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The wheal of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the goads over which it runs."--.rohti Beattie Crozier.
The Motor Coach Issue.
All who are interested in the motor coach movement, wishing to know what coach owners are doing in the .way of the organization of their businesses and of their methods in catering for the public, if they have not seen last week's issue should make a point of getting hold of a copy to read. One is bound to know other likely readers of the journal in one's neighbourhood, and on request we would try to spare a copy from those retained for binding into volumes. The issue was full of impbrtant and interesting matter, and that it was appreciated has been shown by the large number of letters received from. readers. One article in it showed how neglected certain fields are for securing publicity for the motor coach among potential passengers. The administration of a coach business was the subject of another article that was accompanied by examples. Motor coach design and construction was very fully dealt with, profuse illustrations showing ideas in body construction, in luggage carrying, etc. WP dealt with the queition of the carrying capacity of motor coaches, and showed where the small
vehicle could score. Important facts and figures in connection with the running costs, standing charges and administrative costs of a motor coach business
are given in some detail. Thus the Motor Coach Special Issue of The Commercial Motor was of striking value to all concerned with the development and sucCessful running of a coach business.
Inst.A.E. Meetings.
Arrangements are now being made by the Institution of Automobile Engineers for holding informal meetings at Birmingham on May 5th and June 25th. That on May 5th will be held in the Chamber of Commerce, Birmingham, and will consist of a demonstration of all laboursaving devices in connection with the use of pneumatic tyres, such as detachable wheels or rims, non-puncturable tyres, air pressure pumps, and anything that will in any way minimize trouble to the user of pneumatic tyres. The meeting on June 25th will be an outdoor demonstration of either starting devices, carburetters, or shock absorbers fitted on cars, so that they may be shown in practice.
The object of these informal meetings id to keep automobile engineers in touch with progress in connection with motor vehicle accessories, while at the same time affording opportunities for the expression of expert criticism, with a view to eliminating possible weaknesses and embodying improvements. No charge will be made, and all those who are prepared to submit devices at either of these meetings are requested to communicate with the secretary of the Institution, 28. Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.
"Fire Snow" for Fighting Fires.
" Fire Snow," as its name possibly suggests, is a composition for the extinguishing of fires. It is an artificial snow charged with carbonic acid gas, and is the result of considerable research work and experience in fighting the most difficult kinds of fire—oils and chemicals—
which. have been carried out by John Morris, of Mulberry Street, Albert Square, Manchester.
" Vire Snow" acts on a two-fold prin. ciple. It kills the flames with carbonic acid gas, and at the same time covers the fire with a thiek fireproof covering Two harmless dry powders dissolved in water make the charging solution. The extinguisher consists of an ordinary pattern extinguisher body for holding one of the solutions, and a removable metallic receptacle suspended in the body for holding the second solution. Port holes in the receptacle form communicating passages between the two when the, extinguisher body is inverted. The inner receptacle lifts straight out of the extinguisher body through. a 32,in. opening, so that they may both be quickly and easily inspected, washed, and recharged. A special feature is the combination of the nozzle with the handle, which enables the operator to control the stream being directed on tO the fire simply by placing his finger over the aperture.
The appliance is operated by turning it upside down, when the two solutions instantly mix, and the pressure of gas generated expels a powerful -k in. stream of "Fire Snow," which can be distributed over an extensive burning surface of any description. • Unlike certain fire extinguishers, no suffocating fumes and noxious gases are liberated, whilst " Fire snow" can be ' handled with absolute safety in confined places: Many of the largest and most progressive firms who use highly. infiammable 'and volatile liquids in the process of manufacture have adepted -" Fire Snow " extinguishers, and it is interesting to note that the Dnntop Rubber Co., Ltd., who, by the way, were the first customers of Mr. Morris, have given eight repeat orders for "Pre Snow," not for two or three machines; but for as
many as 50 at a time. Other prominent usera include the Ford Motor • Co., Wood-Milne, Ltd., and Chas. Macintosh and Co.. Ltd. " Mee Snow" extinguishers should he of considerable value in garages. They are claimed to be the only British invention of their kind.
An attempt is being made to secure a lower rate of carriage by railway for solid tyres as compared with the rate charged for pneumatic tyres: The Society of Motor Manufacture and Traders will have an office at the Derby Show in June, which is being Organized by the Royal Agricultural Society.
The report of the committee appointed to advise the Minister of Transport upon the subject of lights on vehicles has been presented, and should shortly he published.
The annual luncheon of the Commercial Motor Users Association wilt be held to-morrow (Wednesday) at the Savoy Hotel, London, the chair 'being occupied by the President, E. S. Shrapnell-Smith,_ Esq., C.B.E., and the chief guest of the day being the Minister of Transport, the Right Hon. Sir Eric Geddes, G.O.B., G.B.E., M.P.
Petroleum Technologists.
The officers elected by the Institution of Petroleum Technologists for the session 1921-1922 are as follow :—.
President.;--Professor John Samuel Stafford Brame, F:I.C., F.C.S.
Past presidents:—Sir Boverton Redwood,, D.Sc., F.R.S.E., Prof. Sir John Cadman, K.C.M.G., D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., Sir Charles Greenway, Bart., 'Sic Frederick W. Black, K.C.B., RA. (Lend.).
Vies-presidents.—Herbert Barringer, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., Sir George Beilby, LL.D., ,F.R.S., Sir John Cargill, Bart., The Rt. Hon. Viscount Cowdray of Cowdray, Arthur W. Eastlake, M.I.Min.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Sir Thomas H. Holland,
K.C.I.E., F.R.S. Council :—Alfred C. Adams, Herbert Allen,. Major R. 'At. Barnett, M.P., Andrew Campbell, F.LC., F.C.S., E. H. Cunningham Craig, B.A., F.R,S.E., P.G.S., Alexander Duckham, F.C.S., A. E. Dunstan, D.Sc., F.C.S., James Kewley, M.A., FIX., F.C.S:,
W. R. Ormandy, F.C.S,, T. C. Palmer, A.MInst,O.E.' F. Mollwo Perkin, Ph.D., F.I.C., 111.0.S., Robert Redwood, F.C.S., John S. . Smith, A.M..I.Meeh.E., Professor W. W. Watts, F.R.S., D.Sc., M.A., Hon. LL.D., F.C.S.
The French Autumnal Tractor
Tr The official report of the autumnal tractor trials held at Chartres have only just been published by the French Chambre Syndicate de in Motoculture. These trials comprised a ploughing test of 48 consecutive hours, participation in which was not made compulsoryOwing. to the fact that the machines were of diversified types and varied considerably in size and power, and had to work under conditions which were far from uniform, it was not possible to make this trial competitive. The jury, therefore, satisfied itself with a statement of the work done and the conditions under which the 48 hours' ploughing demon-stration was accomplished.
According to this official. statement, the Fiat, whicktook part with only one machine, ploughed an area of 42.1 acres in the 48 consecutive hours, the depth, on the special request of the landowner,
being limited to 51 ins. Considering the results entirety from the standpoint of land ploughed, the Fiat, with its 25 h.p. engine, secured fourth place. The first prize under this' hesiding was obtained by a Holt tractor bf 45 h.p. A 40 h:p. Praga got second place, and a 35-40 h.p. Excelsior was placed third.
A new concern known as the Petrol Distributing Co., Ltd., is being promoted for the supply of fuel on a co-operative basis. We hope shortly to be in a position to give details of the scheme.
Our associated journal Th,e Motor tells a story of the bursting of a giant pneumatic tyre on a lorry, the flying stones from the roadway shattering adjacent windows. We are carrying our shields in future if giants come into favour!
Protecting Key Industries.
When the Committee of Ways and Means resumes its sittings in the noose of Commons resolutions, giving effect to the Government's promise to introduce legislation for the safeguarding of British industries from foreign competition, will be submitted, and, if passed, will be given effect to in this year's Pinanee Act. Later, wider powers will be sought in the Key Industries Bill which it is proposed to introduce into the House. The motor industry is concerned indirectly in articles under various heads, but directly in ignition, magnetos, which come into csaegory (a) of the articles concerning which Resolution I says that, for a period of five years from the passing of an Act for giving effect to this Resolution, there shall be charged on any such articles imported into Great Britain or Ireland a Customs duty of an amount equal to 33. per cent, of the value of the article. Under Resolution II there s„liell be charged on any article of any class or description in respect of which an order by the Board of Trade has been made (under any Act of the present sassier). for giving effect to the Resolution) if manufactured in whole or in part in any of the countries specified in the order or deemed to be so manufactured, a Customs duty equal to 334. per cent. of the value of the article in addition to any other duties of Customs chargeable thereon. Thus, on magnetos there could be imposed, with the BO per cent. tax, a total of duties amounting to 116§ per cent, of the value. The second resoles lion is designed to check dumping, whilst the first protects British industry against the competition of foreign goods which, owing to the depreciated currencies, can be sold here at prices lower than those at which they could be manufactured,
Institute of Transport Dinner.
The annual (liner of the Institute of Transport will be held in the Victoria Hall of the Hotel Cecil, London, on Tuesday, April 26th. The president, the Rt. Hon. Lord Ashfield of Southwell, will receive the guests at 7 p.m., dinner being served at 7.30 p.m. A very representative and distinguished company is expected, but we understand that the numbers will be limited to 300. Last year's dinner was uncomfortably crowded.
The S.N.I. Link Belt.
A new type of leather link belt for fans, dynamos, and similar uses has been produeed by Essenhigh Brothers., of the S.N.I. Patent Belt Works, 27a, Green Street, Warrington. The makers claim several important advantages over other belts of similar type. Each link cone slats of two pieces of loather of uniform thickness conneetedsat both ends by a neat joint consisting of a brass barrel, internally threaded and provided With a small steel screw. The barrel has a collar, which is sunk into the leather at one side, whilst the head of the steel screw is similarly positioned at the other side.
The metal connections are bevelled, thus giving the leather links their ca. rent angle. This is one of the chief features of the belt, as the leather sides do not have to be shaved away to the correct angle, and they should, therefore, have a very long life. It will be noticed that the centre screw, which is employed on certain other types of belting, is completely abolished. The bevelled metal connec The second Show of second-hand motor vehicles, including commercial motors, opened at the Crystal Palace on Saturday last.
Personal Pars.
We reproduce on this page a portrait of Mr. W. Donaldson Wright, the energetic secretary and manager of the motor haulage section of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, the transport operations of which, now extending over a wide area, have been mainly due to his discriminating arrangements. Before the war Mr. Wright was a Midlands branch manager for a large firm of London builders' merchants. He joined the army in 1915, and served in the M.T., R.A.S.C., in France, Flanders, and Germany, and upon demobilization in 1919 he was appointed road transport manager to the new department lust then being inaugurated by the Nottmgham Chamber, of Commerce. He has invested the work with such energy that this depaltment of the Nottingham Chamber's activities now ranks as one of the leading ,road transport clearing houses in the country. Mr. Wright has taken an important part in the inauguration of the Association of Road Transport Clearing Houses, and he is a member of its executive council. He is one of the representatives °idle A.R.T.C.H. on the conference consisting of the leading motor organizations, which meets periodically in London to consider questions affecting road transport and its interests in connection with the leading trading communities of the country.
The announcement that Sir Marcus Samuel has resigned the chairmanship of the Shell Transport and Trading Co., as well as various positions he held in associated companies, suggests that this is a fitting occasion for appreciative comment on the good work done by Sir Marcus in the development of the oil industry. Sir Marcus has done a great deal of good work in organizing, popularizing, and extending the use of oil products. He was one of the earliest advocates of the marine use of oil as fuel, and his advocacy was amply justified One of Sir Marcus Samuel's greatest achievements was his organization of the manufacture of tomtit)] in this country early in the war. We needed it badly, and no facilities existed here for menufactrtre on the large scale necessary. At Rotterdam, however., there was a complete plant under Sir Marcus's control, and he transferred it bodily to Bristol, successfully eluding the submarines that were undoubtedly lying in wait. Within two months the local production of teluol amounted to 800 or 900 tuns a month. A second plant was afterwards established elsewhere in this country by Sir Marcua, and this about doubled the output. In May, 1915, the Admiralty gratefully and gracefully recognized Sir Marcus Samuel's services. In our last week's issue in the article dealing with motor coach design and construction, we published two line illustrations showing the special arrangeanents for luggage carrying provided on a certain char-fehancs. The compartments, we omitted to mention, were fitted on a Commer Oar vehicle recently' supplied by the Luton company to the Rugby Motor Transport Co., and they were so designed as to be able to accommodate a standard size suit case. We had occasion to refer to this vehicle in a previous issae, when fuller details were given of its luggage-carrying facilities. CI Bulk Storage of Oil. Commercial users, and particularly Owners of big fleets, have long since been aware of the advantages to be gained by installing bulk underground petrol systems, but the same remark does not apply, in all cases, in connection with the storage ef oil. Petrol ranges in price from 3s. 31d. to 3s. Pd. per gallon, whilst lubricating oil costs up to Os. per gallon, and in spite of these differences in price, which should result in more care being taken, many large garages and factories still adhere to the old. fashioned method of storing oil in barrels. The oil-house at the Royal NaVal Cordite Factory at Holton Heath is an instance of the advantages of' underground storage of oil, the one which becomes first apparent being the cleanliness of this modern method. The oil is stored in the basement, and in this ease the storage capacity is 6,600 gallons, three 1,000 gallon tanks, and 12 300 gallon tanks being employed. By means of 12 pumps, which are installed, the oil can be drawn oft accurately in gallons, half-gallons, quarts or pints, as required. All oil so drawn is recorded on a meter fitted into the head of the pump, whilst a discharge register shows the amount drawn off by each person receiving an issue. The heaviest gear oil can be drawn off as easily and as accurately as the lighter grades of oil. The underground tanks are filled through floor filling boxes by means of a combination barrel skid and drainer. This system of oil storage is fireproof, whilst the fact that it is installed below ground prevents dust contaminating the oil, and at the same time much floor space is saved. The whole of the installation at the Royal Naval Cordite Factory was installed by F. Bowser and Co., 32, Victoria Street, London; S.W. Maudslay Merits. Commendable testimony as to the reliability and durability of Maudslay products is afforded by the following extract, which is taken from a letter received by the Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., of Coventry, from Mr. George Murray, of Huntley Brook, Bury:— " I have pleasure in sending a photograph of one of your 3 ton worm drive models, which I purchased from one of your agents in April, 1920. The chassis has never cost a penny for repairs up to the present time, and has never been off the road for repairs of any description. It has only stood idle for about 1.2 days, including holidays, since .I have purchased it. As a haulage contractor I have put it tosome severe tests and overloads, and towing other wagons out of ditches. Every slag this wagon hauls a load of about 3 tons 15 cwt. up a long gradient of 1 in 10 on third speed." The Modern Road Surface., A very interesting brochure has just been issued by Shell-Mex, Ltd. from -Victory House, Kingsway, London, W.C., dealing with the origin of Mexphalte and its use for road surfacing. It is shown that Mexphalte is over 99.5 per cent, of pure bitumen, is free from impurities of vegetable or other deleterious nature, and has very great adhesive or cementing power, which determines the chief value of bitumen for road construction. Again, it is particularly stable, neither creeping nor bleeding in summer, nor fracturing in winter, whilst its ability to withstand shock without cracking is proof of its flexible or elastic qualities. Being quite waterproof, it is not injuriously affected by water. Sidecar Taxis at Hove. Hove Watch Committee reports that, as the present by-laws for hackney car, riages do not provide for fares for taximeter motorcycles, the committee coneidened the question of fixing the faxes to be charged in respect of these vehicles, and recommends the following, which are similar to the rates adopted in Brighton i—For any distance not exceeding one mile, is.; for every quarter of a mile or portion thereof beyond the first mile, 2d. ; for each five minutes or portion thereof while waiting, 3(1. Steamers for Southwark. The works committee of the Southwark Borough Council recommends the purchase of two Atkinson steam wagons, one for kuiley emptying and the other for street Watering, at a cost of £3,000. The borough engineer expresses the opinion that steam wagons are peculiarly well adapted for the purpose, bnit that another and more important factor is that. the council has now commenced to standardize its mechanical vehicles. It is not generally known in engineering circles that C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., the well-known electrical engineers, of Acton, are in a position to supply jigs, tools, and special fixtures of the highest accuracy and quality for all branches of engineering, their factory at Brighton being one of the best equipped in the country for this class of work. Inquiries should be addressed to the company at Acton. The French Petrol Bill. According to an advice from Paris, the Council of Ministers, presided over by M. Millerand, examined, a few days ago, the new Petrol Bill. This has as its object the complete suppression of the petroleum and petrol monopoly, and the formula " controlled liberty," which was adopted by the preceding Government, is not, maintained in the new Bill. The importation of oils and petrol will in future be subject to the following conditions (1) Authority will be required to trade in and import this commodity, but such authority will be granted automatically: (2) A monthly declaration of stocks is to be made. (3) The Bill provides for the financial participation of establishments which the State may set up -with a view to encouraging the production of petroleum in France and to developing technical instruction in oil production, etc. As regards, the transition period between the present regime and that of free commerce, importers will be asked to take back the stocks built up by the State, which were bought at much higher rates than those obtaining in the world market to-day, and to distribute those stocks equally at prices between the former prices and those at which new orders will be concluded. The stocks existing on March 1st comprised 150,000 tons of petrol and 120,000 tons of petroleum, to which must be added 52,000 tons of petrol. and 33,000 tons of petroleum remaining to be delivered under contracts concluded last year. The monthly consumption being about 35,000 tons of petrol and 250,000 tons of petroleum, these stocks are likely to be rapidly disposed of, and it is expected that the prices ruling in the international market can be :brought into application in three to four months' time at latest. Importers will be required to keep a reserve stock as a safeguard against all eventualities, the total of such reserve stocks tobe always equal to the consumption of the three preceding months. B.A.T. Enterprise. Coincidently with a request by the Maccle,sfield Town Council that the British Automobile Traction Co Ltd. should fix anti-splash guards on all their buses plying for hire in the streets of the town, comes the announcement that the company are considerably augmenting their services in the district. A number of fresh buses (single-deckers) has arrived, and centring at Macclesfield they will link up the whole country from Stockport and Cheadle in the north, to Leek and Rudyard in the south, Buxton in the east, and Latchford end Crewe in the west, covering practically the whole of Cheshire. One of the outstanding features of the extended services is the new circular route which runs Stockport-MaccleefieldBuxton-Stockport, providing one of the most beautiful day's -trips which that part of the country can afford. A Commer Car Fortnight at Birmingham. Midland readers interested in motor transport should make a point of seeing the special show and demonstration of a comprehensive range of Commer Cars to be held from April 4th to the 18th at Messrs. Tailby and Tyler's garage, Charlotte Street, Birmingham. The exhibits include the latest 2 ton Commer chassis, with worni drive full floating live axle and 2.5 h,p. engine. A similar chassis, fitted with lorry body, will give trial runs. One of the wellknown 31 ton R.C. type chassis will also be shown. Demonstration runs will also be given by a luxuriously appointed 30seater 3P type Commer wadi. Messrs. Tailby and Tyler cordially invite everyone interested in Modern transport methods, whether immediate buyers or not to inspect the various Commers and to take advantage of a trial run without incurring any obligation. As the demonstration vehicles are certain to be in big demand, all who are interested should make an appointment, early, either with Messrs. Tailby and Tyler, or with Capt. Young, the representative of Commercial Cars, Ltd., who will he in attendance throughout the exhibition. Revised Licensing Fees for Municipal Motors. The Lambeth Borough Council recently took out ,licc1rices for its three motor sweeping machines and two vacuum galley cleansers at a cost of £123. Now the council reports receipt a a communication from the London County Council stating that it has now been decided that the tax on vehicles such as motor sweeping machines and galley cleansers should be paid at the rate of £1 per horse-power unit or portion thereof. In these circumstances the 'revised charges will be £14 each for two Laffiy motor sweeping machines, £12 for a Lacre sweeping machine, and £33 each for the two gulley cleansers. Hence the council will secure a refund of £17. In connection with the council's motor disinfecting van a licence, was taken out at £21. Now the council reports that it has been decided that the tax on this vehicle should be at the rate of £1 per horse-power—a total of £16, and in these circumstances there will be a refund of £5. Local Proceedings. Two motor lorries are required by Heywood T.C. West Riding County Council requires an ambulance. Gillingham Town Council is borrowing 22,500 for electric vehicles. Tenders are required by Colwyn Bay U.D.C. for two 3 ton new or second-hand motor vehicles with tipping bodies. The Fire Brigade Committee of Blyth U.D.C. is further to consider the oarsion of purchasing a motor fire-engine. Permission to spend a sum not exceeding £3,500 on two additional 31 ton electric vehicles isbeing sought by Ipswich Town Council. According to a report of the borough engineer, Camberwell Borough Council has put aside a sum of £3,300 fox the purchase of motor vehicles. The Government has sanctioned the propc;sals of (1) Barnes U.D.C. to borrow £650 for the purchase of a motor road sweeper ; (2) Holyhead U.D.C. to borrow £1,600 for the purchase of a tip wagon. Bunton Urban District Council has obtained permission, to borrow £385 for a fire tender and 2640 for an ambulance. Ilford Council's Transport Committee has been asked to consider and report upon the question of the hire of taxicabs for use 'by the Council. Islington Borough Council's application to borrow £57,110 to cover 'the cost .of 11 electric vehicles has been sanctioned by the Ministry of Health. For the purchase of motor fire-engines both Bedford and Chester Town Councils are to apply for sanction to borrow the necessary money, i.e., Bedford 21,000. Chester £1,650. The borough surveyor of Mansfield reports that during January the cost of collection by the electric vehicle was 12s. Sd. per ton as against 12s. 6d. per ton by horsed. vehicles. TRAFFIC REGULATION. Manchester Proposals Being Opposed by the Motor Legislation Committee. py the narrow majority of three votes-39 voting for and 36 against—the Manchester City Council, a few days ago, decided to retain in the Corporation Bill'the proposals relating to the regulation of street traffic. The clause is being vigorously opposed by the Motor Legislation Committee, the Manchester Committee of Road Users, the National Alliance of Com, mercial Road Transport Associations and Federations, the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, and various railway companies. Acting on behalf of the Automobile Association, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and. Traders and its other constituent bodies, the Motor Legislation Committee appealed to the corporation not to proceed with the clause against the concerted opinion of practically every association representing heavy and light traffic, and directed attention to the procedure set up by Section 7 of the Roads Act of last session, by which the Ministry of Transport may, upon the application of a county or county borough council, and after inquiry, prohibit or restrict the driving of vehicles of any specified class on any specified highway. The Motor Legislation Committee pointed out that this section was the subject of considerable controversy during the debates on the Roads Bill, but was finally agreed as being the most equitable and reasonable method of dealing with the problem. In view of these provisions, and those of the Manchester Corporation Act, 1911, it was inconceivable, in the view of the committee, that further statutory powers were either advisable or justifiable. As a result of this communication, the ParliamentarySub-Committee recommended the city council to withdraw the clause and apply to the Ministry of Transport for an Order under the Section of the Roads Act to which attention was directed by the Motor Legislation Committee. During the debate the Lord Mayor referred to 'the opposition of the latter body, and said the question at issue was a national one, and should be dealt with on a national scale and not locally and piecemeal. Councillor Mitchell said that at the meeting of the Parliamentary Sub-Committee they were given information whiah could not be made public, but which proved the necessity for abandoning the clause. The -result of the debate was as stated, and the clause will go.forward. In this connection it is apropos to note that the Ministry of Health, after consultation with the Ministry of Transport, has informed the Birmingham Corporation that it is considered that a by-law restricting ordinary traffic for the benefit of tramway traffic could not be justified, "and that it would be an arbitrary distinction to require vehicles to halt by the side of the standing car and not by the side of any other obstacle in the middle of the road." It has been reported already that the clause in the Liverpool Corporation Bill, which would have made it obligatory upon, motor vehicle drivers to pull up and wait at tramway stopping places until the roadway is clear of passengers, has been withdrawn. The proposal in the Grimsby Bill would have armed the corporation with general powers of regulating traffic and of prohibiting the use of specified streets by certain classes of vehicles. In regard to this proposal, a modified clause has been secured, by which the powers can only be exercised, after special inquiry, in respect of heavy steel-tyred vehicles. THE BRITISH MAGNETO. Way the British Magneto Industry Should be Protected. SOME notes under this heading have been recently prepared by Mr. P. F. Bennett, chairman of the British Ignition Association. They are of considerable importance in view of the fact that the Key Industries Bill is likely to be introduced into the House of Commons probably later in the session. The notes give practically a history of the British magneto industry since the beginning of the war, and a few excerpts from it will be of interest, At the commencement of the war "German made machines had an almost complete monopoly. The magneto which held the field was known as the SimmsBosch, and was the result of the joint effort of Messrs. F. R. Simms and Robert Boach, of Stuttgart. By a typical German manoeuvre Mr. Simms was pushed out and Bosch was left in the field. The latter was in such a strong position that, although an attempt was made to run the Simms interests separately, the company could not make up the leeway and had to drop manufacturing in tins country." In spite of lack of support the Thomson-Bennett Co. continued the manufacture of magnetos, and were actually producing -25 per week in August, 1914, which was the whole output of home-made machines available at the outbreak of war. In July, 1915, the Admiralty took action in order to provide supplies for their Air Department, and a special officer (now Dent-. Colonel) W. A. Bristow was appointed. As a result of his ,efforts the various houses which had commenced the manufacture of magnetos were brought together and their efforts co-ordinated, with the result that the output of aero magnetos alone reached 18,000 per month by October, 1918. In October, 41916, the association put forth its case for protection in full, and a deputation was summoned to the House of Lords, and so satisfied this body that it recommended the total prohibition of German magnetos for five years; on the strength of this the magneto manufacturers continued to lay down buildings and plant. At the end of the war the Government endeavoured to carry out its undertaking by prohibiting the import of German magnetos by means of an Order in Council, but the Sankea judgment upset this, 'and since that date the German machines have been reintroduced at prices with which the British manufacturers cannot compete, and the magneto manufacturers claim that their case is one that needs special attention from the point of view of national safety, and the fact that it was only the assurance of protection which caused Ahem to embark upon large capital expenditure. Drastic tests have proved that the British magneto is in every way equal to, if not better than, its German rival, and there can therefore be no objections to protection for this reason. WORCESTER TRAFFIC. Motor Coaches and Buses Well Patronized at Easter.. THE brilliant and genial weather experienced at Worcester on Good Friday and during Easter had the effect of inducing a vast number of people to travel. There wag during the forenoon of Good Friday, and again in the evening on the return journey, an almost continual stream of saloon busesand motor coaches through the city, to say nothing of the large number of motorcars and cycles. Quite 90 per cent, of these came from the North, presumably from Birmingham and the Black Country, and proceeded towards Cheltenham and Malvern, returning early in the afternoOn and evening. Picnic' parties were dotted 'about Brockeridge Common, near Tewkesbury, and many other groups could be seen lunching in the sunshine on the roadside. There was about the same amount of bus and motor coach traffic on Saturday, it being nothing new for a string of half a dozen " fled" saloon buses to peas through during the season, and at ordinary times there are over 100 buses entering and leaving the city at scheduled times. On Easter Monday and for several days the amount of passenger traffic had increased considerably. Indeed, so much so, that one began to wonder whether there was such a phenomenon as a trade slump. In addition to this feature, the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. initiated a number of coach trips from Worcester and Droitwich to various places of interest each day during the week. The coaches were well patronized. On Saturday the trip (one from each of the towns mentioned) was made to Malvern and British Camp. Said to be the Fruitopolis of England, Evesham is certainly a very pretty place, particularly at this time of the year. This spot, together with Broadway, formed the venue for Easter Monday. Broadway is the centre of very much American attention, and well it might be. It is one of the prettiest, villages in the country, with its wide thoroughfares, from which the place is named, lined by weather-worn grey stone houses, gloriously fashioned, splendid. in architectural detail, and, taken as a whole, making a picture of extreme beauty. At one time American visitors dreamed of removing Broadway, piece by piece, and re-erecting it in their own country. Stratford-on-Avon, the country of Shakespeare, and another beautiful place, formed the destination of one of the trips. To enlarge upon the glories of Stratford would be quite out of place, but to be able to get there quickly, cheaply, and so pleasantly is a fact not to be passed over without a word. For the sum of 7s. scores of people who have never been able to see much of Stratford can do so now, and the trip, once taken, is one most people want to repeat. Tewkesbury, an old-world town, also forms the attraction of a day's outing by coach. Another 'attraction during the week wee the Hunt Point-to-point Races. These were hold during the week at Hereford, Upton-on-Severn, Crowle (near Worcester), and Kenilworth. Hundreds of coaches and buses have been run for these events, and specials were furnished by the Birmingham and Midland Co. from Worcester and Droitwicla at popular fares.