ATF strategy is the way forward
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Last week, CM asked whether VOSA's expenditure on the roll-out of ATFs has been money well. spent. VOSA chief Alastair Peoples defends his agency's strategy.
WE WOL11.1)\-1 have
embarked on the Authorised Testing Facility (ATF) strategy if we thought it wasn't good for industry and road safety.
Back in the 1970s, VOSA started testing at Designated Premises (DPs). and nearly 40 years on we've recognised, in conjunction with industry, that we should be developing the DP model to capitalise on what we already know about testing at non VOSA sites.
The ATF strategy is central to making sure that we continue to deliver statutory testing consistently and to the right standard. VOSA has an ageing estate and it would be irresponsible to spend millions of pounds of customers' fees upgrading test stations that are not necessarily located in the right place for industry Road safety is at the heart of the ATF strategy — it's what makes VOSA people tick. The ATI' strategy complements our approach 10 HGV compliance and is about investing in more effective outcomes rather than real estate.
The VOSA-owned estate will therefore reduce over time, hut the expanding ATF estate will provide even greater choice of location and facility.
flow will ATFs benefit industry? By transforming testing: offering more choice, taking testing closer to the customer, and reducing heavy vehicle journeys for tests and maintenance, thereby lowering costs to industry. I also believe we can lever better first-time pass rates by encouraging more preparers to invest in, and use, modern inspection equipment and facilities. Already, over one-in-four tests are carried out at customer premises and consultation with industryand with tradeassociations has shown that they value and support this VOSA worked closely with industry on the creation of the ATF contract. The introduction of a contract (following discussions with industry and stakeholders) gives this strategy a firmer footing than we've had previously with clearly stated obligations on both sides to ensure our testers are deployed efficiently and effectively. As with any business embarking on a new strategy, we've got targets to help measure success.Since March.we've opened 16 new non-VOSA sites. Already 97 other organisations have expressed interest in becoming ATFs and are in our pipeline.
More than 30 of these have completed application forms. and I'm confident that well be testing at over 40 new non-VOSA sites by the end of March 2011. Looking to the long-term, we envisage an expanding network of ATFs across the UK — the majority with open access — providing tests at a time and place that is much more convenient to customers.
We know that this is a big invest
ment for any business, especially in the current economic climate. There are all sorts of decisions — financing, planning, construction and operational processes — that our customers need to go through before they are ready. So we know it takes time. But the conversations we're having with organisations across the industry give me every confidence our strategy is correct.
I am ensuring that my staff are fully involved in the implementation of this strategy. This is not something that is being 'done to them', rather it's something that needs to happen with their input and expertise.
VOSA staff are working sideby-side with the first ATFs, and with those that are poised t live'. The unions recognis need for more flexible work respond to customer need support the strategy, and I a couraged by the positive er ment we have had so far.
The strategy is workin& already testing at more tha customer sites and are well way to increasing this.
Where we lest vehicle: change over the next few but VOSA is all about imp road safety and deliveri good service to customers; not for changing. •