Hay Merchants Not Engaged in "Agriculture," says Mr. Hanlon
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"A"you telling me that someone buying or selling hay and straw or cattle is engaged in agriculture? I must regard that as absolutely preposterous and fantastic," Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, told Mr. Frank Milton, secretary of the Northern Area of the Road Haulage Association, at Carlisle last week.
Mr. A. T. Huddart and Mr. J. C. Alderson, livestock hauliers, of Great Ashy, near Appleby, applied to add a third vehicle to their B licence. Mr. Huddart mentioned that he had a C licence and worked for neighbouring farmers. He and his partner farmed and their business was also that of hay and straw merchants, Mr. Hanlon stated that the C licence was for hay and straw merchants and general dealers, and asked how Mr. Huddart could carry as a farmer under the licence.
Requirements of the Act Mr. Milton, for applicant: " It is not laid down under the Act that an applicant for a C licence should state every class of business carried on. The C licence allows him to• carry on any sort of business so long as it is not for hire or reward.7 The Authority: "The Act says carriage by persons engaged in agriculture of goods for and in the business of agriculture carried on by another person in that locality, so long as the goods are carried in a vehicle which the person carrying is authorized to use by a licence in connection with his agricultural business."
"I say his business of a hay and straw merchant is also the business of agriculture . . . The Act does not lay down carriage by a person engaged in farming but in agriculture," contended Mr. Milton. He added that there had never been any judicial definition of "agriculture."
Selling Milk Not Agriculture Mr. F. J.. McHugh, for British Railways, said that the retail sale of milk by a farmer had been held not to be covered by "agriculture." He did not think that hay and straw merchants could be said to be engaged in agriculture.
Mr: " I still hold the same view and I know many otherpeople in my industry do as well."
The Authority: "As far as I am concerned, and as far as their operations extend in the Northern Traffic Area, they do so at their own peril.
The applicants were originally licensed to carry livestock for the Ministry of Food, but the conditions had not been changed after decontrol. Mr. Huddart explained that they had omitted to make the change at once, because there was a rush of work. Mr. Hanlon said that the applicants had committed "most flagrant and wilful breaches of the conditions of their licence." Before deciding the case, he ought to consider revoking or suspending the licence.
He described last-minute orders for transport by meat wholesalers as "grossly unreasonable." When a supporting witness was giving evidence, the Authority commented:— " I think it is absolutely monstrous that people should not know until eight o'clock the night before when they want 100 sheep from Westmorland to Liverpool by next morning. I don't regard the haulage industry as something which ought to be increased to such an extent that it should provide for demands which I regard as unreasonable. If they can't make up their minds before the night before, I don't think they should have them."
Mr, McHugh said that the applicants' long-distance transport earnings since decontrol were wrongfully made.
Mr. Hanlon: "Is it not a maxim of English law that no man must benefit by his own wrong?"
Mr. McHugh: "In that case, there is no increase at all in their takings on 1953."
Mr. Milton pointed out that since December last, when the licence was renewed and properly termed, there had been an increase. The applicants had no intent to deceive anyone.
The case was adjourned.
£250,000 BUS STATION QCOTLAND'S largest and best equipped bus station is to be built la Edinburgh for Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., at a cost of £250,000. Mr. James Amos, chairman of the company, said last week that it was hoped that the work would be completed by the late autumn.
At peak periods, the station will handle 120 buses and 5,000 passengers an hour, It will have four covered platforms, each with accommodation for eight buses.
GRANTING an application, last week by Mr. E. Jeffeock, 23 Balaclava Road, Sheffield, for additional picking-up points on Sunday angling excursions, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority imposed the condition that the coaches must be clear of the city boundaries by 6 a.m. "This will legalize the position," he said.
WE regret to announce the death at the Royal Infirmary, Manchester, on Monday, of MR. GEORDP. OLDHAM, one of the three joint managing directors of Oldham and Son, Ltd. He was a grandson of the founder and joined the family company in 1905. He was 68.
R.H.A. to Tackle Dock Delays?
A MEETING of representatives of ITh trade and industry, chambers of trade and commerce, wharfingers and shipping and forwarding agents is to be called by the Road Haulage Association to consider the serious situation caused by delays at docks. This decision was reached by the Association's national executive last week.
Complaints were made at the executive's meeting of poor approach roads, inadequate warehouses, bad organization and insufficient labour. Delays were stated sometimes to extend over several days.
London, Liverpool and Southampton docks were the subject of special Comment. Liverpool docks came under particularly heavy fire, but mainly in relation to one shipping line.
It is understood that the shipping and forwarding interests have already signified their willingness to assist in any effort to improve the present disastrous situation.
SINCE the war, all road planning has been based upon Memorandum 575. but with the advent of 8-ft.-wide lorries authorized to operate with a 1-ft. 6-in, side overhang, a wider lane is now desirable. The Minister of Transport considers that the design of trunk roads should be based on 12-ft.
wide traffic lanes. That dimension would be the general standard for the future, but it could not usually be applied to roads already planned.
This information was given by Mr. H. Molson, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, in the House of Commons last week, when Scottish trunk roads were discussed.
Mr. H. R. Spence referred to the need to provide an adequate number . of lay-bys for lorries. Mr. IVIolson said their provision would be encouraged..
InAULTI-STOREY garages for use as
car parks and built ovet railway cuttings are envisaged . in the 1954 report of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee. Use of the area between Farringdon and iVfoorgate stations is particularly mentioned.
Disappointment is expressed that although plans and estimates for underground car parks in Grosvenor Square, Cavendish Square and Finsbury Square were produced last year, no decision on these projects had been taken. .
It was now 25 years since the committee first expressed concern about increasing congestion caused by vehicles standing for long periods in the streets.
The success of parking meters would depend upon proper supervision and enforcement of waiting restrictions in neighbouring streets. .