New equipment and publications
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mong the requirements in the new tyre gulations which came into force on Monday this week is one concerning the minimum nount of tread-1mm—which tyres must rye. In the past few months several depthcording gauges of the vernier-type have rived in my office, and some of these have ready been described in our ''New equipent" page.
Recently a dial depth gauge was sent to us r appraisal from Autocar Marine and Diesel ). Ltd., of Stonhouse Street, London, SW4, hich we have used quite extensively. This strument has a •2in. diameter dial-face calk ated in 0.5mm from 0 to 20mm. The depth tread is measured through a screwdriveroe pin and as the calibration shows 1mm 0.25in. on the dial, extremely accurate adings can be achieved.
The depth-sounding pin is placed into the ?ad groove and the instrument pressed down til the locating shoulders touch the surface the tread. As the gauge is removed from the -e a ratchet holds the pointer on the dial at a minimum recorded depth and this allows sy reading of the results. A press button in a -Centre of the back of the gauge casing eases the pointer ready for the next check. During three days of continuous treadpth recording recently. the Automark, as is called, proved that it was possible to eck 12 tyres in three different places on ch tyre in a total time of about 5 min.
leaning gun e NSG power cleaning gun, introduced by ay-Campling Ltd., can be used with all .es of solution, including solvents, fuel oils, -osene, water, soap solutions, detergents d so on. Air and solution quantities can easily adjusted by a mixture control. Features :lude a pistol grip and trigger-operated Re• sistant to chemicals and designed to arate in any position, the gun is fitted with
a British Standard air connector. The gun operates at pressures up to 250 psi. and is supplied with 42in. of clear-plastics suction hose. It is 18in. long and its packed weight is 14-1b.
Made by: Gray-Campling Ltd., Martins Bank Chambers, 49 Old Church Road, Bournemouth. Price: £3 13s 6d.
Scandinavian design
The Avery Division of Lockheed Precision Products has introduced a low-cost, lightweight blow-gun of Swedish design. It is made from virtually indestructible Delrin and weighs only 3.5oz.
The gun fits snugly into the palm of the hand and little effort is needed to operate the levercontrolled valve which gives a fine control over the air supply. The slim metal nozzle provides easy access into small bores, tapped holes and awkward corners.
Made by: Lockheed Precision Products Ltd., Avery Division, Speke, Liverpool.
Price: £1 5s.
Degreasing system
Rapid and complete removal of encrusted dirt and grease from all types of vehicles, plant, floors and buildings using nothing but cold water is the role of a portable high pressure cleaning and degreasing system introduced by A. G. Wild and Co. Ltd., of Charlotte Road, Sheffield. This works by forcing the water at predetermined and constant pressures up to 1,000lb per through an electric or petrol-driven hydraulic pumping unit, the heart of which is a motor-driven reciprocating lever which alternately actuates one of two hydraulic oil circuits. Each of these hydraulic circuits affects a diaphragm to cause a continuous suction to move the liquid through the pump system hoses for use in an uninterrupted flow.
Apart from the motor, the piston and reciprocating lever are the only moving parts in the pump, thus maintenance and overhaul are minimized. Periodic checks for hose connection leakage, motor operating and lever lubrication are normally sufficient to ensure efficient and continued pump service.
The equipment is available with either a 3 hp single or 5.5 hp three-phase electric motor or a 5.5 hp petrol engine. It is supplied complete with lance, 50ft of high pressure hose, suction hose and filter.
The system is wheelmounted or supplied with tanks and bolted into a van for a complete cleaning service for large industrial areas, building sites, airport runways and farms. Price: Standard wheel-mounted model from £248.
Air drill
A tin. air drill has been introduced by the Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co. Ltd. as an addition to its range of automotive tools. This new model, the 7305, had a high power/ weight ratio and ergonomics have been applied to its design to give ease of handling for drilling in the kin. to iin. hole-size range.
Developing 0.5 hp the drill weighs 3Ib and is powered by a four-blade vane motor driving a reduction gear to give a spindle speed of 2,200 rpm. Metric ball and roller bearings are employed.
Control is by a ball-type throttle valve which allows the tool to be started at slow speed for centring before running at full power. The design of the trigger eliminates the possibility of a finger being nipped during closure. Exhaust air is vented through the nose of the tool which enables the work piece to be kept clear of cuttings and which cools the motor and gearbox. A silencer is fitted to keep the noise level at a minimum.
Made by: Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co. Ltd., CP House, 97/107 Uxbridge Road, London, W5.
Pit lift
The latest addition to the range of pit lifts produced by BeHanger Bros. (London) Ltd. is of the electro-hydraulic type. It is a 10-ton model and push-button control is provided for liftinc and lowering movements. The hydraulic pumr is driven by a 1.5 hp three-phase 380V electrii motor which is protected by a motor starter Lifting time is 50sec.
Made by: Beflanger Bros. (London) Ltd., 301 Holloway Road. London, N7.
Maintenance schedules
Sets of preventive maintenance schedules havi been produced by Transport Consultant covering tyre, vehicle and technical-dat records.
The works specification on each schedul includes items to be inspected in accordanc with Ministry of Transport requirements an other items relating to maintaining the vehicl to a high standard. Docking intervals COVE mileages up to 100,000.
Published by: Transport Consultants, 166/16 Bishopsgate, London, EC2.
Price: Sample set, £1 1s.
xport brochure
etropolitan-Cammell-Weymann Ltd. has ;tied an illustrated brochure covering the full nge of Metropolitan-Superior buses and 'aches available for the export market. It ill be widely distributed to agents and istorners overseas.
3tainable from: M etropol itan-Cammelleymann Ltd., Elmdon Works, Birmingham.
helf racking
axion Ltd. has introduced a new range of andard shelf units in component form to nplify ordering procedures. Of steel con-uction, the shelf units are available in two -ength versions: heavy duty (650lb per shelf) d standard duty (350Ib per shelf). These are pplied ready to build with angle uprights cut length, steel shelves, corner plates, base)tes and nuts and bolts. Full instructions for sembly are supplied.
The standard-duty version has six shelf els per bay with shelf depths (front to back asurements) of 12in., 15in., 18in. or 24in. ihe heavy-duty version has four shelf levels bay, with shelf depths of 18in., 24in., n. or 36in. A height of 6ft 6in. and a bay Ilh of 3ft are constant for both versions. re are 40 racks in the range.
de by: Dexion Ltd., Dexion House, Empire y, Wembley, Middlesex.
ibbing compound
iew rubbing compound has been added to range of body-repair products made by 3M Co. The compound provides a burled surface after quick drying that is free n greasy film and dull marks. Two grades offered, one for hand or machine applicai and a heavy-duty compound that is applied land.
he compound is available in conventional on tins and also in one-pint bottles of the eeze type.
de by: The 3M Co., 3M House, Wigmore aet, London, W1.