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5th February 2009
Page 13
Page 13, 5th February 2009 — P EGAL
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M&M Howden six lose appeal

SIX DRIVERS who were disqualified by North East Traffic Commissioner Tom Macartney have had their appeals against the decision thrown out by Penrith Magistrates.

The former M&M Howden drivers had their licences revoked and were disqualified for falsifying tachograph charts and compromising road safety in November.

The TC's decision follows the jailing of company director and transport manager Mark Howden after he pleaded guilty to conspiring with the company's office manager Philip Appleby and 20 of the firm's former drivers to falsify tachograph charts ('Boss and two drivers jailed for tacho fraud' CM 10 April 2008).

A district judge at Penrith Magistrates upheld Macartney's decision and ordered the six to pay VOSA's costs, which works out at £250 each.

Responding to the court's decision, Macartney says the drivers had their licences suspended following serious tachograph offences and it was the TC's duty to ensure professional drivers in haulage are fit and proper people who have good conduct and understand their responsibility for ensuring the safety of other road users.

"Any attempt to produce false records is consistent with a driver who is prepared to drive while tired and compromise road safety — putting at risk their own lives as well as those of other road users." he says.