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The Green Line Hertford-London ' • Service. THE highways committee of South gate Urban , District Council is responding to a request of local residents by advising the Minister of Transport that it considers the Green Line Hertford-London service should not be cancelled.
It may be noted that Enfield Council has made a representation to the Minister concerning Green Line services and has received a reply to the effect that the matter has been referred to a committee of inquiry, particularly as regards restriction, limitation of stopping places and the exclusion of coaches from the central area of London.
A Yorkshire Tramway Substitution. A PETITION has been lodged by the
Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., for confirmation of an alteration in its memorandum of association, so as to enable the company to operate motorbuses, either in conjunction with, or in substitution for, tramways, also to enlarge its area of operation. The petition was heard in the Chancery Division a few days ago, there being no important opposition so far as the company's shareholders and debenture holders were concerned. The petition was granted.
Trafford Park Workmen's Services. A. NUMBER of applications has come before the North Western Commissioners concerning special services for workmen whose places of employment are in Trafford Park, Manchester. It appears that the services have been suggested mainly by the workpeople themselves, who would otherwise be obliged to change vehicles OD the daily journeys to and from work. The services are required to be run only in the morning and evening, and considerable opposition has arisen. because Manchester and Salford corporations, as well as the Lancashire United Transport Co., Ltd., claim to provide adequate facilities.
Newcastle Station Scheme on Trial.
WITH regard to the paragraph con cerning stands at the Newcastle bus station, which appeared in our issue for last week, the result of the conferences that have been held is now available for publication. Representatives of the operating undertakings, the watch committee and other committees of the corporation have conferred, and it scheme of allocation of stands at the station has been agreed upon for a month's trial. The five platforms are ,to be allocated in the following manner: The first platform will be occupied by long-distance vehicles ; the second will be used by United Automobile Services, Ltd.; the third• and fourth platforms are reserved for various other services, the, final. allocation of which is to be decided at a later conference, and the fifth platform will he retained by Newcastle Corporation.
Newcastle-London: Special Longdistance Journeys.
THE decisions of the Northern Traffic Commissioners concerning special services of coaches from Newcastle to London to convey passengers to the Cup Final football match is worth noting. Each operator is to be allowed to run one vehicle from any particular point, also coaches chartered by parties.
The Commissioners have aimed at preventing congestion in Newcastle, such as would result if numbers of vehicles started from each point The Northern Road Transport Owners Association, Ltd., has made representations in regard to the matter. CONSTITUENT couneils of the South Devon Area Advisory Com mittee ' (regarding public service vehicles) have been advised that the Minister of Health, in consultation with the Minister of Transport, has found it impossible to agree to the payment of their. expenses.' The Minister of Health has said that be could not properly deal with the matter by giving sanctions under the Local Authorities (Expenses) Act, 1887. It is understood that the committee will probably be obliged to disband.
Manchester Appeal Position.
IT is stated that the appeal by Mr. Harry Orr, Bolton, against the curtailment of his Manchester-Prestwich service by the North Western Commissioners is not likely to be heard for some time. Reports from the neighbourhood are to the effect that Prestwich People favour Mr. Orr's service. Salford Corporation runs vehicles on the same route.
West Midland Commissioners on Bus Stations.
AT a recent sitting of the West Mid land* Commissioners, Colonel A. S. Redman, the chairman, spoke of plans for the establishment of stations for both long-distance and short-distance road-passenger services in all the important cities of the area. He explained how, in a properly arranged system, the stations would serve for interchanging traffic between the mnnicipal and local services of neighbouring towns, whilst catering also for long-distance coaches.
Lancaster Application SuccessfuL THE corporations of Lancaster and Morecambe have obtained sanction for the operation of services outside their respective boroughs and are now conferring as to a working agreement. The two corporations have been granted protection agabast Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., except on one particular route, but the matter is to be the subject of an appeal by the latter company.
Blyth Wants Inter-available Tickets.
BLYTH is to ask the railway authori ties and certain bus operators for the same facilities as are afforded in other districts, with regard to inter-available tickets for rail and road transport on the Blyth and Newcastle services.
The municipality has decided not to make representations to the Traffic Commissioners in favour of an application by Messrs. T. Allen and Sons for licences for a service from Morpeth to Whitley Bay, via Blyth.
Supervision by Tynemouth Police.
THE watch committee of Tynemouth Corporation has received a recommendation from the chief constable that all records of irregularities of bus services in the borough should be filed at his office, so that they could be thoroughly investigated by his officers. The recommendation was adopted.
The town clerk of Tynemouth Corporation has been authorized to oppose the application by Newcastle Corpora
don for a licence to run a bus service between Newcastle and North Shields via Howdon Road.
New Trent Acquisition.
IT is stated that Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., has taken over the goodwill of Mason's Bus Service, which operates between Derby and Tutbury.
The company has also announced the taking over of Mr. J. W. Longdon's service between Derby and Church Broughton, and has applied for the necessary licences.
Conference of South Wales Interests.
A CONFERENCE of representatives
of the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., the Rhondda Tramways Co., Ltd., the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., and the Motor Omnibus Proprietors Association, was held at Cardiff a few days ago to discuss the institution of a uniform scale of fares for excursions and tours, as well as for contract-carriage work. It is understood that a further conference will be held shortly.
London-Yarmouth Service Increases.
AT Cambridge recently Norfolk Motor
Services, Ltd., applied to the Eastern Commissioners for an important. increase in the number of coaches on its London-Yarmouth service from six to 11 coaches ,a day. The Commissioners said that they would require more evidence in support of the request, including a summary of the numbers of passengers carried day by day in 1931, also of the number of coaches employed.
Yorkshire Appeal Fails.
IN regard to the appeals lodged by Mr. L. Baddeley, Huddersfield, in respect of stage • services in the Huddersfield district, it is now stated that the Minister has decided to make no order on the Commissioners. The routes affected are those between Huddersfield and Sheffield via New Mill and Stocksbridge, between Huddersfield and Scholes via New Mill, and between Holmfirth and Sheffield via Flouch and Stocksbridge.
Further Tramway Substitution Proposed in Manchester.
THE transport committee of Man chester Corporation has approved of the proposal of Mr. R. Stuart Pilcher, the transport manager, that the tramway service between Ashton and Houghton Green should be converted to motorbus operation. The route is about 41 miles long and approximately half of it takes the form of it single ,line with loops. The estimated cost of relaying the part of the permanent way which is worn out is no less than 45,000.
The bus service proposed is a 20minute one between Ashton and Houghton, with another service of similar frequency between Ashton and Denton, so that on the latter section, the headway will be 10 minutes. The change-over would result in much improved convenience to the public.
Lanarkshire Traction Appeal Dismissed.
THE appeal by the Lanarkshire Trac tion Co. Ltd., against the decision of the Southern Scotland Commissioners, withdrawing the right of the company to pick up and set down passengers within the Glasgow city boundaries, has been dismissed by the Minister of Transport.
The service from Larkhall and Newmains runs into Pitt Street, Glasgow, and in the central area competes with the corporation services.
Street Restriction in Croydon.
DECISION has been made by the highways cOmmittee of Croydon Corporation to request the Commissioner of Police to make Orders to the effect that Wellesley Grove and Wellesley Court Road shall not be used by publicservice vehicles. Such Orders may be made under Sections 90 and 99 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, and have been asked for by local residents because of the proposed establishment of a motorcoach station which will involve the use of the two roads.