Amongst the Exhibits at Manchester.
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Dunlop. Stand No. 55.
This famous company is showing a very complete series of solid tires for use on the various types of commercial vehicles. These tires have long been known for their long life and resiliency. Among the exhibits on the stand are a number of tires front various classes of vehicles which have achieved mileages vary irlg from 31,000 to 39,000 miles. This company also shows a number of heavy wood wheels fitted with single and twin solids for use on lorries, omnibuses, etc. Coachbuilders should be interested in the Hoodit,e material which is shown here, and also in the Dunlop rubber matting. The Dunlop "yellow " book is replete with useful information and hints for users.
Liga. Stand No. 40.
The Liga tires shown on this stand are of German origin, being made at a large works in Frankfort. An interesting exhibit consists of a large quantity of crude Para rubber. At the back of the stand is shown a number of posters bearing the very striking trademark of the company, which consists of a tiger with its fore-paw resting on a pair of solid tires. The standard section is round, as this has been found perfectly satisfactory in use. Mr. A. H. Llewellyn, the Manchester and district representative, has only been there for three months, but is very satisfied with the progress which he has made during that time. The tires enjoy a good reputation in the south ; it should extend northwards.
Macintosh. Stand No. 50.
The chief exhibit on this stand is the Coleman patent triple band
tire. This consists of a. tire of black outer section with a soft centre section of red. It is found to have exceptional non-skidding properties, and it has now been tested both in London and in the Lancashire districts with most satisfactory results. The ribbed T-seetion tire is the latest pattern, and this has been running most excellently on London buses, and on some of the Carter-Paterson delivery vans. "he ordinary round-section band tires are shown in various sizes to suit all purposes. The company is very pleased with its prospects in Lancashire, as the trade "there is very brisk.
Midland. Stand No. 45.
The Midland Tyre Co. has one of the most spacious stands in the Show. It is very well arranged, and the exhibits are placed to the utmost advantage. Solid tires are made in E, round, square and D pattern sections. An example. of a worn tire, which has run over 35,000 miles . on a London bus, is
on exhibition. This tire looks as though it could run still further mileage. .Among the exhibits is a great variety of pneumatic tires for light commercial vehicles. These comprise the ordinary stud. ded non-skid and other types.
North British. Stand No. 49.
North British band tires are becoming very well known throughout the country. This exhibitor informed our representative that they can supply tiros in any size, suitable for use on prams up to heavy steam tractors. For light vehicles a clinched-on solid tire is exhibited, as well as pneumatic tires, of which the company's speciality is called the " Cross all-rub ber non-skid." This tire is very effective in performing the duties for which it was designed.
Peter Union. Stand N. 42.
The Peter-Union stand is one of the most-tastefully decorated in the Show. On it is shown a very good selection of the various sizes of solid tires for use on all types of commercial vehicles. These tires are made in one of the largest factories in the world, and the company claims to be the pioneer tire manufacturer in the industry. It has a rapidly-increasing connection all over England. especially in the Manchester district, where a depot has recently been opened. The company has recently secured saveral important contracts, and we have heard from a representative that it is well satisfied with the progress made during the past few years.
Leo Swain (Polack). Stand No. 52 A full display of Polack tires for all classes of commercial vehicles is here shown. An interesting exhibit is a number of discarded tires from vehicles running in Lancashire. This company has achieved remarkable mileages on the heavier classes of vehicle. A very large number of Polack tires is running in the Manchester district. Mr. Leo Swain is the managing agent for the Manchester district, and will be very pleased if inquirers will pay him a call at the stand Among the other exhibits are Bleriot lamps—the most interesting model being the special self-contained headlamp--and the well known A.T. speedometers. These latter have a very good repute amongst commercial-vehicle users for their steadiness and accuracy.
There is on view a range of " Leosoo " accessories, including acetylene-gas tubing and rubber connections for radiators. Parsons non-skid chains attract notice : we are informed that there is a big demand for these fittings just now, due to their efficiency on snow. Shrewsbury-Challiner. Stand No. 58.
The exhibit on this stand comprises a selection of the " World " and " Giant' solid tires suitable for all classes of commercial vehicles, and in particular the new helical cross-ribbed non-skid, which is primarily intended for fire-engine work, and is in use by the fire brigades of Leeds, London, Glasgow, and elsewhere. For comparativelylight vehicles, a speciality is made of the Challiner twin detachable rims for pneumatic tires. For heavy vehicles, a girder-type builtup steel wheel is shown. This can be obtained for a vehicle of any weight. For the lighter class of commercial motor, the new type of Challiner welded-steel wheel is eminently suitable.
Simplex. Stand No, 39.
Visitors will do well to pay a call at this stand. The exhibit comprises a fine display of tires for petrol lorries, motorbuses, and particularly for steam wagons for which the company has earned a very good reputation. For char-kba,nes work a very large diameter tire of comparatively light section is manufactured. ft may be interesting to note that the InterTransport Co. has been using the tires for the last 18 months on fiveton Berna lorries and has booked a further contract for three years. Many of these tires are also in use by the London omnibus companies. They are made according to a process which allows low sale prices. Mr. Walker, the Northern representative, will be pleased to give further information.
St. Helens. Stand No. 46.
The first exhibit on this stand which meets the visitor's eye is the resilience-testing machine. This has been installed to demonstrate the "give " of the "super-resilient" solid tire as compared with other forms of solid-rubber band. During our visit a rebound test registered
per cent. resiliency, and we were informed that the usual range is from 70 per cent. to 90 per cent. This advantage is obtained by interposing a layer of soft rubber between the hard tread and the vulcanite band. This rubber layer is specially treated, and, although displacement takes place, the soft rubber will not crack, neither will a permanent " spread" be set up. This make of tire should be eminently suitable for use on motorbuses, chars-k-bancs, etc. We understand that the Warrington Corporation fits this make of tire to its motors, and many municipal fire authorities also favour the " superresilient " tire. There is a two-ton Lacre machine fitted with these tires at the disposal of visitors for demonstration purposes.