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Productivity films

4th September 1970
Page 82
Page 82, 4th September 1970 — Productivity films
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A series of films added to those available from the Central Film Library is aimed at productivity. Titles of relevance to commercial vehicle operators are "Geared for Profit", ''Job Evaluation". "Communication in Industry" and "A Study in Change".

Only the first is directly concerned with vehicles—with the running of a retail garage. But the other three have relevance to any type of company. They deal with aspects of management. "Job Evaluation" stresses the importance of this subject and outlines four main methods. The importance of good communications is referred to in the remaining two films. "A Study in Change" dealing with a case history of major changes ir methods made in a tube mill.

Available from: Central Film Library, Industrial Section, Government Building, Bromyarc Avenue, Acton, London.