Operating Aspects of
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TAXIDRIVERS in Scotland want to know why they are not provided with steel helmets and Service respirators to use when driving in air raids. Drivers are of the opinion that such equipment is essential, especially at night, when they are liable to be called out at any minute to take public officials and civil-defence personnel to their posts.
Drivers claim that they should have the same equipment as A.R.P. workers, as their work may be dangerous and is of great value in times of emergency.
BOLTON HAS IMPROVED BUS STATION THE new bus station of Bolton Corporation in Ashburner Street 5s now in use. Consisting of a concrete platform with covered waiting accommodation and seats, it is only partially completed. Further progress in constrUction is impossible because of the war demand for materials.
The original project provided for the complete covering of the platform, and the erection of imposing office blocks and a refreshment kiosk.
The station is, however, a great improvement on the old one. It was used for the first time on September 24.
AT a meeting of Wetheral Parish Council, Cumberland, it was reported that the local M.P. was to take up with the Ministry of Transport the question of improving the bus service between Wetheral and Carlisle. Six months ago the council asked the bus company to increase the frequency of the service and it replied that owing to petrol restrictions this could not be done.
The company later said the council could take up the matter with the Traffic Commissioners at Newcastleon-Tyne. It was also reported that Mr. Wilfrid Roberts, M.P., was to approach the Minister of Transport.
WHEN Manchester City Council met on Wednesday last it was due to decide whether or not it could meet the public demand for free bus and tram travel for members of the For6es. Following a meeting of a specially appointed committee, consisting of five members of the transport committee and five members of the finance committee, it was agreed to submit a special joint report to the counail. The report, it is understood, reveals the financial inability of the transport department to bear the cost of free travel. It is estimated that if halffare facilities, with a minimum of Id. per journey, were granted to members
of the Forces a drop in revenue of close on £26,000 would result.
To meet the cost of free travel, Aid. S. Woollam suggests that the electricity, gas, water, markets and transport " departments should bear, the burden. Much criticism of the matter was expected at the meeting.
AT Wolverhampton, the municipality's transport conirnittee has arranged to hire 12 trolleybuses from Bournemouth Corporation, at £240 per vehicle per annum.
THE new bus station at Keighley is
now in full operation. Vehicles operating on about 16 routes are using the station, which was constructed primarily for the services of the bus undertaking jointly owned by Keighley Corporation and the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd.
SUNDERLAND Transport Committee is recommending the town council to introduce a single universal fare of lid. up to 9 a.m, daily and between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. The fare will replace the 2d. universal return which has been abolished on the recommendation of the transport manager, Mr. C. A. Hopkins, in an effort to increase revenue. The new fare will be submitted for the approval of the Ministry of Transport and the Traffic Commissioners.
. COMMISSIONERS WANT BUSES TO RUN IN AIR RAIDS AT West Bromwich, the corporation transport committee reports that the transport manager has received from the Traffic Commiasioners a circular stating that it is essential, so far as possible, to maintain bus services after the sounding of the air-raid warning, unless danger be imminent. Certain difficulties, however, are likely to arise in putting this into practice during the hours of darkness, as the circular states that side lights only could be used and no interior lighting would be allowed. Accordingly, the conductors could not use their handlamps to enable them to issue tickets.
The committee has expressed dissatisfaction with this arrangement and recommended that if buses are to continue after the sounding of the sirens, during the period of darkness, some form of interior lighting must be allowed to enable employees to carry out their duties. The transport manager is to take up the matter with the Traffic Commissioners.
Wolverhampton Transport Committee is to equip Wobaston Lane as a tsolleybus route at a cost of £3,000.