Mr. Ernest Hopwood has been appointed managing director of the Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd.
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Changes are taking place, I hear. with the " K.T." tire concern. I understand that Mr. Gelder is leaving.
Changes. aud further that Mr. A. C. Hills is to be the managing director of the company.
I had some conversation with Mr. John Morris, of John Morris and Sons, Ltd., of Salford, New Firewhich company is, I Engine Pump. suppose, the largest exclusively mot to r fire-engineers in the world, and he reported business brisk. He furthermore stated that they were getting on well with their new motor pump, which they intended to sell in the open market.
When at Gloucester last week. I heard that Mr. L. W. Smith, formerly
connected with SisKoreat Lindum. sons and Co., Ltd.,
Engineers, of that town, has been appointed managing director of Clarke's Crank and Forge Co., Ltd., of Lincoln. I saw some remarkably nice cranks turned out by this firm exhibited on Sissons' stand at the Royal Agricultural Show, and there should be much business for them in the motor trade.
The Bull Hotel at Redbourn, in Hertfordshire, has beau the headquarters of many and Enterprise at many a reliability Veruiam. trial, in connection with motors, and for years past I have wended my way there to take part as an official (either a marshal or an observer), and on occasion as competitor. It is an inaccessible spot, except by road-vehicle, unless one counts a toy railway which runs odd trains at hours when hardworked folk desire to be eating or sleeping. My delight, therefore' was groat, during this recent Bank Holiday, to find that a company had started under the name of Herts. Motors, Ltd., and with a manager who is an old acquaintance, Mr. J. G. Moody, running a motorbus service, to connect up Rerlbourn with St. Albans—the nearest town—and going forward to London Colnev, a distance of about eight miles. The vehicle in use is an 18-25 li.p. Wolseley-Siddeley single-decker, shod with De Nevers tires, and the experiment so far has %%ell satisfied the promoters. St. Albans is the headquarters, and I learnt that it is the intention of -Herts. Motors, Ltd., to run special trips out to the beauty spots of the surrounding neighbourhood, and there are many. I am personally glad to see this enterprise, and, with J. G. Moody managing it, I should say it is likely to prove very successful.
One does not hear much of the Straker steam wagon nowadays, but I knew that more were going abroad, and
Wagons. some confirmation of this occurred during last week. I happened to he at the very fine works of Brazil, Straker and Holborrow, Ltd., at Bristol, and I was immediately interested to see a five-ton steam wagon packed ready for despatch to New Zealand. I am told there is a steady output of these Straker Steam
steamers, and it seems a pity to me that they are not pushed more in the English markets.
The Dunlop solid tire is, I gather, going very strong, and they have
Darl‘c),P . as they can at pre Tr°PhY .`"galtl* sent cape with. The ramifications of this concern are naturally extensive, and when I called the other day I had to wait because their Milan manager was at that moment taking up the time of the gentleman I desired to see. That was a happy idea of the Dunlop Co. to offer a golf trophy, seeing how prominent they are becoming in the golfing world with their " Orange Spot " and '' Dunlop Junior " balls. I understood in Coventry that the suggestion came from a motor manufacturer of that town at a chance meeting at luncheon: "Why not present a trophy to be competed • for in the trade? " said Mr. Harry Smith, of the Rover Co., and it was no sooner said than done. The entries have now closed, and hundreds have come in from all parts of the country. Those who qualify will repair to Coventry on the 17th September for the final, which. I understand, will be settled with a. stroke competition—followed by that alluring function a " dinner in the evening," If I am up in the Midlands on that day, I shall make a point of being there to give the victor a hand-shake and a cheer. I hope he will emanate from the commercial-vehicle side of the trade.