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£5.9m contract for engileering works in Ealing, West _ondon has been won by :ementation Construction Ltd. rhe work concerns the improvenent of the junction of the A40 Nestern Avenue with the B452 'erivale Lane in the London 3orough of Ealing and will take about two and a half years to aomplete.
Commenting on the improveTient scheme, Junior Transport Vlinister Kenneth Clarke said hat London already suffers from ;erious problems where other notorways bring traffic to the )dge of the city and then into ;ongested urban roads. The M40 will eventually be connected by lual carriageway roads with ;plit level junctions all the way o Baker Street.
Plans for this scheme involve he construction of a 500m long lual three-lane underpass for he A40 traffic along the existing Ines of Western Avenue and a lew local road on the north side )f the A40, linking Bideford Avelue to Medway Parade. Perivale _ane will be replaced with a new ink road from Stockdove Way rvith a bridge over the cutting of he underpass.