WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
A.E.C.'s New Large Double deck Bus.
The opening of 1932 has been heralded by the production of a large' capacity Regent by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., of Southall. It is the first four-wheeled double-decker to seat 60 passengers and to comply with M. of T. regulations. There are 34 seats in the upper saloon.
In order to comply with maximumweight regulations, a scientific reduction of unit weights has had to be effected. To do this, aluminium panelling is employed and interior panelling has been abolished ; the seats in the upper saloon weigh only 30 lb. each. Stainless steel is used for stanchions and grab handles.
Despite the large passenger capacity of the upper saloon, the new vehicle easily passes the M. of T. tilting test with only the top deck laden. The chassis tilts to 28 degrees and the body to 36 degrees, thus the safety margin is not reduced by the increase in seating capacity.
With 60 passengers, a driver and conductor, and with a full complement of oil and petrol, the new Regent scales 9e tons, or 5 tons 14 cwt. unladen.
Power is provided by the standard A.E.C. 120 b.h.p. engine, all four wheels are braked hydraulically, and both saloons have heating systems.
Progress of the L.D.R.H.A.
In consequence of the large -increase in its membership and the rapid development in the work which is being undertaken by the Long Distance Road Haulage Association, Ltd., the council has set up headquarters in London, Mr. J. M. MacKenzie being appointed whole-time secretary, with offices at Dudley House, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C.2.
This important step will be welcomed by all members, as it is another sign of the activity of the council in its efforts to promote the interests of the long-distance haulier.
Fire-engines Wanted in Egypt.
The commercial secretary to the Residency, Egypt, reports that the Ministry of the Interior, Local Commissions and Municipalities Section, is calling for tenders, which have to be presented in Egypt, by February 4th, for the supply of motor fire-engines to various municipalities. Those concerns desirous of offering vehieles of British manufacture can obtain further details upon application to the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, &W.1, reference number G.X. 11044 being quoted.
Mr. P. J. Pybus and the International Association of Road Congresses. The Minister of Transport, Mr. P. s. Pybus, C.B.E., M.P., has agreed to accept the office of Hon. President of the British Organizing Committee of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses..
This association, the headquarters of which are at Paris, comprises in its membership the Governments of 50 countries, including Great Britain, as well as large numbers of county councils, corporations, etc., and it is this body which makes the arrangements for the International Road Congresses which are held every three or four years, the most recent having taken edam at Washington, U.S.A., in 1930.
The British Organizing Committee makes itself responsible for promoting British interests not only during the Congresses, but in the lengthy preparatory stages.
A Coach Station for Birmingham.
Accommodation for about 60 motor coaches will be provided by a station shortly to be opened in Sheepcote Street (off Broad Street). Birmingham. The station is already built, whilst the cafe, waiting rooms, drivers' and conductors' hostel, etc., have yet to be finished.
A Trans-Saharan Trial of Oilengined Vehicles.
A reliability trial of considerable interest and importance is being organized in Algiers for colonial-type oilengined industrial vehicles. The trial, which is to be held under the auspices oi the Algerian Government's Service des Territoires du Sud, will start on February 20th.
The course will be from Algiers, across the Sahara to Gao, on the Niger, and back, a distance of 6,150 kiloms. Roads in good repair account for 430 Moms., but the rest consists of rough desert tracks. Eliminating trials will be held, and no vehicle will be allowed to participate in the event unless, during these tests, it be able to average 20 k.p.h. over rough ground.
Controls and supply dumps will be arranged in the Sahara, but all vehicles must carry sufficient fuel for a run of 1,000 kiloros. without refilling.
Starting from Algiers, the outward stages of the journey will be as follow :—Djelfa (320 kiloms.), Lagouat (112), Gardaia (192), El Golea (322), Fort McMahon (210), Tirnimoun (223), Adrar (190), Reggan (1e6), Ouaden (301), Tessalit (525) and Gao (520). It may be noticed that the last two stages are long ones, but these are in the Soudan., where the going is good. The return route will be the same.
Motor Shipbuilding Progress.
The much-enlarged January issue of The Motor Ship is a Special New Year Number which contains much valuable information, one of the most important features being a complete summary of motor shipbuilding during the year 1931. For easy reference file results of output in various countries are tabulated and illustrations of many of the passenger liners, fast cargo ships and motor tankers completed during the year are given. "Marine Oil Engine Progress in 1931" forms an interesting survey. whilst an article dealing with the tanker situation is supported by lists of tankers completed in 1931 and those on order at the start of the New Year.
Amongst other articles of outstanding Interest can be mentioned those dealing with the history and performance of the " Selandia "—a 20-year-old vessel, the new Hamburg-Amerika motor liners, the steam and Diesel-engined German cruiser "Leipzig," and a 3,000 b.h.p. trunk-piston two-stroke engine. The illustrations throughout this number, which is sold at the usual price of ls., are excellent.
Portsmouth Corporation and Soutlidown Agreement,.
The Traffic Commissioners for the Southern Area have approved the agreement arrived at between Portsmouth Corporation and Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., as to the running of the company's buses within the city. The fare tables show, in most cases, a protection of 2d. in the company's rates above the fares of the corporation.
A Fish-transport Experiment.
If an experiment which has been made during the past few days be regarded as successful there is a possibility of the railway companies losing a portion of the fish traffic from Plymouth. Endeavours are being made to capture the traffic to London for road transport, and a sixwheeled oil-engined lorry has been used to demonstrate the fact that fish can be conveyed to the Metropolis in this way at a saving of some 5s. a ton. The possibility of missing the market through a breakdown midway, which might make the consignment of fish almost valueless to its owners, was provided for.
Brentford Desires Trolley-buses.
Communications have recently passed be.tweeen Brentford and Chiswick Urban District Council and London United Tramways, Ltd., with reference to the provision of trolley-buses in Boston Road. The L.TJ.T. concern states that the employment of trolleybusea in various districts is receiving attention, but that, owing to traffic circumstances, such substitution is not possible and desirable in all areas.
Praise for a Bus Concern.
Tributes to the efficient service provided by the company's buses were paid at the fourth annual staff dinner of Messrs. T. Allen and Sons, Rink Street, Blyth. The Mayoe of Blyth, Alderman F. C. Hyde, Mr. G. W. Shield, ex-M.P. for the Wansbeck Division, and other prominent local men complimented the staff on their courtesy and helpfulness.
Producer-gas Vehicles Tested.
In the course of a recent address before a meeting of the French Association of Automobile Engineers, M. Cezanne stated that 40 gas-producer vehicles took part in a series of tests conducted by the French military authorities and that in no case did defective running arise from faulty working of the gas producers. He 'added that, as compared with petrol, the cost of fuel showed an economy of 70 per cent. to 80 per cent, and the all-in costs of operation a saving of 13 per cent. to 18 per cent.
As a result of the recent trials subsidies are now available from the French War Department to owners of the following makes of vehicle :—Berliet, Dewald and Renault 7i-tonners ; Latil, Panhard, Berliet,. Dewald and Renault 5-tonners ; Roehet-Schneider and Panhard 2-toasters; and Berliet 30-cwt. vehicles.
The Motor's Progress in Denmark.
At the end of September last there were 120,338 motor lorries, tractors and cars in use in Denmark, as compared with 110,324 a year earlier and 17,057 in September, 1920. In addition, 455 trailers Were in service. Of the total, 25,203 vehicles were in use in Copenhagen, 30,581 in provincial towns and 64,554 in country districts.
A.E.C.'s Big Pay-out.
When addressing the hourly paid gmployees of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., just before the Christmas holiday, Mr. C. W. Reeve, the company's managing director, said that the concern had escaped much of the nation-wide depression, and he thanked the employees on behalf of the chairman, Lord Ashfield (who is in Canada), for the splendid spirit of co-operation which had, in a large measure, been responsible for the success achieved.
As an expression of the directors' appreciation of the men's efforts during the past year, all hourly rated employees received a full week's wages of 47 hours, at the basic rate, plus a 10s. bonus. This meant that approximately f34,000 was paid out.
Great West Road Extension?
A conference of local authorities is being called by Middlesex County Council to discuss tho question of extending the Great West Road into London. Various routes have been suggested. Minerva's Winding-up.
At a meeting to be held on January 18th, the shareholders of Minerva Motors (England) will be asked to approve the voluntary winding-up of the undertaking. The board feels that there is little hope of profitable trade.
Repeat Orders for Thornyerofts.
Repeat orders recently placed for Thornyeroft vehicles include one from Watney, Combo Reid and Co.,. Ltd., for six 21-ton ,chassis, another from the Pindon and North Eastern Railway Co. for six 2-ton lorries, a third from John Knight, Ltd., for four 2i-ton chassis, and another from the Weald of Kent Transport Co. for two 20-seater bus chassis.
Official Orders in November.
During November last the War Department ordered Morris-Commercial six-wheeled chassis, whilst the G.P.O. authorities contracted for bodies from the Harrington, Park Royal, Taskers, and Weybridge Motor Engineering concerns, also ordering Albion chassis. The Crown Agents for the Colonies purchased Morris-Commercial lorries.
Morelli Business Development.
We are advised that Feeny and Johnson, Ltd., 134-136, Ealing Road, Wembley, has taken over the business of Morelli Magnetos (England), Ltd., 71-72, Bolsover Street, London, W.1. The company has increased facilities for coping with Morelli business in this country, particularly in relation to the British-made vacuum servo.
Eliminating a 15-inile Detour.
Vehicles weighing over two tons, which formerly used the Carmarthen Town Bridge across the River Towy, on the main Wales road, have now to make a 15-mile detour around Llandilo. To overcome this inconvenience Carmarthen County Council has placed a contract for a temporary bridge over the Tewy, at Carmarthen, and it is anticipated that this will be ready for use early in March.
A Toll-bridge Grievance.
Much disappointment, and no little Indignation, have been expressed in Woodhall Spa and district at the decision of Lindsey and Kesteven (Lines) County Councils to defer, on the ground of economy, the purchasing and freeing of Kirk-stead Toll Bridge across the Witham. A petition, requesting the immediate freeing of the bridge, has been promoted and widely signed, and is to be forwarded to the Minister of Transport and to the two county councils concerned. Lindsey County Council's decision was reported in our issue dated December 22nd.
A British Vehicle for a Danish Brewery.
Another commercial undertaking of international repute has become a user of Commer vehicles, Messrs. Carlsberg Breweries, of Copenhagen, having ordered a G2 2-21-ton model through the maker's Danish distributors, Messrs. British Motors, A.S. This firm of brewers claim to be the oldest and biggest lager beer producers in Denmark, having an output of 3,300 barrels, or 2,000,000 bottles, per day.
Personal. Pars.
We reproduce on this page a portrait of Mr. W. G. Cairns, managing director of Reo Motors (Britain), Ltd., who has been appointed European supervisor of the Reo Motor Car Co., of Lansing, U.S.A. Mr. Cairns will assume entire control of Reo sales in all countries west of Persia, including North Africa, ie addition to his present duties. The company has important markets in Scandinavia, Spain and the Near East, and a large depot, of which Mr. Cairns will have control, in Antwerp.
Mr. Cairns has had long experience in the motor industry. For many years he represented Reo interests in Western Canada, and, before coining to this country, was engaged in Australia on behalf of the Rea concern.
During his three years in control of Reo Motors (Britain), Ltd., the Reo British distributing company which he organized, Mr. Cairns has made many friends in the trade.
Mr. W. T. Richards, of Stockport, has been appointed superintendent of the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd.
We are advised that Mr. Arthur Stephens, who, since 1921, has been managing director of Silvertown Lubricants, Ltd., has severed his connection with that company in order to join a new undertaking.
Mr. Alfred J. Blake, who for 18 years as been associated with Singer and Co., Ltd., has joined Crossley Motors, Ltd., of Gorton, Manchester, in the capacity of chief sales promoter. He took over his new duties on January 1st.
Mr. Duncan T. Jewell has joined Charles Roberts and Co., Ltd., Ilorbury, near Wakefield, as the company's municipal representative. He was formerly employed in a similar capacity with the loyal Body Corporation (1928), Ltd., previous to which he had sales experience in the north-western area with the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. Mr. Jewell hos had over 25 years' experience in the motor trade.
Mr. F. S. Sinnatt, M.B.E., D.Sc., F.I.C., has been appointed Director of Fuel Research under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Since 1924, Mr. Sinnott has been Assistant Director of Fuel Research, prior to which he was lecturer on fuels in the University of Manchester, Faculty of Technology, and director of research to the Lancashire and Cheshire Coal Research Association.
After two years in England, during which time he has been engaged on sales-promotion work by one of the leading British manufacturers, Mr. A. E. Lawton is returning to Australia, where he has had 20 years' experience on the sales side of the motor industry.
Mr. Lawton believes that the recent return of a National Government in Australia will have a beneficial effect on British motor-vehicle sales in that country. He would be pleased to hear from manufacturers of motor vehicles or accessories desirous of extending their activities, or of obtaining representation in Australia, and letters addressed care of Australia House, Strand, London, W.C.2, will reach him.
Gilford'a Trading.
• The report of the Gilford Motor Co., Ltd., for the year ended September 30th, 1931, shows a loss of £10,816, after charging directors' fees and interest. T4 this amount has to be added a sum of £4,919 for income tax and £12,602 representing a loss on closing down the Australian branch, making a total loss for the year of £28,337. The directors have transferred 120,000 from general reserve and, after taking into acconnt the balance of 12,958 brought forward, there is a debit balance of 15,379 to be carried forward.
Should County Councils Provide Parks?
A request that Warwick County Council should provide a motor park at Welford-on-Avon raises the question as to whether county authorities should accept liability in such matters, because this application may be followed by others. It is stated that the Ministry of Transport has so far refused to make any contribution towards the provision of parking places on the CoventryLondon road, south of Dunchurch.
Useful Diary for Travellers.
In its endeavours to assist the business representative, the National Union of Commercial Travellers, 24, Thavies Inn, Holborn Circus' London, F.C.1, has produced a useful diary containing information which is of vital importance to those "on the road." Amongst the data given, are a summary of the law, suggestions for service agreements, and a comprehensive list of towns, showing post times, distances to London, and so forth, in which respect it is of partici]; lar interest to those who use motor vehicles in their journeys to and fro. The diary may be obtained at the price of 1s. 8d., post free, by non-members of the Union.
Interesting Papers Before the I.A.E.
At the meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, to be held to-day (Tuesday) at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, London, W.C.2, at 7.45 p.m., Mr. E. C. Ottaway, of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., will read a paper entitled "A Review of the Piston and Cylinder Assembly in Relation to Oil Consumption." Mr. Otteway will during this month read his paper at the Coventry, Leeds and Wolverhampton centres.
Another paper of topical interest which is to be read at an early date before members of the Institution is that by Major W. G. Wilson on " Epicyclic Gearing." This paper will first be read at the Bristol centre on January 7th, then at Glasgow on January 18th, and on February 2nd in London, a week after which it will be read in Coventry.
Efficiency in Refuse Collection, Following a close investigation of Gravesend's refuse-collection system by Mr. A. Inman, of Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., the corporation has received a review of Mr. Inman's conclusions. Ho can suggest nothing to better the present method' of collection, which he regards as one of the most efficient he has seen.
The relay system is used, with five loaders per pair of vehicles. Although the " carries ' are exceptionally long, the lift per loader per day is more than three tons, a figure which he considers to be extremely satisfactory. Wages are comparatively high, loaders being paid 13 per week and drivers 13 10s.
Under the corporation's financial system it would appear that collection bears a certain proportion of what should be rightly chargeable to disposal. According to Mr. Inman' s estimate the cost of collection should be in the neighbourhood of 7s. per ton, whereas it is now shown at Ss. 4d. He would not, however, suggest an alteration in the costing system to look after this small difference.
"This Motoring "—an Addition.
The Automobile Association announces that the second impression of "This Motoring," by Mr. Stenson Cooke, is now available. In the course of the narrative--the romantic story. of the A..—the author has thinly disguised many of the figures famous in the history of motoring, and he has now Prepared a glossary which identifies these pioneers.
An Exhibition of Binaries ?
We understand that the Accumulator Makers Association has a proposal before it for a private exhibition of electric vehicles, which may be held in Glasgow. No further information is yet available.
Austin Dividends.
Dividends have been declared on the 7 per cent. preference shares and the 6 per cent, " B " preference shares of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., for the half. year ending January 31st, the former requiring 18,750 gross and the latter needing £41,379 gross.
Irish Imports Only Slightly Lower.
During October last 118 commercial vehicles were imported into the Irish Free State, bringing the total for the first 10 months of the year to 1,072 units valued at £176,580, as compared with 1,108 and £179,978 respectively in the corresponding period of 1930.