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0 licences on h.p.?

5th December 1969
Page 29
Page 29, 5th December 1969 — 0 licences on h.p.?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Where an operator is granted an 0 licence for a maximum period of seven ycars, and has a fleet of 100 vehicles, he may have to pay a total of £3,150. which represents a substantial increase in the need for working capital. In view of this the RHA is proposing to the Ministry of Transport that in such cases provision should be made for payment in instalments.

Meanwhile, "great dissatisfaction" has been expressed to the hearing by the Association at the proposed increases in the fees for operators' licences added to the continuation of fees for carriers' licences when needed.

In discussion with Mrs. Barbara Castle, then Minister of Transport. following publication of the White Paper on Freight Transport, "The Association was led to believe that the system of operators' licensing would not be more costly than the existing system," says the RHA.

The MoT will clearly be saving in administrative costs, the RHA continues, by the provisions for authorization and specifying of additional vehicles and by the certainty that there will be fewer public inquiries as the result of objection.

In commenting on the increase in enforcement staff, the Association notes that fees paid by operators of larger vehicles will now have to cover the costs of supervising small vehicles in respect of which fees are no longer payable.