0-licence bid granted
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INDEPENDENT OPERATOR J. H. Wolliscroft and Son Ltd of Darle Dale has been granted a psv operators' licence for 11 single decker after Derbyshire County Council supported its application befor the East Midland Traffic Commissioners.
The county's passenger traffic co-ordinator, Keith Orford, said that a greater part of the work of Woolliscroft and its wholly owned subsidiary Henry Hulley and Son Ltd, of Baslow was tied up with the county council, the operation of the two businesses being closely integrated. Some 56 per cent of Woolliscroft stage carriage revenue was provided by the county who paid a total of £234,000 to the two companies.
The company had declined to accept an offer of the commissioners of a licence for nine vehicles and he felt that Woollii croft's required all 11 vehicles it was to continue to undertab the important task it carried cti for the county particularly in n gard to the carriage of schio, children.
Earlier vehicle examiner, Go don Hulley had said that if maintenance facilities were problem. The inspection pi. were at right angles to th garage entrance which was nc designed for the size of vehicl being operated today.
There were sufficient capabl maintenance staff but he ha found it necessary to ;impos two suspension notices and tot, defect notices on the six vehicle he examined in July.
He felt it was a managemen problem with the staff not al ways getting the vehicles whei they should have done.
However, a recent visit ha( shown a considerable improve ment with only one defect notici being issued in respect of the five vehicles he examined.
Proposed alterations to the inspection pits and the garag( entrance involved considerabl( sums of money and they hope( to complete the work by the en< of the year.
Mr Orford indicated that th( county would meet 50 per cen of the cost of the alterations.
Granting the application afte seeing plans of the maintenanct systems now in use, the corn missioner's chairman, Cecil She ridan, said that co-operation be tween the vehicle examiners, thE company, and the county, hac produced an lextremely satis factory and tidy plan.