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Brief Preliminary Notices of All That Will Be Shown by Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers.
AS IN PAST years, the range of accessories and components to be exhibited at this year's Olympia Show will be exceedingly conaprehensiVe. All those fittings which are considered both necessary and as additional refinements for both light and heavy vehicles will be displayed.
The exhibition will embrace all these.aecessories and assembled units which bridge the gap between an ordinary. .washer or a .split pin and a heavy forging or comphea.ted casting. Every visitor to the Show who is interested in the operation, repair, or maintenance, of petrol or steam vehicles, should not fail to visit the gallery where many new accessories -will be displayed along with the standard lines of manufacturers, .dealers and agents whose names are household words in the accessory section of the motor vehicle industry. We give, necessarily In the briefes0 form, an indication of the. display which will be made iby the various concerns.
Allen-Liversidge, Ltd.
Lighting Equipment, Stand No. 160
A comprehensive array of lighting equipment will be shown on the stand of Allen-Liversidge, Ltd. The outstanding feature will be cast aluminium lamps for head, side and tail use, although acetylene cylinders, generators, garage lighting equipment, and garage welding equipment will be shown. The aluminium lamps are designed,to combine lightness with strength of construction and to eliminate the trouble caused by loose and rattling hinges and rivets, and with this end in view the whole of the back of the lamp is cast in one piece and the door in another. The door is kept secure and rigid by a bolt which can be screwed up to any extent, thus preventing play between the body of the lamp and the hinged front ; moreover, the hinge is placed at the top instead of at the side, as is usual. The self-contained lamp with dissolved acetylene cylinders is designed to meet the requirements of those commercial vehicle users who prefer to have both lamp and gas supply in one unit..
The Rolph patent., traffiewarner and tail lamp combined should make particular appeal to commercial vehicle users. This is a simple device which enables the driver to signal automatically his intentions to other road users.
"All's Well" Oil Co., Ltd.
Lubricants. Stand No. 229
The various grades of lubricants suit-able for all purposes sold by this. firm will be shown by an attractive display of
samples. Special attention must. be drawn to the " All's Well " antifreezing compound as a guaranteed pro
tection against frost. It is claimed, and clearly demonstrated by means of charts, that a mixture of 70 per cent, compound and 30 per cent. water will stand 132 degrees of frost. " All's Well " black solution (bitumen) is specially prepared for the protection of iron and steel against rust:
Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd.
Motor Spirit. Stand No. 181
To every user of motor spirit and lubricating oils, the bulk storage outfits to be exhibited on the above company's stand will be particularly instructive and interesting. The advantages of bulk storage need no emphasis on our part. The exhibits will include one-gallon and five-gallon pumps for inside and outside use, portable spirit outfits, lubricating outfits, etc.
Anti-Attrition Metal Co., Ltd.
Anti-Attrition Metals. ' Stand No. 221
Patent anti-attrition bronze and white bronze specialities, consisting of big-end connecting rod bearings, crankshaft bearings, gudgeon pin ,bushes, worm wheels, floating wheel bushes, and all kinds of bushes and bearings and other wearing parts of motor chassis are to be shown on this company's stand, as well-as antiattrition " motor ' white bronzein ingots, anti-attrition bronze castings, and bronze chill-cast. solid and cored sticks.
Arrota Co., Ltd. Warning Devices. Stand No. 226 When we were recently participating in a section of the tour of the La131ySchneider bus demonstration run round England and part of Scotland, we were greatlY struck by the practicability of the Arrow day and night safety signal with which the bus was equipped. This device will be shown on the above company's stand. It is composed of two arrow indicators, one fitted at the front and one at the rear of the vehicle, each indicator providing four signals by which the driver is able to convey his intentions to other road users. Both these indicaters are electrically illuminated. The device is operated through a neat. control box mounted on the dash.
Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.
Components. Stand No. 139
Makers of the London General omnibuses, the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. are displaying the three types of A.E.C. engine manufactured by them.. These areall four-cylindered, the cylinders being cast in pairs with aluminium alloy pistons, -solid camshaft., trough lubrication, pump circulation of water, Zenith carburetter, and magneto ignition, and each is suspended on steel crossmembers to facilitate quick removal from the chassis. The respective sizes and developed power of the engines are as follow :—Y type, 120 mm. bore by 150 mm. stroke, b.h.p. 45 at 1,000 r.p.m. ; S type, 108 mm. bore by 140 mm. stroke, b.h.p. 35 at 1,000 r.p.m.; K type, 100 mm. bore by 140 mm. stroke, b.h.p. 30 at 1,050 r.p.m. A new four-speed spur type gearbox for use with engines up to 45 h.p., and a three-speed chain type gearbox for quiet rnnnine will be staged, as well as a series of worm-driven rear axles which can he used with the worm overhead or underneath as required. These axles are designed to carry loads up to 54 tons sprung. weight. A *solid banjo forging is used for the main axle. Automotive Products Co..
Axles. Stand No. 239
The well-known Timken axles will be shown on the stand of the sole representative. of the company in this country, Automotive Products Co. Timken axles are exceedingly popular amongst builders of motor vehicles. Amongst the Timken axles to be exhibited will be those suitable for 10 cwt., 15-20 cwt.' 2-3 ton, 4 ton,. and 5 ton chassis. The 15-20 cwt. model is specially designed for high-speed delivery vans fitted with pneumatic tyres.
Other exhibits on this stand will be Mather springs, Autoduct link V belting, Detlaff clutches, Warren gearboxes, differentials, and spiral bevel gears, Detroit universal joints, RustonHornsby pressings and 'stampings, and several other lines.
Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 210
Many commercial vehicle users testify to the merits of Avon tyres, and a good array of the types of solids which have given a good account of themselves in commercial service will be shown. -,
The new non-skid for fire-engine use will be of special interest, particularly as it, has been standardized for the -L.C.C. motor fire-engines. Its size is 880 mm. by 120 mm. Robust bars of solid rubber running obliquely across the tread act. as a very good preventive of skidding. Various sizes of solid band tyres for in dustrial trucks will also be on view.
W. and G. Bates, Ltd.
Tyres.. Stand No. 204
This company's exhibit. will comprise a selection of the well-known Bates tyres made from the Bates super-rubber 'suitable for petrol and electric vehicles, steam wagons and trailers, together with a selection of cast wheels particularly suitable for 'Use on steam wagons. Large section, single solids for mm. fittings will also be displayed.
Bergougnan Tyre Co.
Tyres. Stand No. 206
A full range of solid and giant pneuMapC tyres will be shown on this company's stand, the solids being similar to those which are in use on the Paris omnibuses, as well as solids of standard quality. The dissynunetrical solids for the twin rear wheels of small trucks, and the special resilient extra deep section solid tyres are new productions which the company are introducing to this market.
W. and R. Blackwell, Ltd.
oil. Stand No. 240
A full range of Nulsec oils. for yarious uses will be displayed.on this company's stand. These lubricants are highly refined and are claimed to be the only brand that will not carbonize. A different grade is made for each type of engine. Lubricants suitable for use in tractor engines will be exhibited, as well as a range of special compound oils for the lubrication of various makes of steam-wagon engines. Nulsee motor greases and Nulsecoleum will complete the display.
S. F. Bowser and Co.
Fuel Storage. Stand No. 183
The well-known Red Bowser 5 gallon petrol or benzole pump, which is used in hundreds of commercial vehicle garages throughout the country for the purpose of discharging spirit direct from an underground tank to the vehicle tank, will be shown. The pump is so •cortstructecl that any quantity can be discharged from half a gallon to 5 gallons. The pump delivers at the rate of 20 gallons per minute. During the operation the spirit passes through a centrifugal filter which separates all foreign matter. Another interesting feature of this stand will be the up-to-date method for the storage of lubricating oils which enables large quantites of oils to be stored underground and handled in precisely the same manner as petrol. Smaller systems consist of rectangular tanks with capacities ranging from 100 to 230 gallons.
Bramco, Ltd. •
Components. Stand No228
The range of Brame° exhibits is se comprehensive that it is only possible to detaA some of the various components to be shown. The following exhibits will make their first appearance at the Show :—Carson Little Aristocratic fourcylinder engine of 21 ins, bore and 4 ins. stroke; Aerolite disc wood wheels; Compression puncture-proof tubes; Liberty hand pump; Pioneer rear view mirrors; No-jar clocks ; Vacuum oil saver ; Cutspeed truck controller and the Conord six-speed auxiliary transmission for Fords. Other new lines aptly termed " 10-second" garage tools are Rush piston ring removers, Vimco automatically adjustable wrench; Brookins oil jug ; and the Mac cell tester.
Brampton Bros., Ltd.
Chains. Stand No. 170 Roller type chains as used for the final transmission of lorries, vans, wagons, tractors, etc., made in suitable sizes of pitch, width, and diameter for all makes of steam petrol and electric chain-driven vehicles of British and foreign make, will be shown, as well as compound roller chains as used on agricultural and road rollers, etc., inverted tooth-type chains, chain wheels, and milling cutters for the teeth of chain wheels.
B.L.I.C., Ltd.
Magnetos. Stand No. 238 The exhibition of the British Lightiug and Ignition Co., Ltd., will afford a striking example of the extent to which the British firms have overtaken and passed the foreigner in the production of ignition apparatus. A wide range of B.L.I.C.. magnetos for every type of commercial vehicle engine will be displayed, but possibly the most interesting exhibit will be the new combined lighting,' starting, and ignition equipment for deli-ery vans,:which will be shown under working conditions. A large selection of ,spares and components for B.L.I.C. equipments and magnetos will complete the ,display.
British Petroleum Co., Ltd.
Motor Spirit. Stand No. 134 An impressive array of B.P. products in tins and bottles will be shown on this stand. Apart from the usual display of the familiar motor spirit cans, other features of interest will be the model railtank car, tank steamer, and oil derrick.
B.T.H. Co., Ltd.
Magnetos. Stand No. 136
The British Thomson-Houston, Co., Ltd., will exhibit several types of magneto of standard design, some of which will be exhibited in operation to demonstrate the good sparking characteristics obtained at both high and low speeds. The type G magneto is a light and compact machine, weighing.only-4,1b. The armature housing, distributoriend plate, and driving end plate are die cast as a single unit, the laminated pole pieces also being cast in position. This magneto will operate at high speeds up to 4,000 r.p.m. The impulse starter, which is designed for use with the.type G magneto, should be of .special interest to users of heavy vehicles.
British Timken, Ltd.
Bearings. Stand No. 122
The rapidly increasing use of tapered roller bearings invests the exhibit of British nmken, Ltd., with considerable interest. The " line contact" of these bearings gives an .additional robustness and wearing power, and their easy adjustability when wear takes place renders them particularly suitable for heavy duties. A wide range of tapered roller bearings suitable far both heavy and light 'vehicles will be shown, whilst a selection of the various components -which go to make up the bearings will also-be, displayed. Motor vehicle hubs, a gearbox and the differential and worm unit of a heavy rear axle fitted with Timken bearings will be staged.
Brown Bros., Ltd.
Accessories. Stand No. 172 This company are one of the most important accessory •factors in the motor industry, and their exhibit is sure to compel attention. There is little doubt that the average visitor to the stand could • easily spend an hour or more at this stand looking over the comprehensive assortment of accessories. The range is far too great for us to refer to any isdividual accessory, but the commercial vehicle user can rest assured that if he requires a fitting or component of any sort he will find it on this stand.
Burnett Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres. ' Stand No. 198 A good range of Burnett solid tyres will be on view, and there is little doubt that the 150 mm. section pneumatic tyre suitable for commercial vehicle use will come in for a considerable share of attention. The company's cup-pattern tyre of this section is particularly attractive looking, and as it has only just been put on the market, is likely to prove very popular.
Car and General Insurance.
Insurance. Stand No. 219 All those who own or run commercial motor vehicles should not overlook the importance of insurance, and all information relative to this matter can be obtained by calling at the stand of the Car and General Insurance Corporation, where the usual insurance prospectuses and policies will be obtainable.
Carbic, Ltd.
Lighting. Stand No, 193 Specialists in lighting this company will display acetylene generators and oxy-acetylene portable welding plant. The Carbic system being built on the unit principle, it is possible to connect Carbic portable generators with batteries of two or more; by this means the user of a number of generators -has at his disposal the units necessary for the building-up of a large capacity plant. •
• Clews, Peterson and Co.
Piston Rings. Stand No. 185 Various claims are made for the Clupet double-coil, no-gap piston ring which is marketed by this company, one of the principal being that it determines the compression which cam be obtained. With this type of ring full compression is obtained, is it is gastight, having no gap by which the gas and oil can escape. it 3S made in one piece, and of a specially prepared flexible cast-iron
Cadish and Sons.
Ball Bearings. Stand No. 139 R.B.F. ball bearings, which are made by Compagnie d'Applications Mecaniques, of Paris, will be shown on. the stand of the sole agents for the United Kingdom, Messrs. R. Cadish. and Sons. The usual range of ball and roller bearings and thrust bearings for almost every conceivable purpose will be exhibited. The most recent addition of ball bearings which have been manufactured, and which will be of great interest, is the combined journal and thrust bearing, which has a bearing of the same size as an ordinary journal bearing, but will stand a journal and thrust load.
The company's patent self-aligning bearing, which is a great improvement over the old type where the balls swivel on the outer ring, will also be on view, and it will be noticed that the whole bearing aligns itself in an extra outer ring, thereby allowing the balls to remain intact in their original revolving track.
R. W. Coan.
Castings. Stand No 236 This company will occupy a stand in the gallery, and will have on view specimens of general work in aluminium casting, both sand and die, from tho smallest size, such as dental gags, to the largest size of motor casting made. Exhibits of work carried out in the repair section of the company will be on view Other exhibits will comprise hackney carriage plates, and specimens of the newlyintroduced " Combine " stei5 mat and scraper with fibre and rubber mats, together with samples of aluminium weathertight licence holders.
Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co.
Speedometers. Stand No, 188 This company are chiefly known in the commercial vehicle world on account of the well-constructed speedometers which they ntanufacture for heavy service, but this year, apart from the range of Stewart magnetic speedometers, other accessories will be shown, these including the Standex petrol gauge and the Standex lubricating system, these two devices being particularly applicable. _to Ford chassis.
Coventry Chain Co., Md.
Chains. Stand No. 133
Specimens of the well-known Coventry heavy roller chains from 1 in to 3 in. pitch, as adopted by the leading manufacturers of chain-driven steam and petrol lorries and tractors, will comprise the exhibit of this company. It is interesting to recall that this make of chain was exclusively fitted to all the British Tanks used during the war. The specimen of the Coventry high-speed chain used for axle transmission should be examined. The Coventry chain speed gearbox adopted as fitted to the London General buses will be shown.
Degory No-Jet Carburetter Co.
Carburetters. Stand No. 222
No jet is incorporated in the construction of the Degory carburetter, and this, together with the absence of springs and valves, is the most striking feature of this component. Its design follows normal carburetter construction in two essentials only, the float chamber and the throttle. The method of operation is as follows :— The spirit is fed to the float chamber in the usual way, and controlled-by a needle and brass float. From the float chamber it passes through two channels, one main passage for normal running, the other, being a smaller orifice for slow running. Two distinct improvements have recently been made without effecting any alteration in the principle of functioning of the carburetterThe fuel control screw, which was originally threaded into the aluminium alloy of the float chamber, did not always fit accurately, and bronze bushings are now inserted. This improvement has allowed of thesuppression of the beck-nut of the fuel control screw, which latter is now held in position by a small notched steel spring, enabling the adjustment to be made by hand. We would also remind our readers that with the Degory No-Jet carburetter all kinds of fuel can be used.
Cooper Webb-Jones and Co.
Body Fittings. Stand No. 145 This company have done much to elucidate the troublesome problem of the motor coach hood, and their " Ne-wking " patent char-a-hancs one-man hood fitting is now employed on a number of motor coaches.
Jackson's hood fittings, well known to coach proprietors, will also be shown, as well as various one-man hood fittings for chars-a-bancs with three or four rows of seats. Those interested in passengervehicle operation will also be attracted by the safety device for preventing chars-abanes doors from flying open if the lever is touched, and various types of bus fittings.
G. Davenport and Co., Ltd.
Accessories. Stand No. 191 The greater part of this company's stand will be occupied by the " Imspecs " _mileage recorders and speedometers, which comprise instruments specially designed for various makes of vehicles, special drives being used for Sentinel,
Atkinson, Edison, Thornycroft, Foden, Clayton, Tacker, Yorkshire, Halley, Orwell, and A.E.C. lorries, etc. Hub cap drives, scroll, tailshaft, gearbox, cardan shaft, steam wagon and pump and sprocket drives will all be on view showing, their adaptation. . Imspecs driving mirrors' which comprise a range of seven different models in three finishes with special clip or plate fittings will be shown, as well as new model No. 5 for char-a-banes and lorry work, which is oblong, 7 ins. by 5 ins., and has a special fitting which renders the mirror vibration proof.
A. J. Dew and Co.
Accessories. • Stand No. 153
A notable addition to this year's accessory exhibits will be that of the above company, who will exhibit a very extensive display of -accessories, including practically everything that is required for the equipment of commercial motor vehicles, ranging from the light van to the heaviest lorry or tractor. In addition tp the many accessories sold under their own trade marks—. " Dumolite," " Endel," " Enclolite," " A.J.D.," "Steno," etc.—they will be exhibiting a very comprehensive display of accessories manufactured by firms whose goods they favour. These will include a complete range of lamps, mirrors in numerous patterns, number plates and licence .holders, tow ropes, tool kits and tools, speedometers and hodometers, horns, jacks, oil and benzole pumps, compression taps, hood fittings, joinhings, firel ealtingivisherea, oil cabinets, piston rings, and non-skid tyres of numerous patterns, carburetters, sparking plugs, petrol fillers, radiators, brake linings, whilst a host of other accessories will also add to the imposing array.
Drakeson Recorders, Ltd.
Recorders. Stand No. 150 ' The Drakeson recorder consists of an English lever eight-day clock suitably fitted into a circular aluminium case. On the clock, and revolving once in 24 hours, is mounted a charteearrying dram. The chart, which is one of the unique features of the instrument, is spiral in form, each revolution of the spiral carrying a record for 24 hours, the whole making a record for one week. Between the drum and the outer case is fixed a pendulum oscillating in a vertical direction under the movement of the vehicle. Through a bell crank movement these oscillations are converted to horizontal movements, which, through a weighted pencil-head, are recorded on the chart when the vehicle is moving. This recorder is certain to claim attention because it is claimed to be the only instrument of its type made in England.
Drummond Bros., Ltd.
Machine Tools. Stand No. 233 This established concern of machine tool makers of Guildford are showing in the gallery a representative exhibit of their tools, especially lathes for repair work. Their 7 in. centre screw-cutting
gap bed lathe, which is specially laid outfor garage, work, will be on view, as well as the new 1921 design, 3i in. boring and screw-cutting lathe, fitted with the new milling and gear-cutting attachment.
The company's 2 ft. radial aim drill and sensitive eirilling machines, as well as the 7 in. bench shaping machine, will also be on view.
Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 214 There will be much to interest the visitor on the stand of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., including wire wheels fitted with detachable flanges and giant straight-side cord pneumatic tyres, and Dunlop disc wheels fitted with twin Magnum-typo cord pneumatics. Demonstrations will be given of the wheel flange operating tool 'foe straight-side rims. The standard Dunlops for commercial vehicles will, of course, occupy a prominent position, as well as tyres with super-cushion qualities. Other exhibits will include tractor wheels fitted with Dunlop tyree, wheel equipment for Ford one ten trucks, and diagonal rubber strakes and rectangular rubber pads for tractor wheels.
East London Rubber Co.
Accessories. Stand No. 163 _Kerry commercial motor accessories and fittings including lighting batteries and exhaust valves, wheel sets for Ford vans, magneto sets for tractors, as well as material for repair, will constitute a. feature of this company's stand, whilst *Tares suitable for the Ford ton truck will also be shown. Other lines, including Mercury, Lodge and Champion sparking plugs, Fero& and Don brake linings, Pyrene fire extinguishers, and such accessories as lamps, horns and magnetos, tool kits, engme stands, stocks -and dies, will be shown. Many of the products of the principal solid and pnemnatie tyre makers will be exhibited.
Electric Steel Castings Co., Ltd.
Castings. Stand No. 234
This company, Who are specialists in the design and manufacture of electric steel reed wheels' axle casings, gearboxes and other steel castings, such as castings in manganese steel, magnetic steel and malleable iron, will have various examples of their products on view, these including a rear wheel for a Vulcan lorry fitted with a 40 in. by 8 in. pneumatic tyre and a demountable rim, a solicl-tyred front wheel for an
Edison-accumulator vehicle, as well as a . dual rear solid-tyred wheel for a similar vehicle, a rear wheel for a Daimler lorry fitted with 40 in by 8 in. pneumatic tyre and detachable rim, and other castings of a like, nature.
Engelbert and Co.
Lubricants. Stand No. 148
This company have bad 60 years' ex
rience in the ereduction of efficient lubricating oils for all purposes, and this association forms the hall-mark of their products. Various greases and lubricants will be shown by the company, including those of " Lubol " brand, cylinder and engine oil for all makes of steam wagons, and lubricating oils for all types of machinery.
Elm Street Engineering Works.
Transmission. Stand No. 158
The Supaphord auxiliary gearbox far the Ford 1 ton truck, as well as a -separate model foe the van, chassis and for use with conversion sets, will be shown on the stand occupied by this company. This gearbox duplicates the ordinary Ford speeds, giving, it is claimed, an , increase -on each of 50, per cent., and making four forward speeds in all. It is fitted at the forward end of the drive shaft tube and behind the existing Ford gearcaee and is connected to the universal joint. The control lever rises direct from the box and neeupies a central position. eThen running on ordinary Ford speeds, the drive is solid through the box but when on " supa speeds," it is diverted through a layshaft. The gears rim in constant mesh, and the changes are effected by dog clutches.
Fernand Espir.
Pressings. Stand No. 129 This company, who are the United 'Kingdom agents for Societe Anon-vine de Travaux Pyle et. Balcalan, with their head offices in Paris, will display steel pressings of all descriptions, including riveted frames and flanged tubes for the largest types of vehicles, as well as 'brake drums, clutch cones, etc.
The company have had consideralaTe experience in the manufacture of frames, which are constructed of a special grade steel. They also have a reputation for large and smell springs, which will also be an view.
Ferodo, Ltd.
Friction Linings. Stand No. 149'
There must be very few commercial vehicle users who are not familiar with Ferodo friction linings. The outstanding feature of the company's exhibits will, of 'COMO, be their brake a-nd clutch linings, although other linings,--including interleaving for springs, Fero':lo Bonrest, Fero& vice grips, etc., will be on show. An item of interest will be the actual lining which has been in daily use on a London bus, and which, after 35,000 miles, shows little signs of wear.
Motor Spirit,Stand No227
The company will be exhibiting twogallon cans mid steel barrels filled with their principal products!--carburine motor spirit, Glico motor spirit, Glico motor lubricants and greases, and Glico White Spirit (turpentine substitute).
• Glacier Metal Co., Ltd.
Anti-friction Metals. Stand No. 178
Findlav's special metal for lining bearings of lorry engines, gunmetal shells, .white-metal lined for use in connecting rod big-ends and main bearings, solid 'die-east main bearings, camshaft bearings and bushes for use in lorry and commercial vehicle engines will constitute the exhibit of this company, who are newcomers to the commercial vehicle exhibition.,
Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co.
Tyres. Stand No. 202
Goodyear giant pneumatics will occupy a prominent position on this company's stand; the tyres ranging from 34 ins. by a ins. to 44 ins. by 10 ins., four intermediate sizes bridging the gap, all these tyres being of the straight-side type. Some of them will be fitted with the Goodyear detachable rim, which comprises a loose side rim and locking ring on the outside of the wheel. To remove the tyre, all that is necessary is to spring the .locking ring from its groove, remove the side ring, and pull the tyea straight off the rim. The Goodyear demountable rim is very similar, but possesses the additional feature of -being easily demounted from the wheel.
B. F. Goodrich Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 201
The following lines will be shown on this company's stand :—Solid rubber band tyres, industrial truck tyres, artillery wheels, pneumatic k tyres, suction hose, garage hose, radiator tubing, S.V. patches, hern bulbs, blowout, patches, tyre gaiters, pump tubing. acetylene gas tubing, etc. Goodrich P.B. (protected base) tyres are specially constructed for pressing on to inch-size wheels. Ordinary pressed-on 'tyres bay-' frig a square base with flush sides are not Suitable as " change-overs " for this purpose, protected with a side flange, whereas the strong channel base of the P.B. tyres gives all the protection and security required.
Hall and Hall.
Jointing. Stand No. 127
Fiala° is claimed to be the original jointing of its type introduced into the
• motor industry. Having a graphitesurface, Tfallite will not stick.kor blow, the advantage being that a jointing can
• be easily removed and replaced.It is C50 made in sheets of 06 ins. by 48 ins., or half sheets •48 ins. square, and, the standard thicknesses are 1-.32 in., 3-64 in.,
1-16 in., 5-64 in., 3-32•in.1 in., 3-16 in., and in.
Hallite flange washers. will also be on . view. These are put up in boxes containing half and one gross aasortments. Rotary pump packing supplied in 20 yd. coils in diameters from A in. up to in., together with washers and joints of various descri•ptions, will be exhibited.
G. Hatch, Ltd.
Machine Tools. . Stand No, 121
The above company will display a wide selection of ..macline tools -suitable for motor repair work, and also.a range of tools for the use of engineers. Other acres.snries on view will be grinding and polishing heads, twist drills, ?earners,. milling cutters' breast and. hand• drills, chain pulley blocks, bolts and nuts, and Barrett and other type lifting jacks. The injectors, mechanical lubricators, packsags and. Hatchite sheeting and rings will make particular appeal to steam wagon users.
Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd.
Vulcanizers. Stand No. 161 -Users of pneumatic-tyred vehicles in particular will find the exhibits of this company of more than common interest. Here will be found • a 4.comprellenaive range sof tyre service • plant ancftapplianee.s for the efficient handling, preservation and repair of tyres. The leading exhibit will be the Harvey Frost " Vulprezz," which is the latest Harvey Frost workshop vulcanizer. This model is offered in its initial stage as a tube vulcanizer only, but it can be built up, unit. by unit, to form a complete tube and cover repairing equipment. :Amongst a variety of other appliances, tyre tools and vulcanizing materials, the new Eh'. self-finxing
• "Plastene " should not be overlooked.
J. T. Hart and Sons.
Hides. • .Stand No. 231
This company will display a number of hides, the object of the exhibit being to show the various colours and grain texture in which upholstery leathers can be supplied.
Henley's Tyre Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No 213 Henley .solid rubbeg band tyres for commercial vehicles and zig-zag twin nneumatie tyres for similar uses will constitute the chief exhibit on this wellknown company's.stand.
'H. M. Hobson, Ltd.
Carburetters. Stand No. 167.
Clandel-Hobson, carburetters enjoy a great popularity in the commercial vehicle world, and they are fitted as standard to Several leading makes, . amongst others, the Leyland, Dennis, Commer Car, A.E.C., Watson. Various types of carburetters will be shown, and two of the leading types, the M.Z.S. and A.C., mill be represented, 'Those interested in the running of allweather motor coaches and moterbuses will be particularly interested in the "window regulator, which is a mechanical device for raising or lowering windows.
Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Bearings. •
Stand No. 217
The name of Hoffmann in connection with bearing manufacture is a household word, and on the company's stand will he shown a full range. of steel balls and rollers and. ball and roller bearings. Other exhibits will include pyramids of steel balls and rollers, a length of shafting running on Hoffmann ball bearings, quantities of Hoffmann magneto-type bearing components to ilinstrate, the interchangeability of the parts. and sections of front and rear hubs fitted with bearings of Hoffmann manufacture.
Hutchinson Tyre Co.
Tyres. StandNo. 212
Solid band tyres for vehicles of all weights, sizes, and types will he shown on this stand: Hutchinson tyres have established a reputation for strength, reliability, and endurance, founded on the satisfaction which they gave hauling huge guns during the war. On this stand will also be seen specimens of The Gentleman splashguard mounted and unmounted, as well as a giant pneumatic tyre of 38 in. by 7-in,' dimensions.
Hoyt Metal Co.
Metals. Stand No. 141 Standard hands of babbitt, (or anti. friction metal), togetner with a selection of lined bearings and accurate die-cast bearings will be shown on the stand of this company. The exhibitors recom mend their No. 11 alloy and I.C.E. qualities for commercial and other
vehicles. The No. 11 alloy is very largely employed for lorries buses and ehars-a-bancs, and it is said that buses have run -up to 45,000 miles with bearings lined with this alloy without taking up the bearings.
The LC.E, brand is the quality used for many years by a large number of leading British and Continental ma,kers. Die-cast bearings in Hoytometals are true to .001 in., and are ready to fit, machining being unnecessary. Special bearings, and connecting rods illustrat. bagthe application, of thes.abe,ve metals will be shown, as well as castings in the form of bars, short tubes and halfround hollow bars.
Imperial Motor Industries, Ltd.
Accessories. Stand No, 106 The accessories to be shown by this company include accumulators, thrust bearings, ball journal bearings, carburet, ters, dynamos, horns, jacks, lamps petrol fillers, oil pumps, piston, rings, sparking plugs, starters, tyre wrappers, Coventry chains, carburetters, as well as a number of tools which should he of considerable use to those engaged in the maintenanee and repair of commer cial vehicles.
Jenson and Nicholson, Ltd.
Paints. • Stand No. 131 Robbialac needs no introduction on our. 'Dart. and the company's stand will be finished in Robbialac white enamel. The.exhibits will mainly consist of specimens showing th.e application and finish obtained from enamel, of this make for painting delivery vans, lorries and other commercial vehicles. Amongst the exhibits will be a van body finished in the complete Robbialac painting process, and specimens of wings and wheels finished In Whitby Black Robbialac.
E. Kalker and Co.
Cable. Stand No. 173 High-tension magneto.'cable, -rubbercovered high and low tension cables, braided high and low, tension cables, brass, and aluminium armoured and. single ancl twin electric lighting cables, brass and aluminium armoured and braided cables for electric starters, twitt electric light flexibles in cotton, silk, and workshop finish, and 600 and 2,500 Megohm lighting cables will be shown on this stand, as well as insulating tape and E.K. sparking plugs.
Kirkstall Forge, Ltd.
Axles. Stand No. 124 Examples of the Butler-Davis patent drop forge rear axles are to be shown. This axle consists of a solid steel drop stamping, the two-weight carrying arms being all in one piece with the portion of the differential case, the whole forming a very strong unit. It is supplied in 40 tun carbon steel or alloy steel, and is thoroughly heat treated. The company are also showing bright' steel rounds, hexagons, squares and flats, suitable for use in commercial vehicle construction.
The company claim to be the largest i manufacturers n this country of bright steel. Examples of heavy and medium drop forging for heavy vehicle chassis, such as axle beds, stub axles, crankshafts, etc., will also be displayed.
J. Lucas, Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. 166
The activities of this company are chiefly concerned -with lighting equipment, and, as in previous years, they will display a wide range of commercial vehicle lamps for all positions. Other accessories to -be shown will be switchboxes,. dimmer sets, Lucas magnetos (formerly Thomson:Bennet) with and without impulse starters, " King of the Road" horns, observation mirrors, -hydraulic jacks, wrenches, force-feed oilers,. petrol squirts.
Midland Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres.No. 208
Midland solid ban tyres which are guaranteed for 10,000 miles will be shown by this Birmingham concern. A feature of the stand will be large-section pneumatics.
J. and R. Oldfield, Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. 151 The De Luxe driving lamp which came in for a good share of attention at the last Show will Also be exhibited this year. This lamp burns paraffin, and it is claimed that it gives a more penetrating beam than any other lamp of this type, this fact having been demonstrated by comparative photometric tests. Dependence acetylene lamps in steel is another line for which the company are experiencing a considerable demand, and these will also be shown.
F. Mountford.
Accessories. Stand No. 232 Examples of the productions of this company's works, which are situated at Birmingham, will be shown in the form of samples of " Frenao." taper pins, cotters, keys, bright bolts and nuts, and examples of machine-turned work. A speciality is a lamp which shows a red hand for night driving ;'this will be demonstrated on the stand.,
COMMERCIAL MOTOR Macintosh and CO., Ltd.
Tyres. • Stand No. 205
Macintosh solid band tyres of various sizes and sections, suitable for commercial vehicles, road tractors, and other mechanically-propelled machines, will be shown on this company's stand, as well as grooved fire-engine tyres and electric truck tyres. The N.A.P. tyre, which is produced by the company, is one of their specialities, and is particularly suitable for use on light vehicles, Ford 1 ton trucks and vehicles engaged on passenger work. It is claimed to be unpuncturable, for it has no inner tube, although the build of the tyre, together with its i air chamber, gives, it s claimed, a perfect cushioning effect.
Michelin Tyre.Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 216
The. Michelin Tyre Co. have studied the problem of the giant pneumatic very thoroughly, and they will display a wide range of such tyres. Single disc wheels of 950 mm. by 155 mm. dimensions for the front axle will he shown' as well' as twin wheels for the rear, the latter being placed back to back and attached to the hub by a slightly longer bolt. The six wheels are identical in every respect, and are therefore interchangeable.
A puncture, alarm is now fitted to Michelin large-section pneumatic tyres. This is a device which gives warning, by the explosion of a blank cartridge, whenever the pressure falls below 40 lb.
National Benzole Co., Ltd.
Benzole. .Stand No. 152 National Benzole in its various stages of production and also N.B.C. lubricating oils will constitute a feature of the exhibits on this stand. The lubricating oils have been specially prepared for use with .National Benzole or any other motor
R. D. Nicol and Co., Ltd.
Oil. Stand Noi 123 Dragonfly oils in three grades, extra heavy, medium, and light; will be shown on the stand of this Sheffield concern as well as the Fordfly motor oil, Dragonfly gear oil and Dragonfly motor greases.
North British Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres, Stand No. 203 As well as Clincher solid band tyres fitted on wheels and also separately, this Scottish concern will show Clincher fireengine tyres. Body blocks and buffers, tractor engine rubber tyres, steam hose, matting, pedal covers, step covers, van sheeting, hood cloths, accessories for which the company have built a worthy reputation, will also be shown.
Pettett's Safety Filler Co.
Petrol Fillers. Stand No. 174
The use of Pettett's safety filler is said to make it impossible to overflow the tank, as the petrol is automatically cut off when it reaches the desired level. It dispenses with the need for a funnel, and thus obviates waste. It is fitted with a filter which prevents water or foreign matter -reaching the carburetter. It 13 made in two sizes, a small size by means of which a two-gallon tin can be emptied and filtered in 30 seconds, and a larger size which enables a two-gallon can to be emptied and ffitered in 20 seconds.
• Price's Co., Ltd.
Oils. Stand No. 169 A comprehensive display of oils and greases for various lubricating purposes will include the following: llotorine " B," Oleogene " D," heavy gas-engine oil, medium gas-engine oil,. Amber gear oil in heavy and medium grades, Battersea gear oil, Belmoline solidified oil, which is very resistant, to heat and pressure, Belgraphines, which are pure ground graphite, and Olympia motor oil in few grades.
Ransome & Mantes Bearing Co.
Bearings. Stand No. 126 Bearings of all descriptions will be staged by this concern, including ball journal bearings, roller journal bearings, thrust bearings, whilst a section of each of these types will be shown to emphasize their characteristics. Roller bushes ill single row, double row, multiple and staggered row types will also be on view, as well as roller bearing, self-aligning plumber blocks and hinges, steel balls and worm shaft bearings for the Fordson tractor.
L. C. Rawlence and Co., Ltd.
Char-a-bancs Fittings. Stand No. 154 All those interestell in char-a-bancs fittings should not fail to visit this company's stand, where they will find brassframed char-a-barics screens with special type wings, folding screens of two types for the back of each row of seats on motor coaches, as well as a new design in side shields, which completely encloses theegides of the motor coach, and are particularly adapted for the lighter type of coach, such as the I4-seater.
A motor coach fitted with this screen will also be shown on Stand No. 61, occupied by the Westminster Coach Works, Ltd.
Hans RenoId, Ltd.
Chains. Stand No. 168.
This Manchester company have had considerable experience in the manufacture of driving chains, and they will be showing bush roller chains for rear drives, of which they have a full range from 1 in. pitch to 3 in. pitch inclusive, inverted tooth chains for camshaft, magneto, dynamo, starter, oil pump and fan drives, and a full range of widths between .375 in., and 5 in. pitch. A rear driving wheel will be staged with the chain assembled to show engagement of chain with sprocket teeth.
Sparking Plugs. Stand No, 237 Sparking plugs will form the chief exhibit on this company's stand, where*a full range of their impeoved,and detachable Ohio mica plugs for commercial service will be on view, as well as a good and useful series of lorry type leverless compression taps of varying lengths and threads to suit different types of engines. In addition, that well-tnown Ripault 0.8. speedometers and mileage recorders will be exhibited in all the latest models, other Ripault accessories including armoured cables, accumulators, etc.
Robinhood Engineering Works, Ltd.
Sparking Plugs. Stand No. 179 This company are responsible for the manufacture of K.L.G. sparking plugs, and their exhibit will consist mainly of these accessories. They intend to give prominence to their latest G. type, C52 which, in the first instance, was designed to meet the needs of heavy vehicle users. A number of K.L.G. plugs which have an historical interest will undoubtedly command the attention of the visitor.
Sheppee Motor Co., Ltd.
Non-skids. Stand No. 137 The Sheppee patent non-skids are in use on a considerable number of vehicles, and that they have given success is.em phasized by the large proportion of repeat orders which the company are constantly receiving from satisfied users. The non-skid consists of strong chains fitted with cross-strakes which are held fegether by a special fastening. These' chains fit in the groove formed by the twin solid tyres on the rear wheels.
Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 207 The speciality on the Shrewsbury and Challiner S.T. yre Co.'s stand will be the new steel disc wheels, which provide a combination of neatness, strength and reliability, and are particularly, suitable for use on Ford vans. Other exhibits on the company's stand`will include solid band tyres for all types of steam and petrol vehicles, artillerypattern wood wheels and a wheel fitted with a Shrewsbury and Challiner 1920pattern fire-engine ribbed section tyre.
Simms Motor Units, Ltd.
Magnetos. Stand No. 218 High-tension magnetos of Simms manufacture for all classes of commercial vehicle engines will form the main exhibit on this company's stand, although a large proportion of the space will serve to display Vernier magneto dynamo and couplings, magnetic petrol gauges, impulse starters, non-soot sparking plugs, mechanical and electric horns, vulcanizers, magneto spare parts for all makes of magnetos, starter lighter outfit, folding tyre pumps, ignition accessories, magneto conversion sets, and a number of ignition accessories.
Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd.
Ball Bearings.' Stand No. 104
This company are exhibiting complete road units for trailers, these consisting of three ton and six ton trailer wheels complete with Kirkstall axles, and pressed steel wheels fitted with S.K.F. ball bearings, as well as a commercial vehicle clutch showing the S.K.F. double-row self-aligning bearings and roller bearings.
Smith, Parfrey and Co., Ltd.
Wheels. Stand No. 225 This company were established in 1836, and they can claim a long association with the commercial vehicle industry. They have had considerable experience in the manufacture of artillery wooden wheels, artillery steel wheels, axles, springs, forgings and machine work, and examples of their .manufacture will be fully arrayed. Various methods of welding will complete the company's exhibition.
S. Smith and Sons, Ltd.
Accessories. Stand No. 162 All those accessories considered necessary for the complete equipment of any type of commercial vehicle will be staged on this company's stand. These will include combined speedometers and mileage recorders, which are supplied for all types of drives and are, suitable for any make of vehicle running on pneumatic or solid tyres ; electrte lighting systems for chars-a-banes and light or heavy commercial vehicles, which include entirely new designs of aluminium lamps; five-jet and single-jet carburetters, driving mirrors, M.L. magnetos, impulse starters, K.L.G. plugs, lifting jacks of various sizes, mechanical and bulb horns, oil and acetylene lamps, inspection lamps, petrol gauges, etc.
Steel Barrel Co., Ltd.
Fuel Storage. Stand No. 157 A storage and measuring installation for motor spirit used on underground storage tanks from which the spirit is pumped into an overhead tank will be found to be this corn any'e chief exhibit. The spirit is pumped into the measuring tank and delivered into the vehicle's tank by gravity through a flexible hose. Exhibit. No. 2 will be a section of the road wagon fuel tank for the conveyance of motor spirit, paraffin, oil, etc. the tank being of welded steel. A weldedsteel barrel, which is made in many sizes from 20 to 200 gallons capacity, will also be shown as well as a weldedsteel barrel suitable for the transport of oil, which is so constructed that when empty it may be divided into halves and the halves closed, so that storage space is saved.
Spiral Tube and Components Co.
Radiators. Stand No. 241 Examples of polished aluminium radiators made by this firm for Leyland, Dennis, Bristol Tramways, Albion, Guy, and other well-known makers, will be displayed, as well as radiators suitable.for the Ford and other makes of American .chassis. Tube blocks and centres for various types of radiators and samples of spiral tube and also double-tinned gilled radiator tubes will complete the exhibit, The alternative radiator for Fords is constructed with a bolted-up framework in cast polished aluminium.
Sterns, Ltd.
Lubricants. Stand No. 146
Exhibits in motion -always attract attention, and on this company's stand two gearboxes will be running under actual working condition to demonstrate the use of the company's Ambroleum, the established gearbox lubricant that— using the company's slogan—" clings to the teeth." A range of Sternol oil ("that make engines purr like pussies"), as well as lubricants for every type of engine will also be displayed.
St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co.
Tyres. Stand -No. 20 We understand that the forces of Helen -will be strongly marshalled on the occasion of this year's Show, and that the company's stand will be used primarily as a resting-place for the friends of the company.
• Leo Swain and Co., Ltd.
Accessories. Stand No. 171
The Leose,o tube saver, which will be exhibited in a full range of sizes, is bound to attract commercial users. Other exhibits will include inner tubes, horn bulbs, garage tubing, tyre plasters, garage hose, tyre repair outfits and patches. The patent " Petreesavers," for Ford vans, which are claimed to increase the mileage per gallon by 50 per cent., footscrapers for vans and. chars-ielsancs. 0.5. speedometers, Duff jacks and Parsons chains, a full range of lamps of such well-known makes as Lucas, P. and H., E.C.L., Miller, will also be on show. as well as Swain solid rubber band tyres, and pneumatic tyres.
United States Rubber Co.
Tyres. Stand No. 215
This company are showing a complete range of Nobby Cord giant pneumatics. These tyres have come into favour during the last 12 months, and a little book giving details of the actual experiences of lorry owners under a, diversity of running conditions will be distributed at Olympia. The dimensions of the tyres to be displayed are 36 ins. by 6 ins., 38 ins. by 7 ins., 40 ins. by 48 ins.
C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd.
Lamps. • Stand No. 165 Of great interest to commercial-vehicle users, C.A.V. electrical specialities will he exhibited this year with many improvements. The standard omnibus lights as supplied to the London General Omnibus Co. will be on show, comprising the new circular-typedynamo and C.A.V.-Willard battery. Improvements have been effected in the construction of
the smaller dynamos (model N.G.S.C.) and attention is drawn to the new water, proof terminal connection. The new C.A.V.-Willard range of batteries with the threaded rubber insulation, of which much has been heard recently, will be shown. A C.A.V. range of sparking plugs, including the special Ford model, will also merit consideration.
Vacuum Oil Co., .Ltd.
Lubricants. Stand No. 143 The well-known. Gargoyle oils and greases will be shown on this. company's stand. They will also show a chart of recommendations showing the grade of 'lubricant 'classified by the company for each -make of commercial vehicle manufactured. Those who know little of viscosity will be interested in this chart.
Yorkshire Insurance .Co., Ltd.
Insurance. Stand No. 180 The motor department of this insurance company is expanding materially, and it is because of this fact that they have taken a stand at the exhibition, where full particulars of -the various classes of insurance will be obtainable.
C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd.
Lubricants. Stand No. 135
A full range of Castrol grades, Castroleum and Gear Ease in suitable vessels for exhibition will be staged by this company. The Gear Ease will be demonstrated by a gearbox in operation.
The patent self-locking tap to fit all Castrol drums and barrels will be shown.
W. H. Wilcox and Co., Ltd.
Supplies. Stand No. 125 'All kinds of engineers' supplies and sundries which have been" exhibited by this company for many years past will again be displayed on this occasion. These will include highgrade oils for all types of engines, compressed. jointing for all types of joints, tractor and commercial vehicle lamps, and a good range of tools, etc.
S. Wolf and Co., Ltd.
Carburetters. Stand No. 144 Solar carburetters have givea every satisfaction on various types of commercial vehicle engines, and these accessories will form the principal feature of the company's show. A special type of carburetter will be shown suitable for Ford engines, as well as " Sauser " sparking plugs, portable electric jacks, Buffalo fibre mallets, and vices.
Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd.
Carburetters. Stand No. 140 The name Zenith in connection with carburetter manufacture is established, and many visitors are bound to call at the stand of the company on account of the fact that a new type of triple diffuser carburetter is being shown to the public. This carburetter is the result of 12 years' scientific and practical study of carburation and embodies an atomizing and vaporizing device. A full range of the standard type of Zenith carburetters will be .shown.
Apart from the exhibitors to whom we haVe referred, the following will be showing in either the accessories and component section or the tyre and wheel section, the figure after the name of each company being the atand number :— Adanac, Ltd., 184; A. C. Sparking Plug Co, Ltd., 156; Jas. Bartle and' Co. Ltd., 220; Forges de Rellecourt Soc. Anon, 13; Brown and Co. (Loton), Ltd., 128; Champion Spark Plug Co. of Canada, Ltd., 195; Cocker Bros., Ltd., 224; Conner Magneto and Ignition, Ltd.,
142; Uresswellts, „230; Fellows Magneto Co., Ltd.,155; Rays, Standen and C-o., Ltd., 147; H., Miller and Co., Ltd., 177; North and Sons, Ltd., 132; '1'. Parsons and Sons, 186; Phosphor Brone Co., Ltd., 196; J. W. Pickavant and Co., Ltd., 192; Samuel Bros., Ltd., 194; Sheffield Steel Products, Ltd., 182; Small and Parkes, Ltd., 130; John Smith and Co. (London, E.), Ltd., 175; Snowdon, Sons and Co., Ltd., 235; R. . Stephens and Sons, 176 ; Sterling Metals, Ltd., 107; J. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd., 197; Harbor°. Rubber Co., 190; Pirelli, Ltd., 189; Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., 211; G. Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd., 199; Wood=Milne, Ltd., 200; Gallwey, Paul and Barker, 4A ;, Bertram Thomas, 6; Miller Bros., 11; Soo. Anon. Industria Sonica, 138.
Up to the time of closing for press we had not received details of the exhibits to be shown by these various concerns. C53