrol prices, and this, coupled with the rise in maintenance charges which will arise as the new vehicles become ready for overhauling, will, it is estimated, increase the running costs by fully 120,000.
The present fares have been in operation for six months and the loss for that period is said to be nearly 110,000. The running costs during this period have been about the same as before the introduction of the newer machines, although at the moment only one vehicle per week is being overhauled. When the new buses have been in operation long enough to bring them into the ordinary scheme of overhauling this will necessitate two overhauls per week, 'thereby doubling the expense on this account.
The corporation will object to the proposed increase in fares unless and until it is satisfied that the move is fully justified.
AT a meeting of Gloucester City Coun
cil last week it was mentioned that five years ago it was suggested that the municipal transport undertaking should be leased to private enterprise, and Mr. W. R. Eggleton thought the matter ought again to be considered. This view found support in other quarters.
It should be mentioned that Gloucester's undertaking shows a good profit on last year's working.'
THE Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., cannot agree to a licence conditron in respect of its Cheltenham-Birmingham service—that the buses should pick up and set down passengers at the Black and White coach station. It is suggested that Cheltenham Corporation should withdraw its objection until the whole question could be further considered before the Traffic Commissioners in February next. The watch committee refuses td withdraw its objection.
OVERTON residents have complained
regarding Morecambe Corporation's contemplated withdrawal of the Heysham-Overton bus service. The transport manager is to renew applications to the Traffic Commissioners for permission to run to Overton, and in the meantime the services are to be continued.
THE transport committee of Chester
field Corporation has completed negotiations with Mr. W A Smith for the acquisition of his goodwill in respect of the Chesterfield-Holymoorside bus service. The purchase price is £650, the corporation to hear the transfer costs. BUS STATION AS SKATING RINK.
THE chief constable of Eastbourne has 'suggested that the .use of part of the bus station as a roller-skating rink would help to make the enterprise pay its way during the winter. It is also submitted that the waiting room might be used for entertainments.
COMPLAINTS that the railway owned road bridges were a hindrance to bus services were made at the October meeting of Breconshire Roads Committee. It was stated that, owing to the state of the bridges between Brecon and Llangynidr, it was impossible to arrange satisfactory bus ser vices for school children. The bus companies contended that they could not use large enough buses for these services.
The bridges were said to be in a weak state and the committee is to make representations to the owners.
NEW JOINT SERVICE? THERE is a proposal on hand for Swindon Corporation to enter into an arrangement with the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., to run a daily joint service to Stratton.
BUS SERVICE SOUGHT. THE general purposes committee of Glossop Corporation has asked the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., to consider the provision of a bus service in Padfield. NEW GARAGE FOR "WEST YORKS."
THE West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., has acquired a large block of property in the centre of Skiptou, with the intention of converting it into a garage.
THE traffic committee of Blyth Cor poration is asking the medical officer of health to make periodical inspections of public works vehicles in connection with cleanliness.
IT is proposed to abandon the open market in South Shields market place and to use the site as a central bus stand.