NEWS of the WEEK
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ACTION has been taken by the Northern Command on complaints concerning cases in which motor vehicles hired by the military have been returned in a damaged state to the owners. Command headquarters have issued instructions thist the owners in .question will be visited and a fair settle-. meat effected in respect of damage which is assessed as being a War Department liability, states Mr. W. J. Lowe, secretary of the Yorkshire Area of A.R.O.
It is assumed that, in future, greater care of hired vehicles will be exercised, as individual units are now debited with the costs of repairs and replacements.
Hauliers to Fight Leeds Corporation
LEEDS .municipal-vehicle operators, through the Federation of Yorkshire Road Transport Employers, are in conflict with the cleansing department of Leeds Corporation over the question of tenders. The situation has reached a stage where the Federation is threatening to take the matter before the appropriate Government Department and press for a public inquiry.
A short time ago the local operators submitted individual tenders for the hire of 2-3-ton vehicles at the rate of 5s. 6d. per hour, This rate was decided upon as being moderate, havina regard to increased operatinscosts. Moreover, this tender of 5s. 6de. for Leeds 'compares with the following :—Huddersfield 6s., Halifax 7s., Doncaster 6s., Lancashire (aVerage of 50 different authorities) 7s. 3d., West Riding 5s. 9d., Wakefield 5s. 9d.
It is alleged that, after the tender of 5s. 6d. had been lodged, hauliers were individually approached by representatives of the cleansing department and asked to tender at 4s. 6d..
This action, and the position which has now arisen, was discussed subsequently at a representative meeting of Leeds municipal-Vehicle operators, and the following resolution was adopted :—" That such action is grossly unfair and, unworthy ofa large local authority, and 'interferes unnecessarily with the usual procedure of tender and acceptance. Further, it transgresses the recognized democratic principle involved in the submission of individual tenders without competitors being aware of each other's prices. Further, that the chairman he asked to investigate and deal effectively with the complaint."
Personal Pars MR. W. T. H. MARSHALL, assistant traffic superintendent of Walsall Corporation, has been appointed traffic superintendent of Morecambe Corporation.
MR, S. E. GARcKE has been elected a director of the City of OxfordisMotor Services, Ltd., to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. F. E. Stanley.
MR. W. A.' J. CLARK has been appointed assistant solicitor (general) of London Transport. He joined the Underground railways in 1921 as a clerk on the staff of the legal and parliamentary officer.
MR. R. E. SCOTT, transport manager of Dickson and Benson, Ltd., Middlesbrough, has been nominated by the group organizers of the Middlesbrough sub-district of the Defence Emergency Organization of Road Transport to succeed Mr. T. K. Briggs, as sub-district manager. Mr. Briggs has been appointed chief labour supply officer and chairman of the supply board for the area.
ABSENCE of any provision in the income-tax regulations for relief where a road-transport operator suffers capital loss through depreciation, or obsolescence of any of his vehicles cornmandeered by the military authorities, is the subject of a statement by the Yorkshire Area of A.R.O.
Reporting a case in which the position has caused pne haulier difficulty with the income-tax authorities in arriving at a settlement in this connection, the statement says it is possible that the problem exists in a number of instances.. It invites any members who have experienced difficulty in this direction to futnish details to A.R.O., for the purpose of national representations to the Inland Revenue with a view to the prevention of hardship.
Subsistence Allowance and Rates for Contract Hire AN important point is raised by Mr, W. Farnorth, divisional Secretary of the North-Western Division, C.M.U.A., in connection with rates which hauliers may be agreeing. for the hire of their vehicles to building and other contractors engaged on large works. It is frequently the case that such large contractors make certain provisions for subsistence alldWances.
.Hauliers should make sure that the amounts so provided are, not less than the subsistence that they themselves must pay under the Road Haulage Wages Act, as set RH4. If there be any difference and they are likely to be the losers, then provision should be made for that difference in the rates they quote.
Haulier's Big Liability in False -Claim for Petrol
AT Dunfermline" Sheriff Court, last week, David ■West, haulage contractor, 179, Rumblingwell, Dunfermline, waS , fined £10 when he pleaded guilty "to a charge *which alleged that, with intent to deeeive, he furnished the. District Transport Officer, at Dunfermline, with records in respect of a vehicle of which he was the Operator which stated that the vehicle nad undertaken three journeys during June. the truth being that the vehicle had been unlicensed since June 1.
Mr. R. J. Waugh, prosecuting, said that West had seven lorries. He got the ordinary ration of petrol for each vehicle which was in use. The vehicle concerned in the complaint was unlicensed after June 1, but West on three different occasions told a "string of lies " in order to obtain the ration. He procured 628 gallons to which he was not entitled, For the defence, a solicitor said that the petrol was used on other vehicles for work of national importance.
Sheriff Gilchrist, in imposing the fine, said that accusgl was liable to .fines of E100 for each offence, and three months' imprisonment,
AWORD of advice concerning negotiations between road-transport operators and the military authorities of the Northern Command, as to the purchase price of vehicles acquired by the military, is given by Mr. W. J. Lowe, secretary of the Yorkshire Area, A.R.O., in a bulletin issued to members.
Emphasizing that members who possess receipted invoices showing their purchase of such vehicles in 1940 should take them to their interviews with the military, Mr. Lowe states that, in a discussion which he had with the Northern Command authorities, he was informed that the production of such invoices would have a bearing on the price fixed.
Nominations to Scottish Wages Bogard V0 nominations from the Scottish A Carriers' Association to the Scottish Area Wages Board are Mr. Andrew Duncan, of Paisley, and Mr. John Strang, of BelIshin. Mr. Duncan has been appointed in place of Major Grove, who is with the Forces. The attitude of the board to the proposal that wages should be increased is that the rates now in operation are reasonably comparable with what is being paid in other industries. The Board will, therefore, oppose the proposal.
New Wages Affect 200 Co-op. Societies TRANSPORT workers are among the 1 28,000 employees of retail co-operative societies in Scotland who are to have their wages increased. This follows an agreement reached between the National Co-operative Conciliation Board, the Scottish Co-operative Wages-Board, and the trade unions.
Mr. Robert Taylor, who stated the case for the unions, told our correspondent that increases would be as follow :—Men 3s. a week, women 2s. 6d., youths (18-21 years of age) 2s., girls (18-21) is. 6d., and those of both sexes under 18, is. The same grades received advances of is. 6d. to 4s. in -January last.
More than 200 societies are affected by the agreement, which covers practically all the retail organizations in Scotland, except Fife, Kinross and the Borders, which have separate agreements. The agreement is retrospective to September 9.
Procedure During an Air Raid
THE Minister of Home Security has stated, on a number of occasions, that it is entirely at the discretion of a driver of a motor vehicle as to whether he stops and retires to a shelter, or whether he continues his journey during an air-raid warning, subject, of course, to the over-riding powers of the police or military 'to stop or divert traffic. It is, however, assumed that these powers will be used with discretion and not arbitrarily, and only when the military situation shows that their use is necessary.
A few complaints have been received of cases where, for no apparent reason, the police have refused to allow livestock and other vehicles to proceed during the period of a warning, and the matter has been taken up with both the Ministry cf Food and the Regional Commissioner. It is understood that the latter has instructed the police not to detain vehicles in such circumstances.
The view of the Ministry of Food is that loaded livestock vehicles should be got to their destinations as quickly as possible and unloaded, in the event of an air raid. If carriers be unnecessarily detained by either police or military they should report the full details to the local secretary of Associated Road Operators, giving the place and time, the policeman's number, and force, and the circumstances prevailing at the time.
Transfer of Businesses in Scotland
WE learn -that MesSrs. Part Bros:, Bent Road, Hamilton, will shortly take over the business of Wm. Y. Smith, Strathaven, whilst negotiations arc, 'we understand, taking place between Wm. Graham, carrier, Stirling, and Wm. Wright, carrier, .Aberfoyle, for the purchase of the-latter's business.
THE National Arbitration Tribunal has granted the claim of the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association for an increase of 4s. a week for members employed'by general contractors in the Edinburgh district. The advance took effect from the first full pay day after September 17.
A similar rise was negotiated by the Association for men in the service of other general contractors, but Edinburgh employers insisted on a reference to the Tribunal, which upheld the national agreement.
Air-raid Shelters at Beet Factories
A WELL-KNOWN member of A.R.O. has received an 'assurance from one of the largest beet factories that 'adequate shelter has now been arranged for road-transport personnel in the event of an aerial attack when they are on the premises. From our personal knowledge of the thoroughness and efficiency with which the British Sugar Corporation works, we have no doubt that the arrangements are equally good at all their factories.
" Haulage Rates in Stranraer FOR some months the Scottish Carriers' and Haulage Contractors' Association has been endeavouring, in co-operation with other associations, to agree upon rates foi the hire of goods vehicles on a time basis. Success in this effort of co-ordination has been frustrated so many times that the S.C. and H.C.A. has decided to make a move independently.
The following rates have been agreed by the Association :—
Another Job fop T.M., Ltd.
FOLLOWING its task of clearing village scrap dumps for the Iron and Steel Control, When its speed of delivery was such that rail sidings became congested at the furnaces, Traffic Movement, Ltd., has been asked to arrange for the collection of guns, trench mortars and other trophies lying up and down the country from the 1914-1918 war. It is sometimes difficult to get into touch with a haulier who is able to undertake the job, because the Iron and Steel Control looks on the work as of urgent national importance, but, a*.t the same time, it is necessary in the interests of fuel economy to employ a haulier as near to the job as possible.
Since it is not practicable to broadcast particulars of all the various lots, members who havean old field gun in their district and who would be in a position to quote for its removal to railhead are asked to get into touch with the local secretary of A.R.O. so soon as possible. REGULATING THE CONVEYANCE OF COMPRESSED GAS •
THE Secretary of State for the Home Department has issued the .Draft Compressed -Gas Cylinders -(Fuel for Motor Vehicles) Conveyance Regulations, 1940, obtainable from H.M. Stationery Office at 3d. These refer to cylinders used for the gas propulsion of vehicles other than those which comply with the Gas Cylinders (Conveyance) Regulations, 1931 .(b)...
No cylinder may be used unless it be Constructed by a thanufactUrer approved in writing by the Secretary of State, and he in accordance with the specifications contained in the Order, in respect of material, method of manufacture and teSting: Each cylinder andother fitting must be of forged steel, 'brass or bronze to specification. . •
Each cylinder or the valve or other fitting of it must have either a fusible plug to fuse at 150 degrees C. or a bursting disc to operate at a pressure 14 times the designed working pressure. The internal pressure in any cylindermust not exceed that for which the cylinder has been designed, -and, in any case,Must not exceed 3,000 lb. per sq. in. for those constructed in accordance with Specification *A, and 1;804 lb,. pef sq. in. for those constructed to _Specification B.
No .cylinder may be, filled with gas . unless it *has been subinitted within the preceding two years • . to . the hydraulic stretch test:described.
Apart.. from perm:L*16ra markings, such as the maker.s Jdentification, rotation number, *date of last hydraulic stretch test; and a Mark indicating' the speefficatio; nto -Wh, ich the, cylinder was Constructed,each cylinder, must., be marked : ""For' gas propulsion only, working pressure-lb`. pet aq: in-.," and with the water capacity in cubit ft.
Other points 'in the specification are too long to include here, and it would be -advisable to obtain a copy of the Draft Order.
After the War—.á Warning THE secretary of -the West Midland
• Area, A.R.O., Mr. G:F.' Goodwin, is preparing already for the kind of situation .whiCh .believeS will arise when the war is ayer.. The railways are unlikely to acquiesce, without proteSt of defensive aCtion, in the return to. road transport of the traffic Which has been handed over to them during the war. They will ask for and obtain further restrictive legislation on road transport or, failing that, will revert to their pre-war practice of strongly opp,osing . every Traffic Court application for licences, or the renewal of licences.
The position of the road-transport industry if not rendered easier by the fact that ..the Minister has refused to give any undertaking that operators, after the war, will be given the licences
they possessed before,. the war. He states that he has, no jurisdiction over the Licensing Authorities and can, therefore, give, rbo promises.* . It is believed that, these Authorities. will be sympathetic:. the* danger.. of loss of licences,however; still eiist's. *"
Mr. Goodwin is preparing to meet the situation which he envisages, and in doing so considers that he should, in all fairness, draw some distinction between those members who, during the war, have loyally supported the Association and helped to build up its financial strength, and those who join when they Want assistance and fall away when that has been given.
Trailers for A.R.P. Work
DESCRIPTIVE of Pashley. trailers for a variety of A.R.P. and other services, a folder has recently been issued by W. R. Pashley, Ltd., Birmingham. There are two specific types for A.R.P. duties and another unit for salvage work. The leaflet gives brief specification details of all models.
. Garages on Wheels for Canadian Army Army
NEWEST addition to the mobile machine shops of Canada'a field workshop units consists of two completely equipped transport service lorries, modern " garages on wheels " especially designed by the technical staff of the National Department of
Defence. '
The units are completely equipped with tools and other facilities for electricians, machinists, motor Mechanics, armament fitters, and welders. Each of the six-Wheeled; 'steel-armoured lorries has its own electrical power and lighting plant. • A tompaCt switchboard provides efficient distribution and switching to the various electric motors :employed in driving the equipment.
Cords Piston New Address
AS from October 1, the main business of Cords Piston Ring Co., Ltd., has been conducted from 42, Bell Street, Henley-on-Thames". The piston machining service of the company will continue to be carried on at its headquarters, 30, Hampstead Road, London, NAVA.
I N its leader, the Monthly B-011etin of Road Information, published by the British Road Federation, demands the mobilization of the Nation's road transport.
• This states . that the .progressive demobilization of goods, public-service and private vehicles has already achieved a great disservice to the country. Any prolonged interruption of any part of the transport system would. be legitimately counted as a score to the enemy, •
The Minister of Transport already possesses powers which will enable him to recall into national service all those Nehicles to-day, immobilized in sheds, barns and garages. All other powers to organize their use, he could obtain in a few hours.
'Munition making must suffer no check, production for export must he increased, and 'supplies—military and civil—freely moved. Every vehicle not in the breakers' yards should be in use or ready for use.
Garage Requisitioning
cliESTER Emergency Committee has had a Home Security circular stating that the Minister has had under consideration the procedtire by which local authorities might obtain possession of garages for emergency civildefence purposes. It states that, in future, the local authority should, in such cases, notify the Regiorial Transport Commissioner,and should take no action to enter into occupation of the premises before the Commissioner had given' his' Consent.' This procedure
• need not be followed, however, when it is desired to take small lock-up garages, garages that are not Used at all-for the servicing or niaintenanee of publicService vehicles or goods vehicles, or garages with less than 1,250 sq. ft. of • loot space. POWER OF POLICE TO REQUISITION VEHICLES I NFORMATION has reached Mr.
Irwin, secretary, Eastern Area, A.R,O., that in the Southtninster district, recently, a livestock 'carrier had four vehicles and drivers requisitioned by the police. He reminds hauliers that the Ministry of Transport alone has the power to requisition vehicles on behalf of Service Departments and no carrier should let his vehicles be takca unless the Ministry form Z/V/RQ be produced.
Since the Minister of Transport has given an undertaking that he will not sanction the requisitioning of vehicles employed in the transport of essential foodstuffs (which is taken to 'include livestock), A.R.O. members should immediately contact with their area office if an attempt be made to requisition vehicles which fall within this • category, even if form Z/V/RQ be produced.
Common sense should, of course, be used. If a haulier has several vehicles, One only of which be engaged on essential foodstuffs and this is the one which it is proposed to requisition, it car.:.ot be expected that it will be released unless there be over-riding reasons, such as six–jai construction or unsuitability of the other vehicles.
To give the Ministry its due, he adds, it would always rather acquire vehicles voluntarily than requisition them— short, that is, of buying them through the dealers. If, therefore, there be any carriers in coastal or other districts who have been forced to close down through force of circumstances, and who wir't to dispose of their vehicles, lobe Regional Transport Commissioner's office in Cambridge would be ,glad to
hear from them. Vehicles of 30-cwt. to 3-tons carrying capacity are particularly wanted.
Chances for Contract Ploughing
ACORRESPONDENT would be interested to hear from concerns which may wish to undertake contract ploughing, etc. Investigations have proved that, in some areas, there is a big demand for services of this kind and the existing facilities would appear to be insufficient for the needs of farmers. Those concerns interested should write the Editor, marking their letters " H," and we will see that they are forwarded to the proper quarter.
MOST carriers are probably aware that, in the event of an emergency, it may be necessary to close certain roads temporarily for the exclusive use by the military, as well as certain priority traffics. It is proposed to issue " E.L." labels in small quantities La hauliers to cover their use of these roads for essential and perishable traffic, and members should get into touch with the D.T.O., through whom their fuel coupons are drawn, for their labels. It is understood that the labels are to be used Only when instructions to that effect are issued. •
Work in Scotland for T.M., Ltd.
IT is stated that the Scottish Carriers' AsSociation may shortly be executing some -heavy work on behalf of Traffic Movement, Ltd. Members will be notified when. details are available.
Death of a Pioneer Haulier
WE regret to record the death of Mr. James Kinder, of Messrs. Kinder Brothers, haulage contractors, of Blackburn. He was well known in roadtransport circles and founded the firm which bore his name in 1912. In the early days, he started with steam wagons, and built up a large business covering all types of transport. The firm now runs a fleet of 43 vehicles and trailers, both heavy and light.
Mr. Kinder was well-known in association spheres, having been a member of the committee of the Blackburn area of the C.M.U,A. and -East Lancashire Road Transport Association. He was also, since its inception, a member of the North Western Area Wages -Board.