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• An industrial tribunal has awarded a South Wales truck driver with 17 years' service £4,000 for unfair dismissal.

4th November 1993
Page 6
Page 6, 4th November 1993 — • An industrial tribunal has awarded a South Wales truck driver with 17 years' service £4,000 for unfair dismissal.
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William Thomas was a driver for Bridgend-based Penllyne Haulage until he was forced to take sick leave with severe arthritis.

He told the tribunal that he considered he had been manoeuvred into resigning from the company, forfeiting his right to redundancy pay. Thomas said the company asked him to provide a letter for the Department of Social Security to say that he was sick—he was then told that the letter was being treated as notice of redundancy. According to Thomas, Penllyne's managing director Jeffrey Thomas (no relation) gave all the other drivers their notice and redundancy money Iwo days' later after he decided to quit the haulage industry. Thomas declined to comment.