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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Motor Inventions Lead the Way.
An estimation of the number of patent applications filed at the British Patent Office in 1925 will bring the total up to about 35,000, of which approximately 12,250 relate to motor vehicles and internal combustion engines.
Messrs. Hughes and Young, patent agents, of the Outer Temple, London, inform us that a noticeable feature of the inventions relating to motor vehicles is the large number of patents concerned with devices for reducing the dazzle or glare of headlamps. Improved and simplified carburetters, and petrol feeding devices for rear tanks, also form the subject of a large number of applications.
The outstanding inventions of merit,. so far as general engineering and motor-vehicle construction are concerned, are British, and many remarkably ingenionS change-speed and braking devices have been patented by leading British companies and engineers.
Security for Morris Employees.
At a recent dinner given to the Coventry employees of the Morris Motors organization. Mr. W. R. Morris commented upon the fact that "the trouble with our trade to-day is not labour trouble ; it is the way in which labour is handled that is more nearly the cause: Employers," he said, "should encourage their men—encourage them to work hard and to be more thrifty. What is wanted is a feeling of security."
With this object in view, Mr. Morris said, he had arranged that if any of the 8,000-odd employees on the pay-rolls of the company should die whilst employed by them, their dependents would receive £100 in the case of married persdns or £50 or £25, warding to circumstances, in the case of single men.
During the course of the.evening it was stated that Morris Engines (Coventry), Ltd., had made and delivered 62,442 power units during the past 12 months.
The Tractor Market in Australia.
According to a report of the Department of Overseas Trade dealing with conditions in Australia, it is stated that the sales of tractors are not very considerable owing to the nature of the country. Well-known makes of American tractor are continually being exhibited at agricultural shows and being demonstrated in other ways ; but, more recently, a British tractor has been introduced into the market, and has created an extremely favourable impression. It is stated that a number of orders has been received for this tractor, and it seems likely that it will ultimately establish itself on the Australian market.
In the year 1923-1924 the last period for which figures are available, the value of imports of chain-track tractors from the United Kingdom was £18,734, as against £16g,664 for those from the United States, whilst other tractors '(not including those propelled by steam) were imported from the United
Kingdom to the value of £39,411, and from the United States to the value of £488.856.
The Egyptian Agricultural Exhibition. The dates for the Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition to be held in Cairo have been changed, so that it will
now continue from February 20th until' March 20th next. The exhibition will include a section for farm tractors.
Road Transport Matters in Parliament.
Parliament was prorogued on December 23rd until February 2nd. We shall then resume our weekly survey of road transport matters which are raised in both Houses.
Karrier's Chief Engineer Sails for America.
We reproduce on this page a portrait of Mr. L. A. Poole, chief engineer and designer to Karrier Motors, Ltd., Huddersfield, who left for the United States on January 2nd to attend the Second. World Motor Transport Congress which is being held in New York from Tanuary 11th-13th. During the course of his trip Mr. Poole will inspect the works of a number of the leading motor-vehicle manufacturers in Canada and the United States before returning to this country in February. Progress of Canada's Industry.
During the 21 years in which the manufacture of automobiles has been undertaken in the Dominion of Canada, it is stated that Canadian factories have produced more than 1,000,000 vehicles, a large percentage of which has been exported to all parts of the world. The industry at the present time employs in the neighbourhood of 100,000 Canadians.
In the total value of production the industry occupies the seventh place amongst the industrial enterprises of the Dominion and fourth in the value of its exports. Only in Great Britain and the United States is there a greater number of motor vehicles in use than in Canada. In Great Britain the ratio of motor vehicles to population is estimated at 1 in 57, in the United States at 1 in 6, whilst in Canada it is 1 in 14.
Some idea of the importance of Canada's export trade in motor vehicles can be gathered from the fact that of 132,460 vehicles produced in the Dominion in 1924, 42.5 Tier cent. (or 56,655) were exported. Australia imported the largest number of Canadianbuilt commercial vehicles, whilst Great Britain was the principal market for parts and tyres.
For the first eight months of the past year 13,821 commercial vehicles were produced in Canada, as compared with 12,089 in the corresponding period of the previous year.
United Service Transport Profits.
The profits of the United Service Transport Co., Ltd., for the year ended September 30th last totalled £26,400, as against £25,743 in the preceding year. Depreciation absorbed £11,750, and the reserve fund is to benefit to the extent of £7,000. A dividend at the rate of 8 per cent. is to be paid on the ordinary shares, and, when these allocations have been made, £50 remains to be carried forward.
The company report a further expansion of business during the year, whilst new vehicles have been added to their fleet at a cost of £12,937. The company's fleet now stands on the books at £49,606, of which £25,600 represents purchases made within the last two years.
Testing the Merits of Buses and Trams.
The Cleveland, Ohio, Railway Co. is projecting a 90 days' test with a view to discovering the relative merits a tramcars and motorbuses. An experimental line of double-decker six-wheel coaches is to be run between the business centre and the suburb of Cleveland Heights to test whether passengers can be induced to travel by bus instead of by tram.
If the experiment be successful, permission will be sought to abandon the tramway routes and then buses will be substituted on all lines where tram operation is resulting in a loss; 16 of the 37 lines in the city at present come in this category. Warrington Bus Profits.
In the annual report of the Warrington Corporation the working results of the corporation's fleet of seven motor omnibuses are given, The vehicles are in service on the Gorsey Lane and Lodge Lane routes, which are 1.225 miles and 1.529 miles in length respectively. The net profit on the past year's working was 11,778 19s. 1d. and the total passengers carried 1,627,522. The number of miles run by the buses was 100,759, the receipts per bus-mile amounting to 19.365d. and the total expenses per bus-mile to 15.275d. Annual profits totalling £3,874 have been made on five occasions, whilst losses amounting to £4,692 have been incurred on seven occasions.
Traffic Increase in Birmingham.
From figures which have recently been prepared by the authorities in Birmingham it is shown that a large increase has taken place in motor traffic in the city during the 12 months ended November 30th last, as compared with the preceding year. The licences issued in respect of commercial goods vehicles rose from 8,784 to 10,703, whilst those issued in respect of hackney carriages increased from 2,011 to 2,420. The total number of drivers' licences issued by the city authorities was 47,146, as against 39,842 in the previous year, whilst the total receipts from the issue of drivers' and vehicle licences rose from 1336,871 to £382,588.
Booklets on Lubrication.
The subject of lubrication is one that is little understood by some commercial drivers, and, as a consequence, the vehicles inevitably suffer and the owners are often involved in heavy maintenance charges. Those who would seek to extend their knowledge of the subject should secure copies of two little booklets which have just been issued by Sterns, Ltd., Royal London House, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2, one of which deals with the lubrication of steam wagons and the other with the
lubrication of petrol vehicles. Although the booklets are published to draw attention to the products of the company, they possess much useful information relating to the question of lubrication in general. The chart of recommendations should be helpful to users who are in any doubt as to the best grade of oil to use on their vehicles.
Level-crossings on Class I Roads.
In the report of the traffic census which will shortly be published, particulars will be given of level-crossings on Class I roads.
Agrimotor Course at Seale-Hayne College.
In view of the importance of the agrimotor on the farm an experiment is being made this year at the SealeRayne College in the shape of. a course designed to give practical instruction in the handling and management of doctors and tractor implements. The course will last for one week. The entire cost of attending the course, including housing and food, is 30s.
Fire-engines May Be Wanted.
The Llandeilo-Talybont Council has formulated a scheme to provide motor fire-engines in the Pontardulais and Gorseinon districts to obviate the present necestity for calling upon the Swansea Borough Council's fire-brigade and equipment in the event of outbreaks of fire in either of those districts. Contributions towards the cost of the engines are being solicited from local collieries and works.
A Walker Vehicles Resignation.
Mr. C. Holmes Waghorn, A.M.I.C.F., advises us that he has resigned his position as general manager of Walker Vehicles, Ltd., and that he proposes shortly to associate himself with another branch of the engineering industry. In the meantime, Mr. Waghorn can be communicated with c.o. Walker Vehicles, Ltd., Clare House, Kingsway, London. W.C.2. More Government Orders.
Amongst the orders for commercial motor vehicles given out by Government Departments during November last were one for S.D. Freighters placed by the G.P.O. with Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., and another for electric trucks with W. 'Goodyear and Son, Ltd. The Admiralty placed an order for tractors with J. T. Thornyeroft and Co., Ltd.; the War Office another for chassis with Karrier Motors, Ltd.; and the Crown Agents for the Colonies one for 1-ton truck chassis with Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd.
Sheffield Buys More Guy Buses.
After having had experience `with 26seater Guy buses of the drop-frame type, the Sheffield Corporation has placed an order with Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, for a further batch of the company's passenger model designed to seat 30-32 passengers, and when these machines are delivered the corporation will possess a Guy fleet which runs into double figures. The new. 30-32-seaters to be supplied will be fitted with the Guy 38 h.p. engine, which is alternative equipment to the standard power unit developing 24 h.p. The buses will be fitted with large-size pneumatic tyres,twins being used on the rear wheels, equipment which, aided by the automatically oil-lubricated springs of the chassis, ensures the maximum riding comfort.
Motor Ship Ascendency.
The internal-combustion-engined vessel has now become of greater importance than the steam-driven ship, and to-day motor ships on the stocks have a far greater tonnage than steamers. A complete list of all motor ships on order forma a special feature of the January issue of The Motor Ship, which will be of value to all interested in the shipping industry. Many of the latest vessels are dealt with individually In wellillustrated articles in this issue, including the 17,800-ton motor liner 41Indrapoera " and the first Prince Line motor ship. Presentation to a . Vulcan Director.
• A series of presentations to Mr. Tom Rimmer, director and works manager of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., Crossens, Southport, took place at the Vulcan works a few days ago, the occasion being the marriage of Mr. Rimmer to Miss C. Beckett, of Crosseus. The entire staff of the Vulcan Works subscribed, and at a dinner-time meeting Mr. A. Kirkman, one of the oldest employees, with over 20 years service to his credit, handed to Mr. Rimmer a handsome cabinet gramophone. Members of the staff presented him with a gold watch, which was handed over by Mr. E. T. Edge, the oldest member of the staff. Mr. Rimmer's co-directors also joined in making a separate presentation.
Public Services in Norway.
Owing to the rugged nature of the topography of the country the use of motorbuses in Norway is almost wholly confined to the larger centres, althotgh there is an increasing tendency to use converted touring cars, seating from 7 to 11 passengers, in the mountainous regions. There are about 855 publicservice vehicles in use in the country on 445 routes of a total length of 7,700
miles. Good local body-building factories exist, hence feiv bodies are imported. Both the open and closed types of vehicle, with seating capacities of from 25 to 30 passengers, are in demand.
Karrier Six-wheeler for the Soudan.
We reproduce on this page an illustration of a Mari& rigid six-wheeler which has been supplied by Karrier Motors, Ltd., of Huddersfield, to the Soudan Government. This is the company's Colonial model, although it only differs from the standard model of this type by reason of the fact that a larger radiator is fitted to enable the vehicle to be worked satisfactorily under tropical conditions.
The company's rigid six-wheeler is making considerable headway, although it has only been on the market for a
short time, and such machines are being supplied to the War. Office, the Indian Transport Co.. and the South African Railway.
The Karrier six-wheeler is particularly suitable for work under what are commonly called Colonial conditions, for it is so designed that the ax.16-s have a very large relative freedom of move
merit, all the driving wheels continuing to perform their share of the work, however bad the surface which is being negotiated.
Allen-Liversidge Dividend.
Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., advise us that the company are paying a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum (5 per cent. actual), less tax, on account of the six months ended October 31st last.
To Buy or to Hire ?
The Crickhowell (Mon.) Rural District Council has been recommended by the surveyor to purchase a steam-roller instead of continuing to hire one as occasion arises. The council will decide the matter at its next meeting in, February. A Leyland Lorry for a University.
The illustration of a Leyland vehicle which we publish on this page hits been sent to Leyland Motors, Ltd., by their Canadian manager. The machine had just been supplied to the univer-sity of British Columbia, and its
basis is the makers' standard C-type chassis; on which is fitted a steel dump body of large capacity. The vehicle is used for the transportation of cinders, which, although not weighty, are of a bulky nature, being washed, as they are, before going into the bunkers and being loaded. The vehicle is painted a bright shade of red.
Cleansing Work in Manchester.
The cleansing department of the City .• of Manchester is concerned with both street cleansing and refuse collection, although it uses horses almost exclusively for the latter work. In the annual report of the cleaning committee which has just been issued for the past year, it is shown that nine motor sweeping machines are employed and that during the year over 750 million yards of street surface were swept, 108,107 tong of sweepings beim°. collected.
The -cost of street being during this period amounted to fl34,644, which is equivalent to a cost of 4.84d. in the X. on the rates, or 3s. 7d. per 1,000 square yards swept.
Raising the Standard of Hackney Vehicles,
Stoke Watch Committee has asked the town clerk to communicate with the various local authorities in North Staffordshire suggesting that all hackney carriages plying for hire in the district should be examined by an expert on lines similar to those adopted in the city, with a view to securing a higher standard of vehicle.
:Motorbuses for Turkey.
It is reported from Constantinople that the Governor of that city, Essad Pasha, has secured the concession for the establishment of a motorbus service in the old Turkish capital. It is stated that 150 buses will be required and that a company with a capital of fT250,000, in which English financiers are interested, will be formed to exploit the concession. Chester Considering the Pagefield System.
The improvement committee of the Chester Corporation recently visited Southport and inspected the system of house-refuse collection in operation in that borough. The committee has resolved that (1) the city surveyor be instructed to prepare a report upon and • estimate of the cost of a system of house-refuse collection based on the Pagefield system of motor and horse transport, and (2) the medical officer of health be asked to report on the Page. field system of house-refuse collection as compared with that at present in vogue in the city, from a health standpoint.
The Fire-engine Market in Columbia.
According to a recent. report from Bogota, there should be a market for up-to-date fire-fighting equipment in at least five of the most important cities of Columbia. The increased prosperity and the general economic advancement of the important centres—Bogota, Medellin, Barranquilla, Cali and Cartagena—indicate the POtentialities of this
• market for such apparatus. Self-contained equipment stands the best chance of achieving success.
• The less expensive equipment would probably appeal More than elabOrate machines, especially as the latter would be difficult to operate on account of the lack of skij.led mechanics and the narrowness of the streets.
A New Goodyear Price List.
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Lots Road, London, $W.10, have sent us a copy of a new revised price list dealing with their all-weather tread, heavy-duty cushion (solid) and pneumatic cushion tyres. The new retail price of the company's 32-in. by 4-in, pneumatic cushion tyre, fitted on disc steel wheels for the rearwheel equipment of Ford tonners, is £13 14s., whilst their demountable cushion tyre of 30-in. by 3k-in. dimensions, which .fits standard wheels on Fords, is now priced at £6 12s. The prices of Goodyear tyres for specific forms of service are clearly set out in the new list. .
Blackpool's Popular Buses.
The tramways department of the Blackpool Corporation has just issued statistics relating to passenger services in the town during the period from April lst to December 10th last. In this period the buses carried 1,918,345 passengers, a figure which represents an increase of 782,524 over the corresponding period of the previous year, whilst the receipts have amounted to £7,831. The bus services in the borough are proving very popular, and the receipts from the services are steadily on the increase.
Rubber Tyres for Traction Engines.
We recently published a paragraph in which it was stated that the Ministry of Transport had been advised by the Traction Engine Owners' Association and by the Showmen's Guild that it was hoped that the traction engines owned by their members would be fitted with rubber tyros before April 1st. Messrs. Moore' and Co., Domestic Street, Leeds, inform us that they have been supplying tyres for use on such machines for-the past two years, and they are in a position to convert the wheels of traction engines to carry rubber tyres, at a reasonable cost. Messrs. Moore can also supply and fit. rubber tyres to Fordson and similar tractors, and market special fittings to enable such machines to be used either on the land or on the road.
Lamps for Many Purposes.
A new catalogue has just been pubished by the Whitfield. Electrical Co., Ltd., Whitfield Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.1, which deals with motor accessories. The greater portion of the catalogue is taken up with details of lamps for various uses, and amongst those which will interest our readers are those designed for employment in buses. These are marketed in various patterns. The company's inspection lamps will make special appeal to garage owners.
Home Service Ambulances.
At a meeting of the Paignton Urban District Council a letter was received from the home service ambulance committee intimating that the Ford Motor Co. had made arrangements whereby 15 per cent. discount would be allowed from the listed prices -of parts used for replacements in the case of Ford Dilator ambulances, and that the Royal Automobile Club had decided to make home service ambulance organizatiOns honorary associate members of the Club. Main Features of a New Republic Tipper.
The Republic Motor Truck Co., Alma, Michigan, who are represented in this country by Republic Motor Trucks Sales and Service, Ltd., 20, Peterborough Road, London, S.W.6, have recently announced the production of a new 11-ton tipping vehicle, of which we reproduce two illustrations on this page. One shows the general build of the chassis, whilst the other gives a close-up view of the rear end.
This new model, which is known as the 85 RB, has a wheelbase of 9 ft. 2 ins., and the steel wheels with which it is fitted are shod with pneumatic tyres of-32-in, by 6-in. dimensions. In designing the vehicle, the company have kept in mind the requirements of speed and strong construction—sfactors which are of considerable importance in the sphere of activity in which such vehicles are usually employed. The spring construction of the rear platform can be clearly seen from one of our pictures, and it should be noted that a heavy-duty transverse spring is employed at this point, Whilst a heavy aisgle4ron serves as a cross-member.
More Traffic in Cardiff.
A report submitted to the public works committee of Cardiff shows that in the three years from August, 1922, the volume of motor traffic over Cardiff main roads had increased 110 per cent.
Lancashire's New Roads.
The regional planning scheme for parts of _Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lan. cashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire has recently been approved by the Manchester and District Town Planning Advisory Committee. There are
104 local authorities in the region, and efforts are to be made to construct new roads and widen existing ones, to relieve traffic congestion in the industrial areas and to open up some of the rural areas.
A list of 65 arterial and by-pass roads has been prepared for consideration. Of these one is nearly 30 miles long and 120 ft. wide.
One of the problems that will have to be solved in the near future is that* relating to passenger traffic with a view to preventing overlapping in some districts and securing adequate public services in others. This is already causing some differences in local council chambers.
American Exports.
From figures which have just been Issued, it is shown that the exports of goods vehicles and motorbuses (eke. tries excepted) from the TJnited States in October last totalled 4,075, valued at $2.936,249, as compared with 2,724 vehicles of a value of $1,555,425 in
October of the previous year. The principal importing countries were :Australia, which took 1,300 vehicles ; Mexico, 382: Italy, 276; Spain, 210; New Zealand, 186; British Africa, 137; Cuba, 136; China. 130-; Canada, 128; and Argentina, 118.
A Paper. on Automobile Failures.
A paper entitled "Logic Applied to Failures" will be read by Mr. J. D. Parkes before several centres of the Institution of Automobile Engineers during January. The paper will be read in Coventry on January 12th at the 33roadgate Café; in Glasgow on January 18th at the Royal Technical College; and in Manchester on January 27th at Milton Hall, 244, Deansgate.
The paper deals with an examination of the main principles governing the correct investigation of failures in motor vehicles of all types. The author c24 has not set himself to deal with sseecific eases in detail, but lays down certain general methods which may assist in the development of habits of mind, and thus enable evidence to be weighed before conclusions are drawn. The problem is considered from the points of view of design, workmanship and material, and the conditions of service and the correct application of mechanical principles are discussed.
Bristols for a Fuel Company.
The Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., ritd., Tramways Centre, Bristol, have just received a repeat order from the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., for the supply of five lorries of their popular 2-ton type.
A Guide to Car Prices.
With the current issue of The Mow, a Special New Year's Number, dated January 5th, a new edition of the list of car prices and condensed specifications is presented gratis. This is a 16-page octavo booklet in tinted cover, and it gives the prices of practically all cars on the British market.