Freight-exchange Network? Commercial Role Suggested for R.H.A
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LIVELY debate scents certain to develop at the first working session the Road Haulage Association Connee at Brighton on October 22, where of the resolutions chosen for discussuggests that a national network of Ott exchanges should be set up, that hers should establish joint mainince system S and that the R.H.A. aid go commercial" to get special antages for members. Since the pre: constitution of the Association is ined to exclude it engaging in ling activities, there would have to be amendment to the constitution before objects of the resolution, if supported the conference, could be effected, and vision is made for this in the resolus itself.
his first resolution, which is to be proed by Capt. i. H. Allison and mded by Mr. J. A. Murly, reads as Owse7.
conference, believing that the free rprise road haulage sector of the inland sport system could increase its own stahiand competitive power, recommends the iideration in detail of the means whereby iers, through membership of the Road lage Association, could tal form co-operative units within which, ithout losing their identities, they would lve the advantages of planned interworkg, joint repair, maintenance and adminisstive services and substantial commercial length and flexibility; (h) organize a nationwide network of eight exchanges designed to bring milers and customers closer together for eir mutual benefit and for the elimina tion of clearing houses run for profit:
(c) combine within specially created commercial organizations for the purpose Of obtaining such tangible advantages as. (i).eredit facilities at favourable rates; (ii) discounts on the purchase of equip: ment and supplies; (iii) emergency repair facilities away from base;
(iv) legal aid; (v) overnight accommodation for drivers and vehicles;
(d) procure the amendment. of the constitution of the Road Haulage Association insofar as may he desirable and necessary to promote the maximum efficiency of the industry and the even better representation of all its interests.
A second resolution chosen for discussion at the Tuesday morning session will be proposed by Mr. J. P. Wells and seconded by Mr. F. Wheeler, and reads:
This conference welcomes the plan for the reshaping of British Railways and its implications, looks forward to .a period of road and rail co-operation without political interference, appreciates that competition between the two forms of transport will be maintained in many spheres and supports the Road Haulage Association's close liaison with British Railways Board and British Road Services.
It has now been revealed that at the third session, on Wednesday morning. the brains trust will he under the chairmanship of Mr. Macdonald Hobley and its members will be Sir Stephen MeAdden, Conservative M.P. for South
end East, Mr. Jeremy Thorpe: Liberal member for North Devon, Mr. Arthur Carr, who has been a Socialist parliamentary candidate on more than one occasion, and Mr. H. Norman Letts, the R.H.A.'s legal adviser.
The principal guest at the banquet on Wednesday evening will be Mr. W. F. Deedes, M.P.. Minister without Portfolio, who will reply to the toast of HAI Government proposed by the Association's chairman, Mr. D. O. Good. The toast of the guests will be proposed by Mr. P. H. R. Turner, an R.H.A. vicechairman, and the Mayor of Brighton will respond.