News and Comment.
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This journal commands advertisement support upon terms which do not admit traders of inferior standing to its pages.
1910 finish—pages 351 and 352.
The carburation of air with ordinary paraffin is not so hard a task as is popularly imagined. The Albion way of doing it is described and illustrated on page 363.
The smaller tradesmen of this and other countries have now to be nuremittingly attacked on the motorvae question: we begin our campaign this week—pages 351, and 335-357.
" One Hears---" A full supply of them has come to hand this week : they are on the fourth page of the issue. Sonic of the paragraphs strike as as being intentionally hard to follow.
The farmer must, of all men, have any new arginnente repeated. This journal means to be both senior and junior counsel ie one. See pages 364-366 for our exclusive report of a recent address at the Institution of Automobile Engineers.
The Laere Motorcar Co., Ltd., of London and Letchworth, is going ahead with five-tonners now. We reproduce several photographs on pages 367 and 368. Towards the other end of the range of 18 distinct models, there comes the 12 h.p. 15ewt. Lacre—as illustrated below.
How do you like our idea of a starred article each week? The star is on the cover—in the corner, where it shows. That mark is pet there to catch the eves of hustled travellers, mid of others. We think that it will he worth a lot to various people to have the big asterisk up against their notices any particular week. Membership of the C.M.U.A. is in strong demand. There were 28 new entailments in November, and the total for December is 20. The first month of the New Year promises to excel all previous records, and the entrance fee of one guinea does not matter at all.
Special Vehicles and Uses.
This paragraph might well have been included with our review of 1910, but there was no room. Taking a cursory glance through the records of the year, we may quote the following examples of special vehicles and applications, the issues in which references and illustrations ovearred being given in parentheses: Wolseley motor sleighs (20th January and 30th June,: Lotis hearse (10th February); highspeed news:Impel. distribution (17th February and 28th April); the Brennan mono-rail (3rd March); motor sheep-wagons (14th July); moneycarrying vehicles of which class of service Thomas Tilling, Ltd., was the pioneer several years ago (21st .Tuly): Renard (Daimler) improvements (28t1 July); lorries for rubber estates (4th August), Waring's special " CommerCar " van (4th August); teleea epic van-bodies (8th December). The cartage of aeroplanes by motor vehicle has also been a regular practice during the year, whilst the wider use of '• (bits," in accordance with the Manchester and East-Lancashire custom, has received some attention.
War-office Motors.
The 32 vehieles and tractors purchased and delivered, during 1910, to the order of the British War Office, were Motorcars.—Three 0-11 h.p. Swift two-seated ears; three 13.9 04p, Arrol-Johnston fotir-seated ears. Lorries--Two Thornyerofts for 30cwt. loads; two Milnes-Daimlers for three-ton loads; four Straker-Squires
for 30-ew L. loads. Am be In nces.—
Three Straker-Sqeires. Tre cloys (steam).—Seven Burrells ; two Fowlers. Tract ors (internal-corn bust ion).— Three Thornyerofts , three Hornsbys.
Fire—Brigade Matters.
One interesting point about Bromley's new Merryweather first-aid and escape car, which we illustrated a week ago, is the provision of revolving shutters, in order to allow of ready access to the hose, etc.
Another Joint Scheme.
The Chairman of the Newport (Salop) U.D.C., Mr. W. Hayward, has been presiding at a meeting of 15 Parish Councils in the Newport Union, at which meeting joint action in regard to modern fire-brigade equipment was discussed. We greatly regret. to see that Mr. C. W. Smallman, Chairman of the Streets and Building Committee of the Newport U.D.C., thinks that a horse-drawn steamer is better than a petrol-engined motor set. He bases his views upon the alleged unsuitability of certain roads in the district, and upon the practical certainty that any engine will be required to cross pasture, or even arable, land. In our opinion, unless the local councils decide to buy a motor fire-engine, they might as well abandon the scheme altogether. Tf it he granted, for the sake of argument, that. one fire in fifty might occur at a point to which the close approach of a motor lire-engine cauld not be arranged, it is quite certain that, in the 49 other eases, selfpropelled equipment must arrive much earlier than any horse-drawn set.
It is stated that expert advice has been tendered to the Newport U.D.C. on this matter, hut we cannot believe that the roads in that authority's district ire in such an appalling condition of disrepair that the above factor justifies the decision which appears to have been reached, but which we Certainly hope to see upset. New Registrations.
Croydon Central :11otor Co., Ltd., eith an authorized capital of £1,000 in I:1 shares, byJordan and Sons, Ltd., to take over the business of a garage proprietor and dealer in aiit,i
iiiohiles and accessories carried on by E. Barefather at 110, High Street, Croydon, as the Croydon Motor Cu. First directors, E. Barniather and F. S. Bale.
Marshall Tyre Jacket Syndicate, Lite, with an authorized capital of il100,000 in el shares, and with its office at 3a, Illythe Road, Willesden Junction, to carry on the business al manufacturers of and dealers in tires and tire fabrics for motorcars, etc., tire jackets, etc., also to adopt an agreement with the Marshall Tyre Fabric Co., Ltd., and Hyatts, Ltd. First directors: W. J. Yapp, Rt. Hon. Viseocust alaitland, J.P., H. Ediminds, J. J. Pritty, F. E. Cuming. C L. Nlarshall, and G. M. Chamber lin. Messrs. Vapp, Chamberlin and Nlarshall and Viscount Maitland are an by the Marshall Tyre Fabric Co., Ltd.
Crossley Motors, Ltd., with an
authorized capital of £140,000 in el. ,41:;res, and with its office at Napier Street. (iorton, Manchester, to take over the business of motor manufacturers carried on as a branch of their gesieral busiuess by Crossley Brothers, Ltd., and all or any part of the share capital or Charles Jarrott and Letts. Ltd. First directors: Sir Wm. J. Crisesley, Bart., Messre. K. T. Crossley and W. M, Letts (managing director).
Cyprus Motor Transport and De
) elopment Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £10,000 in La shares (5,000 part pref.), by A. H. Atkins. Ltd., of 27-8, Fetter Lane, E.C., to carry on the business of haulage and cartage contractors by means of road motors, etc. First directors: T. 1'. Robinson and W. C. Thorp.
Paraband Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £100 in £1 shares, and with its office at 9, Argyll Place, Regent Street, W., to cal-ry on the business of tyre makers, etc. First directors: W. E. White and P. W. Clark.
\l peliiinia1 Decarbonising Syndi
cate, Ltd., by Win. :Easton and Sons, of 57, Moorgate Street, EC., with an authorized capital of e10,500, in e5 shares. and with its registered office at 161. Piccadilly, W., to carry on the business of manufacturers of motor ii' se cycles, carriages and vehicles of
all kinds and apparatus or implements for decarbonizing, scarifying or burnishing the works of motor engines, etc., to acquire the benefit of inventions for improvements in scarifying and burnishing apparatus, etc., and to adopt an agreement with C. Calvert, C. Ii. W. Swindell, C. C. H. Swinden, T. H. Thurburn and C. Polden. First directors: (to number not fewer than 11 rec nor more than five): H. S. Peesse, I. Scott, C. R. w.
Capt. B. (IA. Corbet and C. T. 1. Holland.
Tleimas keep, Ltd., ititit an authorized Capital of 4:3,000 in £1 shares, by Capon and Elliot Smith, of 29, Bedford Bow, W.C., to carry ou the business of a motorcar dealer formerly carried on by T. B. Keep at 9-10, St. Mary-at-Hill, E.C. First directors: T. B. Keep and E. W. Butler.
Emmen in Transport (Pyrenees Orientales) Co., Ltd.. with an authorized capital of 1:40.000 in e.:5 shares, and with its office at 135, Wool Exchange, lins,ingball Street, E.C., to carry on the business of motor trolley. motorbus and van owners, carriers. etc. First directors; L. Verger and A. de in Miraudie (permanent managing direeterss.
Coast to Coast Motor Touring and Garage Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 16,000 in 1.i shares, and with its office at 4, International Exchange, Edmund Street, Birmingham. to carry on the business of motion-sir, uimiibim.Van and cab proprietors, carriers of passengers and goods, etc. Directors appointed by signatories.
IL G. et. John. Ltd., with al: authorized capital of 4:10,000 in 1:1 shares, by C. Duebble. of 14, Serjeant's Jim ii. E.C., to carry on the business of automobile store and garage keepers. suppliers of electricity and other lose er rOr motorcars, et'. First directurs : H. C. St. John, Ft Chamberlain. C. H. Cowing, E. AV, Hutton, B. C. Westnmeott and T. Cook.
F. Gibson and Co. (Abingdon), Ltd.. with an authorizeil eapital of £3,000 in e5 siinre;,, and with its office at 11. Oek Street. Abingdon, Berks., to carry on the business of motor engineers and agents, manufacturers of motorears. sits° to adopt agreements with (1) F. Cibscm and S. J. B. Laeon for the acquisition of the business earried on by them as F. Gibson and
Co., at Ock Street, Abingdon, Berks., :tad (21 with F. G. Gibson. First directors : 5..1. B. Lacon and F. GibSOH.
Endless Rim Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of t.10,000 in IA shares, by J. B. anti F. Purchase, of 14, Regent Street. S.W., to carry on the business of manufacturers; of jointless and other rims for wheels of automobiles, ete., also to adopt agreements with (1) C. Sangster for the acquisition of an invention relating to electrically-welded rims, and the benefit of an agreement for a licence in respect thereof made between himself and the Dunlop Pneliniatis. Tyre Co.. Ltd., and (2) with the said Company for the acquisition of tlie rim branch of the inisiness of Components, Ltd. First directors not named.
Dennis Deliveries.
The year 1910 concluded, so far as Dennis deliveries are concerned, with a two-ton van for the Civil Service Co-otierative Society, and six mail vans for MacNamara and Co., Ltd. The last-named company now owns nn Fewer than 34 Dennis commercial vehicles.
S. E. Holiday Tours.
The South Eastern and Chatham Railway Co. has arranged a number of special bookings to Switzerland, for the winter sports, and particularly by a. new service, to rim from Calais to 13asle once n week, throughout Janie:ay and February, leaving CharingCross at 9 pen. every Friday.
A trained mechanical engineer, will is well known to the Editor of this journal, and who is experienced in the traffic requirements of motor haulage, is open for an engagement, and it will afford us much pleasure to furnish. fuller information to any company or firm who may be. On the look-out for a competent manager of a motor department.