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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it rans."—John Beattie Crozier.
L.C.C. Fire-brigade Report.
In the annual report of the London County Connell concerning its firebrigade organization for the year 1923, details are given of the equipment of the brigade The staff comprises 1,931 men, and the number of fire-stations under the control of the brigade is 62 on land and three floating or river stations. The motor vehicle equipment of the brigade includes 87 petrel fire-engines, 65 petrol escapes, 11 electric vehicle escapes, 4 motor ladders of the same description, 5 petrol-electric motor ladders, 1 petrol emergency tender, 6 petrol motor tenders, 1 petrol motor canteen van, 6 motor lorries, 15 motorcars and 10 hose cars.
The year's fires totalled 4,824, of which only 33 were serious. There were 2,4(13 false alarms, 532 of which proved to be malicious.
According to the report it is stated that experiments have been carried out during the year with various kinds of froth " (foam) extincteurs, and it has been decided that, the fire-brigade equipment shall include an appliance for carrying foam in bulk for dealing with large petrol, oil and electric fire. The Connell agreed in December last to an estimate in connection with the provision of a petrol-driven wagon specially adapted and equipped for this purpose.
A Municipal Motor Parade.
Reporting upon the annual parade of the Southwark Corporation motor vehicles the judges state that in judging motor vehicles, the standard of marks was fixed at 75, viz. :-25 for handling, 25 for condition and turnout and 25 for service, the marks for the last-named being awarded by the borough engineer.
They allocated one first and three second-class prizes for steam wagons, and three first and two second-class prizes for petrol-driven motors. The highest points awarded for steam -vehicles were 65, and for second-class 63 and 62 marks, the unsuccessful driver receiving 59 marks. For petrol vehicles the drivers receiving first-class prizes were awarded 72 to 67 marks, and the second-class prizes 61 marks, the unsuccessful drivers receiving 56 to 50 marks.
The judges consider that great credit is due to the motor drivers for the friendly rivalry that must exist between them to bring forth such excellent results, and congratulate the council on the condition of the vehicles.
Rims for Low-pressure Tyres.
The recent developments in connection -with low-pressure tyres have shown the desirability of endeavouring to arrive at a range of standard dimensions which, whilst giving adequate latitude to chassis and tyre manufacturers in the direction of progress and improvement, will be of value to motor users as indicating the rim and tyre sizes concerning which replacements may generally be available.
As a matter of interest,. it is worth mentioning that in America the sizes of tyres of this description have increased from 23 to 30 during the past few months.
B29 . It was in these circumstances that British tyre manufacturers, through the British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, have discussed for some months past the possibility of agreeing with chassis manufacturers upon a range of suitable sizes of rims and tyres both of the straight-side and beadea-edge type.
Following on the recommendations of the Tyre and Chassis Committees, the Council of the Society has sanctioned as S.M.M. and T. recommended practice) certain dimensions, particulars of which are given in two data sheets which have just been issued.
Ossett's Ambulance Record.
Mr. T H. Wilson, town clerk of Ossett, in his first annual report on the motor ambulance service states that the vehicle has covered 2,700 miles, an average of IL?, miles per journey. The mileage run per gallon of petrol consumed averaged 11,3..
A Saloon-type Bus Appeal.
After having inspected a 38-seater saloon bus belonging to the United Automobile Services, Ltd., the Lowestoft Licensing Committee refuses to recommend the issue of licences for vehicles of this type. The company has appealed to the Ministry of Transport against the council's refusal to license a large bus which was formerly operating on the Oulton Broad route.
Death of a Pioneer.
We much regret to record the death of Mr. James Sumner who, as many will be aware, was amongst those who were closely identified with the earliest developments in connection with heavyvehicle design and construction in this country.
Mr. James Setnner -was at the head of the original business from which the present organization of Leyland Motors, Ltd.,, has sprung, and amongst the earliest automobile. productions with which he was concerned were a steam tricycle and a steam-propelled lawn mower.
Mr. Stunner had retired from active business for some years being unfortunately afflicted in his later years with blindness. • The National Omnibus Co. is erecting a large garage on the Dalton House Estate, Watford.
The Tyneside Bridge Bill.
When the Bill promoted by the Newcastle and Gateshead Corporations, in which power is sought to erect a new crossing over the River Tyne between the two towns, came before the Select Committee of the House of Lords a few days ago it was intimated during the hearing of the case for the promoters that the London and North-Eastern Railway Co. had decided to withdraw their opposition to the Bill. Further opposition was also disposed of, and the authorities now have a clear field which wilt enable them to expedite the scheme. The work is considered by the Ministry of Transport to he of national importance, and the new river crossing will undoubtedly prove of considerable benefit to all classes of motor-vehicle users who make use of the main highway north and south.
L.C.C. Alarm.
A note of consternation is sounded by the general purposes committee of the London County Council in an emergency report on the London Traffic Bill. The committee states that its attention has been directed to the fact that in the House of Lords Committee a most important amendment to Clause 7 of the Bill was carried. This proposes to empower the Minister of Transport to limit the number of omnibuses plying on certain streets within the City of London and the Metropolitan Police District, and the effect of the amendment is to extend the provisions of the clause to tramcars.
The committee emphasizes the fact that the council,: in common with other tramway authorities, has to submit to onerous obligations which -do not obtain in the case of motor omnibus undertakings, and it points out. that in the case of buses it is possible to transfer vehicles from one route to another in order to cope with traffic conditions as they may vary from time to time, a plan which it is not possible to adopt in the case of the tramcars. For this and other reasons it is strongly of the opinion that every possible step should be taken to exclude tramcars from the scope of the Bill.
Rio de Janeiro's Need of Motorbuses.
A city which seems to offer a scope for the wide introduction of motorbus services is Rio de Janeiro. A recent estimate puts the present population of this city at over 1,300,000, and the inhabitants are spread over such a wide area that motorbus services are more greatly needed. for internal communication than is the ease with cities having an equal population. For instance, in comparison with Rio de Janeiro, the population of Paris is about 38 times as deese, whilst. Buenos Aires is about eight times more densely populated per
square mile. Many of the cities in Brazil are interested in -developing road-construction schemes, and the tendency throughout the Republic is to turn from light railway construction to providing facilities for the introduction of road motors.
Advertisements in Taxicabs.
Mr. Henderson, in reply to a question
from Lt. -Commander Ken worthy, stated in the House of COMMOI113 a few days ago, in reference to the request that advertisemente should be permitted inside taxicabs, that deputations from the Motor Cab Trade Protection Society and the London Motor Cab Trade Joint Committee (representing owner-drivers and journeymen, as well as companies) had pressed the point, and he had deeide.d to report their request to the Commissioner of Police for consideration of the.proposals on their merits.
Motor Hirers Association Developments.
At an executive meeting of the recently formed Motor Hirers Association a few days ago, the badge for the use of members of the Association was agreed upon.
At this meeting a scheme relating to legal advice and defence as prepared by the hon. secretary on the lines of the Motor Trade Association's old scheme, was accepted by the committee, and this will be put into working order with the least possible delay. It was mentioned on this occasion that • the Association now has a representative on the Motor Legislation Committee, and divisional secretaries of the Association have been acquainted of the fact.
Road Transport Scores a Point.
More than a year ago a number of special trains was put into service between Blackburn and Clitheroe in the hope of securing a larger share of the passenger traffic available between the two places. The additional facilities were mainly introduced by the railway company on account of the competition of road vehicles which were being used by passengers who had hitherto relied upon the railway. That these special services have not affected the development of passenger road transport in the district is indicated by the fact that the additional trains have now been withdrawn. The services running from Chatham to Burnley, Accrington and Preston are more direct than the rail routes to these places, whilst the fares are lower.
A Licensing Limit.
Lowestoft Corporation Licensing Committee expresses the opinion that it will be necessary in future to restrict the number of licences to be issued for chars-a-basics and similar vehicles. It has directed that proprietors of such vehicles should be informed that in future notice of intenalon to apply for additional licences should be given to the corporation before arrangements are. made for the actual purchase or „construction of such vehicles.
An Ingenious Warning Signal.
An illustration on this page shows an unusual use to which the familiar Stewart speedometer dial,has been put in the State of St. Louis, Missouri. It is intended to serve as a warning signal at dangerous cross-roads, and from the dial it will be noted that the total number of fatal accidents that have occurred at the spot during the previous day, the current week and for the year is clearly shown, Night Traffic Only.
• It having been reported that heavy traction engines and trailers do considerable damage to tarred roads when the surfaces are softened by the action of the son, the Eat Lothian Road Beard has recently made a by-law prohibiting such traffic on roads of this ClilES during the months of June, July arid August, except between 10 p.m. and 5 am.
More Trams Being Abandoned.
The Sunderland District Electric Tramways Co., who recently announced their intention of substituting motorbuses for tramcars over a number of routes, are making excellent progress towards the completion of the scheme, and permission has been_ obtained from a a number of local authorities tcneffect the change over, as applying to their areas. The latest development is the decision to abandon tramcars between Fence Houses and Houghton-le-Spring, for which purpose the Houghton-le-Spring Rural District Council has accorded its sanction.
Wandsworth Making Purchases
Having received and considered a report from the borough engineer on mechanical traction, the highways committee of the Wandsworth Borough Council now recommends the purchase of a 5-6ton steam wagon with two 4-ton trailers at about £1,275; a 2-21-ton petrol wagon at about £565, and a 1-I4-ton petrol wagon at about £450. A committee has been asked to report as to other motor vehicles deemed to be necessary to meet the council's requirements.
Transport Ministry Against Speed Limits.
The Maescar (Breconshire) Council has requested the county main roads committee to secure a speed limit for vehicles passing through. Sennybridge. At a meeting of the committee it was stated that the Ministry was, generally speaking, against speed limits, and thatan inquiry costing £25 would have to be held if the request was acted upon. It was decided to erect a large sign inscribed, "Drive Slowly Through Sennybridge," at the entrance to the village in the hope of bringing about the desired result.
Dew's Change of Address.
As a result of the expansion of their business, Messrs. A. J. Dew and Co. have found it necessary to acquire larger and more convenient premises, and as from to-day their new address will be 33 and 34, Rathbone Place, Oxford
Street, London AN'.1. At these premises, which are built on modern lines, the company will store and handle the ccmprehensive range of requisites necessary to the wholesale supply of motor accessories, workshop and garage tools, etc. The premises are centrally located, and the new facilities which are available should be of much value to traders and users.
Tynemouth Municipal Vehicles.
Tynemouth Corporation has instructed the heads of the. various corporation departments using motor vehicles that if and when such vehicles are not about to be used by the department concerned an intimation to that effect must be given to any other department likely to require the services of such 1 vehicle, and that all vehicles lent between departments be charged for at the rate and subject to the conditions adopted by the Ministry of Transport in connection with the hire of vehicles in respect of public works undertaken by local authorities, and in respect of which the Ministry makes grants.
Lorry Types and Prices in Japan.
Last year the United States exported 5,111 motor lorries to Japan. These imports consisted mainly of chassis, bodies being made locally at a cost varying between 350 yen and 800 yen. Prices of commercial vehicles vary from 1,500 yen to 2,000 yen in the case of delivery vans to 15,000 yen to 20,000 yen for largecapacity lorries.
About al per tent, of the'commercial vehicles operating in Japan are delivery Vans, SS per cent. light lorries, 20 per sent, lorries of mediern size, and 5 per cent, are of 5 tons capacity or over. A local regulation prohibits the use of any vehicle exceeding 181 ft. in length, although an exception is made in the case of Government-awned fleets
Touting Suppressed In Aberystwyth.
Touting for fares by taxidrivers and bus conductors in the vicinity of the railway station and at Terrace Road is to be suppressed by the Aberystwyth Town Council. Many complaints of the practice were received at the last meeting of the council.
It was decided to call the attention of the police to the matter and to give formal notice to proprietors of vehicles that suspension of licence would be considered in cases where the practice was not discontinued.
Inter-town Motorbus Agreement.
A joint meeting of the tramways committee and the watch committee of the Bury Corporation has been held to consider correspondence with the town clerk of Rawtenstall with respect to the application made, by the Rawtenstal1 Corporation for permission to ply for hire in the borough with motor omnibuses. The joint committee also received a
B24 deputation from the Rawtenstall Corporation, which appeared in support of the application.
After giving the matter careful. consideration, it was decided that the application be granted on the following conditions :—(al Bury to take all the receipts in the Bury area in excess of Is. -per car-mile ; (b) the omnibuses to be allowed to load and unload at the Kay Gardens; (c) the routes, fares, stages
and stopping-places to be arranged by the tramway managers of the two tor• porations ; and (d) the arrangement to be for a period of 12 months and to be subject to review.
Buses for New Zealand.
Auckland City Council, New Zealand,. has decided to purchase ten up-to-date motor omnibuses, which are to be used as feeders to the tramways in outlying districts beyond the various termini. These buses will rein in such a way as to dovetail into the tramway system. Other buses will he acquired at a later date.
20-seaters for a Circular Service.
Chesterfield Corporation tramways committee proposes the purchase of two 20-seater Kerner motorbuses at a cost of £1,900 to enable, a circular route to he established from Holywelt Cross.
Blackpool Carnival Traffic.
The Chief Constable of Blackpool has reported to the watch committee that during the carnival period extending from June 11th tc 22nd, the traffic on the roads into the town assumed record proportions,
The number of motor vehicles entering the borough was 86,721, this figure being. 5,425 more than that duringthe
carnival of the previous year. The largest number of vehicles dealt with in any one day was on Saturday, June 21st, when 11,312' motor vehicles, including 725 chars-a-imams, entered the town.
Regrinding Ford Cylinders.
The Andrews Crankshaft and Cylinder Co., Ltd., Wrottesley Street, Birmingham, have reduced the price of regrindmg Ford cylinders from £4 es. 3d. to £2 10s., this figure including the fitting of new pistons and rings. The installation of new plant and machinery has enabled this redaction to be effected, and in specially orgent cases the company can now dispatch the reground cylinders on the same day that they are received.
Middksbrough's Successful Buses.
Gratifying revenue improvements are now being recorded in respect of the bus: services operated by the Middlesbrough Corporation. For' June last, bus receipts showed an increase of £193 over the correspanding menth in 1925, whilst, on the other' hand, working. casts had been reduced by £50.
The corporation tramways committee; which is responsible for the operation of the busea, has decided to remedy an anomaly in fares which exists for road conveyance of passengers between Port., Clarence and Seaton Carew: For some time past the Stockton Corporation., which also operates buses over the same route, has charged6d. as against 9d. by the Middlesbrough authority—a fare also charged by the Hartlepool Corporation for the, same journey. The two lastnamed authorities are now to bring their fare into tine with that charged by Stockton.
Coach Parking at Plymouth.
At a meeting of the Plymouth Watch Committee a deputation from the Motor Coach Owners' Association attended to urge for the allocation of the whole of the available site in Princess Square for the parking of motor chars-a-hancs and the waiving of the charge of 1s. per vehicle which was recently fixed by the committee as a temporary measure for parking in the Square. The committee, in view of the probable change in the arrangements for the parking of vehicles in Princess Square. could not see its way at the Moment to make any alteration, but promised to reconsider the matter in the near future.
Light Tractors for Czecho-Slovakia.
Farmers in Czecho-Slovakia are in. terested in small farm tractors, and one American make is expected to be sold in considerable numbers after the harvest. Small, cheap tractors are not made in the country, and the Government is inclined to reduce the present high tariff to facilitate sales in this market. At present this tariff is 45 per cent. of the
retail price, f.o.b. Czecho-Slovak border. It is also possible that import duties will be less restrictive in the case of these machines.
A Trades Council.Resolution.
Pontllanfraith (Mon.) Trades Council has passed resolutions calling on the Labour.. Party to issue instruction or advice to county and district councillors to seize the opportunity, whenever possible. of, municipalizing omnibus ser vices. The Trades Council, too, has decided to circularize Labour members of :public bodies in the locality to this effect..
Developments at Vkkers.
Dr, Leslie Aitchison, D.Met.E.Sc., F.I.C., the well-known metallurgist of Birmingham, has given up his .practice to take up a responsible position as assistant to Mr. Horace W. Clarke, the managing director of James Booth and Co. (1915), Ltd., ArgyleStreet, Bir
mingham. This company are in the Vickers group, and are the sole manufacturers of the light alloy, Vickers' Duralumin, besides being concerned with the manufacture on an extensive scale of non-ferrous metals. Vickers, Ltd., have just installed at their Barrow-iu-Eurness works a new open-hearth Siemens steel furnace of the latest type built and designed by Messrs. Wincott's, of Sheffield. The capacity of the furnace is between 10 and 20 tons per heat, and it is now possible to obtain a total output from the steel foundries of the company's Barrow works up to 300 tons of castings per week, ranging from those of a few pounds weight to a 20-ton casting.
Chesterfield's Ambulance Service.
The quarterly report of the Chesterfield watch committee mentions that the motor ambulance was requisitioned en 135 occasions, including journeys to Sheffield, Coal Aston, Dronfield, Eckington, Holymoorside and Bolsover, the total distance travelled being 457 miles. The patrol van was requisitioned on 220 occasions: the total mileage covered being 1,571. • Steam-wagon Smoke. "
Some time ago. the L.C.C. asked its public control committee to consider and report -whether it, would be to the public advantage to make a by-law compelling owners of steam-propelled wagons to apply necessary safeguards to prevent nuisance from the, emission of smoke and sparks in the streets of London. The committee, however, is still awaiting the receipt of certain information from the .Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis and has Consequently not been able to complete consideration of the matter, but it intends to submit a report as-soon as possible.
Direction Signs at Shrewsbury.
Shrewsbury watch committee, in conjunction with the improvement committee, has made arrangements for certain alterations and additions to the road direction signs as will, it is hoped, tend to the more efficient control of the motor traffic in the main thoroughfares and be of greater assistance to those visiting the town or passing through Fire-fighting Appliances for Manchuria.
The municipality of Harbin, Manchuria, has decided to substitute motorpropelled equipment for its horse-drawn fire-engines. The motor vehicle fleet will be composed of several tankers, fire-engines and a fire-escape. The motor equipment is to be obtained from America, bat the ladder for the fire. escape is to be bought in England.
Street Accident Statistics.
• According to statistics revealed at a recent meeting of the National " Safety First " _Aesociation, street accidents have increased very considerably during the past five years. Sir Edward Smith, chairman of the executive, stated that there were now over 1,000,000 vehicles in use in this country or 200,000 more than in 1921, and that accidents ascribed to motor vehicles in rise in Great Britain had risen from 22,745 in 1918 to a total of 60,741 in 1923. The accident rate per 1,000 motor vehicles had, it was stated, ri-sen from 51.4 in 1921 to 57 in 1923, but, the corresponding death rate had fallen from 2.5 to 2.4.
Unfair Taxation of Motorbuses. "
One of the countries where motor Vehicles are experiencing unfair opposition from' the Government is Palestina. Of late years tourist traffic in the 'Holy Land haS'fallen rapidly into the bands of well-organized public motor services. As a result, the Government railway receipts diminished to such an extent as to cause much concern to the authori• ties.
About a year ago the Government took steps to restrict this motor traffic by raising the duty on petrol from 13 per cent, ad valorem to 46 per cent. ad valorem. This not proving effective in crushing competition, the licence tax on motor vehicles for hire was increased from 100 per cent. to 300 per cent, in March this year. Such heavy imposts can only have one result.
The Growing Popularity of the Motor Ship.
• The growing appreciation of the economy and reliability of motor ships as cargo and as passenger-carrying vessels, On both long and short sea routes, has resulted in a rapid movement towards their universal adoption.
That motor ship engines have now reached a very high pitch of efficiency is made clear in an article in the August number of The Motor Ship dealing with the first. British double-acting-engined ship.
A description of a new double-acting two-stroke engine also appears in this issue, together with many other authoritative articles.
Goodyear Tyre Progress.
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., have just issued. a ccustutiers' edition of "The Goodyear News." This issue contains much interesting information relating to the Goodyear organization and the products of the company, and copies will be sent to any reader upon application to Chelsea Wharf, Lots Road, London, S.W.10. We note in one interesting paragraph of the edition that 62,225,000 Goodyear tyres hare' been produced during the last quarter of a century.
Licensing Reform and Regulations.
Bexhill Corporation licensing committee has arranged to meet representatives of the proprietors of motorbuses, chars4-bancs, etc. to hear their views upon suggestions bearing upon the regulation by the council of routes, fares and other matters relating to passengercarrying vehicles.
Wolverhampton's Buses.
In the abstracts of the accounts of the Municipal Tramways Department of Wolverhampton, a copy of which was received by us recently, thereis evidence that the motor omnibus undertaking is proving highly successful, the gross profit for the year being £14,460.
The rail-less bus account also shows a profit, this being over £2,000.
The policy of the tramways committee has been to develop rural areas by omnibus services, and five new routes were opened during the year. Over 3,250,000 people were carried on the buses, and, although the costs are 100 per cent, more than pre-war figures, the average fare charged is only 43 per cent. that of the same period. The bye traffic receipts average slightly over Is. 5d. per mile.
Fire Protection of Agricultural Districts.
At a recent meeting of the Bedale (Yorkshire) Rural District Council, local farmers made vigorous efforts to induce the authority to purchase an efficient motor fire-engine to protect the extensive agricultural interests of that promineife farming district. A communication from the local branch of the National Farmers' Union urged the necessity for adequate fire-fighting facilities, not only to safeguard premises, but also the valuable harvests of crops which are, at different periods of the
year, stored in the farmsteads. The authority appointed a small committee to go carefully into the question,'and to submit a report at an early date.
Damages for a Fail from Bideford Bridge.
The driver of a lorry succeeded at Bideford County Court recently in Obtaining £100 damages for personal injuries against a builder in circumstances that were somewhat remarkable. .
Bideford Bridge is being widened and reconstructed, and while the loaded lorry, the total weight of which was five tons, was being driven over the bridge at a slow pace the vehicle and driver fell over the structure into the river below.
His Honour Judge Lindley, in finding for plaintiff for the amount. claimed and costs, rejected. the contention of the defence that he was guilty of negligence, observing that, although there were ample notices warning the public and it was obvious that the bridge was under repair, plaintiff was entitled to assume that it was safe to drive carefully close to the wooden kerb.
Although in other respects the defendant company appeared to have taken every reasonable precaution, they omitted to protect drivers of heavy vehicles using the portion of the roadway left open to traffic from the danger brought about by the removal of the pavement and parapet, and he therefore held that the liability rested upon them.
Eisteddfod Traffic.
The Lampeter Council has considered traffic arrangements on Eisteddfod day. Chars-i-bancs and buses will park at Thomas Square and other motor traffic in New Street.
The Overloading Allowance.
Chesterfield Corporation has refused the request of W. T. Underwood, Ltd-, that the percentage of overloading in motorbuses might be increased from 20 per cent. to 33i per cent. of the seating accommodation.
A Request and a Hint.
Damage having been caned in Terrace Street by motor lorries, the Gravesend Town Council has asked lorry owners to authorize their drivers to proceed more carefully, at. the same time intimating that they will be called upon to pay for damage to kerbs, etc.
York Passenger Traffic.
The accounts of the York County Council for the year ended March 31st last show that profits were made on the . motorbuses and tramcars run by the council, whilst a Ices is recorded on the rail-less vehicles.
The income in connection with the motorbuses amounted to £5,534, whilst the expenditure totalled £3,640; for the tramcars these items were £61,43,B and £47,279 respectively; and for the rail. less vehicles £3,613 mad £2,434 respectively. After the deduction of amounts in /aspect of interest and sinking fund as revealed by the net revenue account, there remains a net surplus on the motorbuses of £1,042, on the trams of £3,761, and a net lose on the trolleybuses of £822.
During the year under review, the motorbuses of the council travelled 96,638 miles, the tramcars 81.7,808 miles and the trolley-buses 59,447 miles, in each case a substantial increase being recorded, although that relating to the motorbuses is by far and away the largest, being 49,384 miles. The working expenses per car-mile for each of the three forms of passenger transport were as follow: Motorbuses 9.04d., tramcars 13.89d., and trolley buses 9.84d In connection with the motorbuses the chief items of expenditure were:—Maintenance and repairs £657 (1.63d. per car-mile), traffic expenses £1,643 (4.08d, per car-mile), fuel £985 (2.45d. per car-mile). The profit per vehicle-mile for the motorbuses is shown to be 2.59d., for the tramcars 1.10d., while the loss on the trolleybuses is equivalent to .3.33d. per carmile.
Cushion Tyres for, Ford Tonne's.
Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Lid.. 20-22, Christopher Street. Finsbury Square, London, E.C., hare just. issued a iew leaflet giving details of the Henley air cushion tyre for use on l•toti Ford trucks_ It is pointed out that hitt) erto the fitting L•f tyres of this description has necessitated the use of new wheels, and stress is laid on the fact I hat the Herile.y air cushion tyres are now fitted with the Hayes rim, which renders it possible to fit the combination directly on to the old wheels of a Ford tanner in a few moments. This is a feature which should make appeal to users of these vehicles:
Local Proceedings.
Brighton watch committee is considering several suggested parking places.
Weymouth Town Council has purchased a motor mower at a cost of £95.
Selby n Selby n
Urban District Council is -edeavouring to arrange a parking place for motor vehicles.
Local authorities concerned are conferring with the idea of freeing from toll the Penny Bridge at Poulton.
For the June quarter the Plymouth Corporation records a net profit of £514 on the municipal bus service.
Northampton Corporation proposes the purchase of an additional motor tractor for the sewage farm at a-cost of £125.
Northampton watch committee has authorized the purchase of a Dennis first-aid motor tender at a cost of £1,061.
The parks committee of the Wimbledon Corporation recommends the purchase of a motor mower at a cost of about £300.
Plymouth education committee has appointed a sub-committee to consider the purchase of a motor mower for the playing fields.
Plymouth watch committee has accep• ted the 'tender of Wm. Mumford. Ltd., for a motor police van. using a Morris commercial chassis, at £275.
York Corporation tramways committee recommends the purchase of a 2-ton petrol chassis at a cost of £439 from the Yorkshire MotOr Trading Co.
Leeds Corporation tramways committee has asked the tramways manager to prepare and report as to the practicability of running buses outside the city.
Warrington Corporation sanitary committee reports that it has made an inspection of a new type of vehicle with a low loading body especially constructed for municipal purposes. •
,The purchase of another motorbus is recommended by the York Corporation tramways committee to enable a service to Ise started from the Haxby Road tram terminus to Duncombe Place.
Plymouth Corporation has had tenders for the supply of four motor vehicles for street cleansing and refuse collecting and referred them to a committee with power to act.
York County Council has empowered the town clerk and the city engineer to settle claims made by the corporation for damage caused to the footpath, etc_, by motor and other traffic.
The Bedwas and Machen Urban District Council has decided to increase its omnibus fleet by the purchase of an additional Straker-Squire bus, with a seating capacity for 32 passengers, at a cost of £1,300.
Having had a report from the commercial manager asto mechanical haulage, the Leeds Corporation tramways committee has decided to invite tenders for additional motor vehicles for haulage purposes.
Northampton Corporation tramways committee recommends the purchase of two motorbuses, the chassis to be supplied at £490 each by J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.' and the bodies at £225 each by Roe. Ltd.
Crossing England By Bus.
The habit of making long journeys by bus, changing from one service to the other as is required, appears to be spreading. It will be remembered that a representative of The Commercial Motor made several journeys of considerable length, including London to Scotland and London to Land's End, with a view to proving the feasibility of this means of transport, providing that time is not the most important consideration. Now we learn of two travellers who crossed England entirely by bus, proceeding via Reigate, Dorking, Guildford and Winchester, from where they had to travel to Southampton in order to reach. Salisbury, thence they passed front Nunney and Shepton Mallet to Wells and through to Burnham, Minehead and the sea.
Croydon to Investigate.
Croydon Corporation roads committee is to ascertain whether it would be more advantageous to use motor vehicles than to hire horsed transport, as is now the practice.
Traffc Census in Shrewsbury.
In view of the ever-increasing traffic over main roads and the fact that no complete record has been taken for the last 10 years, the Shrewsbury Corporation proposes to take a census of all traffic passing over the main roads in the town.
Birkenhead hike Charges. .
Birkenhead Corporation sanitary cornmittee has decided that the charge for the hire of a motor wagon be reduced from £4 2s. ficl. to 23 12s. fid. for a full day, and from £2 is. 3d. to £1 16s. 3d. for the Saturday half-day.
" B.P.'s" New Address.
We are informed that the head office in London of the. British Petroleum Co., Ltd., distributors of B.P. petrol, has been removed from 22, Fenchurch Street to the new building of the Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd., Britannic House, Moorgale, London, E.C.2.